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Somalia - A terror haven?

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The man chosen to lead that government, President Abdullahi Yusuf, has responded by publicly pledging to fight against terror groups in Somalia and he has a track record of doing just that.


When he was in charge of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland in north-eastern Somalia, he fought al-Itihad al-Islamiya, named as a terrorist group by the US and alleged to have links to al-Qaeda, and expelled them from his territory.


But Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, one of al-Itihad's former leaders, vehemently denies the existence of terror groups, let alone training camps in Somalia.


"No-one here is fighting against the US," he says, insisting that he is merely a Muslim scholar, who believes that only Sharia law and Islam offer the solution to Somalia's problems

Now they call our learned elders terrorists? :confused:

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^^ I trust you will be labeled as a terrorist for calling them 'learned elders'.

the only accepted learned elder is Raami (the artist formerly known as Ngonge).. :D

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Somehow I believe he wants his job of achieving asecure Somalia to be done by foreign troops as he has no other means. Yesterday he was inviting foreign troops. Today its if you are willing to kill law abiding folks who dont want your leadership by calling them terrorists then surely when in power what would happen?

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