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Controversial preacher with 'star status'

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Bro I don't know much about the Sheikh but as usual it was the zionists' protests that broke news of his arrival.



Twenty years later he was awarded a PhD for his thesis on how Zakat (Islamic alms) can contribute to solving social problems.

I bet he won't be given a chance to talk about that smile.gif

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I agree with him about suicide bombings cos in my opinion there is NO such "Israelian civils" they all soldiers and we have fight with them .


He is the one of sheikhs I really respect he never been extreme.



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Suicide is haraam. In Akhirah, the person who kills themselves for example by poison will drink a worst type of poison forever, same with the person who stabs themselves..they'll do that forever.Xuux, may Allah not take us to hell.


I personally believe that as a human being, if all you value is taken away by force, you'll lose all fear and try to do just about anything.Sometimes I wish there was a better way for those muslims to defend themselves, but I guess that's how they can fight back.But, also we all have to remember that Allah is our only help. Remember the prophet Ayyub, he faced every type of hardship, he lost all his wealth, property, family, friends, and he got a horrible skin disease but he was patient..once he took this worm out of his skin and thanked Allah for creating them.Then he finally made this prayer: "Truly adversity has afflicted me and You are Most Merciful of all who show mercy."(21:83) Allah accepted his prayer, and he got his life back. Also the prophet Muhammad(saw), him and his followers suffered many years of great pain, and hunger, many early followers of the Prophet wear martyered but in the end they won and Islam was able to take a strong base in Saudi Arabia to this day, alhamdulilah. So as muslims we have to be patient, and know that the help of Allah is always near.These days the world might seem to us muslims that muslims are losing a type of war, and I'll admit some muslims are not perfect but Islam is always perfect. But, muslims are not losing, muslims are coming back to true Islam. The best way to win a war is with the Heart, not physical combat, and I see it everyday that muslims are more devout in their deen, alhamdulilah. smile.gif

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Interestingly the Sheikh has enemies both in some Muslim Madhabs, particullarly part of the so-called Salafiyah who see him as their biggest obstacle of their target to differentiate the Muslims 73 sects all of them in a hell except them (as they claimed) as well as the Jewish who see him as a father of Hamas and all other Palestinian resistants.


several days ago Salafi-on-line posted thread accusing the Sheikh for loving and associating Kufar :mad: .


someone who don't know the Sheikh may belive him/her since he/she always starts his/her articles Inalhamdalilaah, Koran verses, Ahadith enz. followed by misguiding and creating hatred and differences between Muslims.


I wish if he/she clarify us why they hated the Sheikh?

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Sheikh Al-Qaradawi has layed to waste and caused to die the creed of loyalty and disownment (al-walaa al-baraa) with respect to the Kuffaar.

this quote from Salafi-online who wanted to misguide the people who don't know the Sheikh and to promote his group's (Salafiyah) target to accuse the rest of Muslims to be the 72 sects who will go to hell and only them :D will go to Jannah.


don't be surprise because their rule is: before you call the people to your madhab, first destroy all the other buildings and then build your madhab on the destruction.


so, he wanted first to destroy the Top but i resisted and disclosed all his tricks.


ALXAMDULILAH that the kufars too told us the reality that he wanted to prevent us.

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i dont know what the fuss is all about! This guy's visit captured the whole of London Media, TV and Radio. As far as I hear, this guy is a moderate, whatever that means, and his only thing the jews are on about that he sees the suicide as a means of fighting against an enemy and not a mass murdering. Damn it, what if it was one those radical 'proper' muslim Sheikhs, what would the jews do? I wonder.


I also hear that he is involved in some EU fatwa and research council! How ridiculous! And they're complaining about him.


I hate Sheikhs that don't tell Islam as it is, but I am in no position to cast my view on this one, but I still doubt him...Allaahu Aclam.

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With all due respect, why must you make such comments? Who have you benefited here?


Yaa Allah, what is wrong with us these days, it's like we are out to cause fitnah for ourselves.


This discussion was concerning other matters, no need to come and pollute it (no offence), irrespective of what someone has said in another thread.


Also, do not generalise the whole salafi manhaj, for when you say this you are also insulting a great deal of the culimaa' of Islam. Furthermore, simply because someone or a group of people do not agree with all the fataawa of a particular shaykh, it does not mean that they are disrespecting him or making xaraam accusations against him. All in all, one person does not speak for a whole manhaj, hence it would be much appreciated if you refrained from such remarks.

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wallahi that was soooo Beautiful, you wrote with Hikmah(wisdom), MAy Allah reward you.....May Allah make you among those who have earned his mercy.

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Qac Qaac   

I agree with Raheema sahal on the point of not to generalize all salafies.


coz they are new salafi well learned men, who respect all the sheikhs like qaradawi, sayid qutb and all. the ones that insult ppl are the ones who have no knowledge. so the first stage of knowledge is to judge ppl. and they are at that stage. but bro salafies have many sects too. so careful. there some good guys who want unity with everyone, but too bad u don't see those guys.

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Few Quotes from the companions & Tabee'een:


Abdullaah ibn Abbaas (RA) said, "do not sit with the people of innovation, for verily their sittings are a sickness for the hearts" [ash-Sharee'ah pg 65 of al-Aajurree (d.360)]


Sufyaan ath-Thawree, "innovations are more beloved to Satan than sin. Since a sin mat be repented from but an innovation is not repented from" [sharh Usul I'tiqaad of al-Laalikaa'ee (d.414) no.238]


Imaam al-Awzaa'ee said, "patiently restrict yourselves to the sunnah, stop where the people stopped, say what they said, avoid what they avoided. Take to the path of the salaf, for indeed what was sufficient for them was sufficient for you." [ash-Sharee'ah pg. 58]


Imaam Maalik said, "how evil are the People of Innovation, we do not give them salaam" [al-Ibaanah of ibn Battah (d.387) no.441]


The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting, Uniting with them or taking from them saying:


"Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140




Our da’wah and our ’aqeedah is more beloved to us than our own selves, our wealth and our offspring. So we are not prepared to part with it for gold, nor silver. We say this so that no one may have hope in buying out our da’wah, nor should he think that it is possible for him to purchase it from us for deenaar or dirham. Since the politicians already know this about us, so they have despaired of buying it from us with granted positions or wealth.


Shaikh, the Allamah, Muqbil ibn Hadee Al Waa'di'ee (Rahimahullah).

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Sahal, what’s wrong with you, brother? You’ve been stalking the guy for days, in every Islamic thread! I’m sure not many people want to take sides in this argument of yours but you’re seriously not adding anything to any of the discussions. He offered to talk to you privately on MSN but it seems you either didn’t accept his invitation or you did and still don’t agree with him. How do you know that you’re absolutely in the right and he’s in the wrong? Do you have concrete proof or are you going to spend your time disputing the Salafis but not offering an alternative? This is getting beyond a mild disagreement between nomads, saaxib. Sometimes, when you’re not 100% sure, it’s best to give people the benefit of the doubt.



As for Sheikh Yusuf, well the Jewish Council of Britain have taken a disliking to him and they mobilised all their journalists in the media and all their prominent figures to denounce and demonise him. Once the Zionists got their eyes on you in the West, good publicity is the last thing you can expect. :mad:

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Salafi-on-line wrote



wallahi that was soooo Beautiful, you wrote with Hikmah(wisdom), MAy Allah reward you.....May Allah make you among those who have earned his mercy

You're very happy when those who resisting Jews state genocide crimes were called suicide bombers.

Is that why your group hate Sheikh Qaradawi?



Cherry Blair and many non muslims are more kind for Muslim palestinians than your group since they gave legitimacy for these actions.



Modesty Sxb. you may misguided by western media or by this group (So-called Salafiyah or Al-saud Salafiyah) who want us to be lean with the Kufar and hard with the Muslim which is totally against what ALLAH S.W.T ordered us.

Please visit his/her other threads how he/she was hard toward Muslims.



Rahima wrote:

Also, do not generalise the whole salafi manhaj, for when you say this you are also insulting a great deal of the culimaa' of Islam. Furthermore, simply because someone or a group of people do not agree with all the fataawa of a particular shaykh, it does not mean that they are disrespecting him or making xaraam accusations against him. All in all, one person does not speak for a whole manhaj, hence it would be much appreciated if you refrained from such remarks.

Sister Rahima I fully agree with you and thanks for reminding, from now on i will call themm AL-saud Salafiyah. sometime i write in a hurry.


Ngone wrote:

Sahal, what’s wrong with you, brother? You’ve been stalking the guy for days, in every Islamic thread!

Ngone Sxb, if you know this group you would even not allow to enter this site. they spread hate and differences between the muslims, and if I will not let this person to spread what i call CONTAMINATED SANDWICHS i.e


(Top) =Inalxamdalilah ....(Inside) = insult, hatred, lies etc against Muslims ..... bottom) = verses of Quran or Hadiths.



Therefore many people wouldn't look what is inside when they see good opening and good ending they don't mind inside and they may get sick, but i insist to disclose the inside the sandwich.


Sxb. you're absouletly right sometimes i may become angry because i asked him many questions to show you his positions but he alway escape even some other bro/sis asked him to answer my questions and he manouvered, and that's why i become very angry.


I will give you an example.


in this thread i want to ask him their group's stand on SAUDI GOVERNMENT.


if he/she answer we will continue our debate normally as any other two debators if not i will continue to chase him/her wherever he/she goes.


So, Sxb if i know that all of you wouldn't eat this CONTAMINATED SANDWICH i would stay away or at least if he answer my questions.

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Salafi Online

What makes you think the Sheikh is an Innovator?



"I was told that my visit has caused a row and I do not understand why,"

"It is not the first time I have visited London. For over a third of a century

I have been visiting London. London is an open city, so why

is there this row when I visit London today?"




Hate Figure



The most controversial statement to come from the controversial Islamic preacher, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, in London yesterday was an expression of genuine surprise that his visit to London has been greeted with such a storm of protest. His views on the justification for suicide bombing in Palestine and the degeneracy of homosexuals are, after all, well known. He's been here dozens of times. Indeed he's a trustee of the Oxford University Centre for Islamic studies and his three daughters have all studied in England. So why the fuss now?


The simple answer is politics. In today's heated climate over terror and mullahs, there is nothing the popular press loves so much is a hate figure to arouse their outraged condemnation, and there is nothing the Opposition likes so much as a "scandal" on which to press the Government.


The blunter answer is that there is no good reason other than media hysteria for the furore. Al-Qaradawi's views may be unacceptable to many. But he is no Abu Hamza, bent on self-publicity, but a respected fundamentalist thinker from Egypt, generally known in the Middle East as a moderate who has denounced al-Qa'ida and abhorred the loss of innocent life. Until he says something that crosses the boundary between offensiveness and actual incitement to violence, he should have every right to attend a Muslim conference in London and espouse his views openly. Indeed, we could benefit from the opportunity to listen and try to understand the voice

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