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Al-Shabaab continue causing Mayhem and the bombing of civilians

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Peace Accord Brings More Violence to Somalia

13 Jun 13, 2008 - 4:44:02 PM

Violence in the Somali capital Mogadishu and elsewhere has increased dramatically since a U.N.-backed peace agreement was signed Monday in Djibouti between Somalia's transitional federal government and a moderate faction of the Islamist-led opposition group in Eritrea. Somalia's militant Islamic Shabab group has claimed responsibility for most of the attacks and as VOA Correspondent Alisha Ryu reports from our East Africa Bureau in Nairobi, the group is vowing more bloodshed to show its opposition to the deal.


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that at least 30 civilians were killed and nearly 100 wounded in Mogadishu alone this week.


Witnesses say Shabab fighters, armed with machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars, have ambushed government and Ethiopian troops in various parts of the capital, including a deadly attack on Thursday on forces patrolling a road near the presidential palace.


On the same day and for the second time this month, the Shabab launched mortars at Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf at Mogadishu's airport as he tried to board a flight to Ethiopia.


Late Wednesday, residents in the border town of Ferfer in the ethnically Somali ****** region of Ethiopia say Shabab fighters attacked two Ethiopian military bases there and sparked heavy fighting that lasted nearly two hours. The militants briefly seized the town before withdrawing.


The spokesman for the Shabab group, Sheik Muktar Robow, says the attacks this week underscore the group's determination to defy what he called a false cease-fire agreement signed by men who do not represent his group.


Robow says Shabab fighters attacked the town of Ferfer and will continue to attack Ethiopians wherever they are until they are defeated. He went on to say, "We will see if those who signed the agreement can bring about a real cease-fire."


The Shabab, along with hardliners in an Eritrea-based opposition group called the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, boycotted the U.N.-sponsored peace talks in Djibouti. Those talks produced an agreement on Monday that calls for a three-month truce and the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops after the deployment of a sizeable force of U.N. peacekeepers in Somalia.


The accord has been hailed by western and Arab diplomats as a major breakthrough in efforts to end the country's bloody year-and-a-half-long insurgency. But the former U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia and Horn of Africa observer David Shinn says the deal is likely to achieve nothing unless the Somali people themselves feel it is worth supporting.


"They will dictate whether this agreement has broad support in Somalia," he said. "If it does, that will start chipping away at the support the Shabab has. And that is when the international community would have to step in with its effort to reconstruct the country. But they cannot do that until there is relative stability and security in the country."


Recently designated as a terrorist organization by the United States for its alleged ties to al-Qaida, the Shabab once functioned as the radical military wing of Somalia's Islamic Courts Union. The courts, divided between moderates and hardliners, held power for six months before it was driven out of Mogadishu by Ethiopia-led forces in late 2006.


It later re-grouped in Eritrea as an Islamist-led opposition group and has led the insurgency to topple the transitional federal government and force the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somali soil.


Source: VOA

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Muqdisho: "Heshiiskii xabad joojinta waxaa jabiyay isbaheysiga Asmara, Dowladdana wey ka fiirsan doontaa go'aanka ay ka qaadeyno" Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir

13. Juni 2008


Muqdisho (Allpuntland)-Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (M.Dheere) ayaa ku eedeeyay Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ee uu hoggaamiyo Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed in ay jabiyeen heshiiskii lagu soo kala saxiixday dalka Jabuuti.


Maxamed Dheere ayaa ku eedeeyay xubnihii u soo saxiixay Ibaheysiga in ay ka soo bixi waayeen balantii ay galeen, wuxuuna sheegay in Dowladda KMG aysan u dul qaadan doonin dagaalada lagu soo qaadayo.


"Heshiiskii xabad joojinta waxaa jabiyay isbaheysiga Asmara, Dowladdana wey ka fiirsan doontaa go'aanka ay ka qaadaneyso" ayuu yiri Maxamed Dheere Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir.


Maxamed Dheere ayaa difaray in kooxaha ka dagaalamaya magaalada Muqdisho ay yihiin kuwo labo garab u kala qeybsan wuxuuna sheegay in kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowladda ee dagaalada kula jira in ay yihiin kuwo hal ah oo isku aabo iyo isku hooyo ah waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ayaa dhankooda horay u sheegay in aysan joojin doonin weerarada ka dhanka ah dowladda Federaalka iyo ciidamada shisheeye, iyadoo hadalkaasi uu ka soo yeeray C/raxmaan C/Shukri Warsame oo heshiiskii u saxiixay dhinaca mucaaradka, waxaana muuqan hirgelinta heshiisyadii Jabuuti maadaama ay sii socdaan dagaalada.




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Allegations mount, despite ceasefire agreement Mogadishu, Somalia (HOL) - The mayor of Mogadishu today accused the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) for breaking the agreement they signed with the Somali government last Monday.


Mohamed Omar Habeb -also known Mohamed Dheere- tossed the responsibility of recent ambushes on the (ARS) after Ethiopian troops and government stations were targeted by groups. “If they (ARS) can’t end the hostility, why did they sign the agreement?” asked the mayor who enjoys close relationship with the Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu.




Sheikh Sharif, the head of ARS, who is principal signatory to the ceasefire agreement did not speak to the mayor’s allegations as he was the guest for BBC’s Friday call-in show, elaborating key aspects of the agreement.




Early yesterday, the spokesman for the Al-shabab movement, has vowed to intensify “attacks” against Ethiopian troops who ousted the Islamists from the capital Mogadishu on December 2006 after a brief six-month reign.




Speaking about the Monday agreement signed in Djibouti, Shiekh Mukhtar Robow called the agreement “a bogus deal that will not be implemented in Somalia” aligning himself with the official position taken this week by Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a senior leader in Islamic Courts.




The Al-shabaab network, which spearheads an Iraqi-style insurgency in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the south, has been accused to have links with al-Qaeda by the U.S. government. In late March, the U.S. designated the group on the list of terrorist organizations.




However, the timing of the mayor’s allegations can have a serious consequence on the agreement as no one enforces it on the ground, said an expert who requested anonymity.


In a letter dated on yesterday, the U.N. special envoy to Somalia, Ahmadou Ould-Abdallah, has expressed “high hopes” for the prospect of the deal, but glancing at Somalia’s quest for peace in the past 17 years, the warring factions had quashed more than 14 major peace pacts.


Currently, much of Somalia is at grim humanitarian disasters, including acute hyperinflations, food shortages, and high malnourishment rates for children under five, according to recent U.N. surveys.


More than 1.5 million people were internally displaced due to fighting between the insurgency forces and the government troops backed by Ethiopian military.




Hiiraan Online

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bla bla blaa, alshabab did this alshabab did that, hogeyey ba'ayeeey that's all you guys ever do and write..what about the torture, killings, robories, and lot more that your amhaaros are doing? why are they here first place? We will fight them to death you like it or not..We stand for dignity and ragannimo, that is what al-shabaab does. What's Abdullahi's govt stand for? I was never against abdullahi Y but when he brought amhaaros i lost any respect i had for him..

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Playemaker, please stop using Somalia for your narrow-minded political ends.

You want the world to ignore us and deprive us of all the assistance.

You oppose any peace deals even if it is the best and fairest deal.

You rain bombs on populated neighborhoods with the aim of creating media shock waves.

You brainwash and recruit children and strap them with bombs so that the misery and violence continues unabated.


But WE Somalis have prevailed over odd circumstances and trying times before and have dispelled the influence of outside interventions of extremists and with their dogmatic, satanic ideology.


God bless Somalia

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Koore & Duke intaad sacabka isku tumaysaan ... runta yaysan idin gubin ... Playmaker ayaa warka si fiican u kala dhigay ...... marka no more crocodile tears plz !

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

But WE Somalis have prevailed over odd circumstances and trying times before and have dispelled the influence of outside interventions of extremists and with their dogmatic, satanic ideology.


God bless Somalia

I could not agree with you more on this one Koore ... fits your Masters (xabash) to the t.

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