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U.S. Urges Release of Journalists in Somaliland

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U.S. Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya


Press Release

July 17, 2009


U.S. Urges Release of Journalists in Somaliland


The United States government condemns the recent arrests in Somaliland of Radio Horyaal journalists Mohamed Osman Mire and Ahmed Saleban Dhuhul, and the suspension of Horn Cable TV (HCTV).


We call for the immediate release of the journalists, and we strongly urge that Horn Cable TV be allowed to resume broadcasting without impediment during this important, pre-election period.

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What is the point of arresting these catz?


I know Somaliland private media doesn't follow nor respect the code of conduct and the basic athics of journalism but arresting them doesn't justify anything. They need to be regulated of course, with clear guidelines. I blame the government for not having these rules in place.

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^^ Waliga wax ma baranaysid, saaxib. :D

JB is jumping in first so that he can soften the blow and be able to defend Riyaale. I mean, just imagine if it was Duke who posted this thread! We would all be on the defensive and trying to react to events.


Waxa anago ma naqaan..we control events ninyo. :D

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Originally posted by Gheelle.T:

JB, Ma wasiiradii la eryay baad ku jirtay?



war ayyaamahan ninku waxbuu rimanyahay


This for my freind Jacayl:






وَم ;َن يُع ;طَ في الد ;ُن¡ 0;ا قَر ;ين 5;ً كَم ;ِث  4;ِه 75;

فَـ ;ذَ  4;ِك 14; فـي ; عَي ;شِ الح ;َي 5;ةِ رَش ;يد¡ 5;

يَم ;وت¡ 5; اله ;َو  9; مِن ;ّي إِذ ;ا ما لَق ;يت¡ 5;ها

وَي ;َـ 1;ـي 75; إِذ ;ا فـا ;رَ  2;تُ 07;ا فَـ ;يَ 3;ود 15;


يَـ ;قو  4;ون 14; جاه ;ِد يا جَم ;يل¡ 5; بِغ ;َز  8;َة 13;

وَأ ;َي¡ 7;َ جِـ ;هـ 5;دٍ غَـ ;ير¡ 5;هُ 06;َّ أُر ;يـ 3;ُ

لِـ ;كُ  4;ِّ حَـ ;دي 9;ٍ بَـ ;ين¡ 4;هُ 06;َّ بَش ;اش¡ 4;ةٌ

وَك ;ُـ  4;ُّ قَـ ;تي  4;ٍ عِـ ;ند¡ 4;هُ 06;َّ شَـ ;هي 3;ُ



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