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Who is behind yesterday's explosions?

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:D Trust you to find humour in this madness, NG.



I don't care for who or what they were. I just hope the sick dogs rot in hell!

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

This is what i received by email, it can be listed under this "WAxa la yidhi" thing:



Terrorists from Somalia and the ****** region of Ethiopia kown as Al shabab and ONLF respectively target peacefull Somaliland capital city (Hargeisa) killing alot of innocent civilians.


The Presidential Palace, the UNDP office and the Ethiopian Embassy were attacked by three separate suicide car bombs that exploded within minutes of each other.


This is what happens when you welcome the terrorist thinking they are refugees and they can enjoy your freedom, peace and live a better life instead they turn on you, Somaliland needs to deport all refugees from ****** and Somalia, all ****** refugees should be handed over to Ethiopia, also that includes Oromo refugees.


We will see the attacks keep watching the full video.


Somaliland is peacefull and democratic nation they attacked somaliland at a time they were doing their voter registerations, gearing up for its presidential election, the people of somaliland will not tolerant terrorists or sympathize with them, they want to hold us hostage but the free world will stand against their barbaric acts and eliminate them for good.


The terrorists want us to be part of their evil and satanic actions and that fake nation called Somalia that does not exist, however we refuse to be hold hostage and we will fit back.


In the mean time Somaliland needs to search all those refugees homes, close down their little shops, monitor them, build better security in this sort of buildings by building barriers so trucks or cars can not access the building. They need to create huge space between the main roads and important buildings.


They need to seek the assistance of the US, UK and France to eliminate this satanic and sick evils for once.


Cawords who can not even fight instead they blow themselves on innocent women and children. We feel you America, we know what you facing. We are with you the free and democratic world, we now know how dangerous this evils are.




We need all Somalilanders and all peace loving people wherever you from to help this innocent people by making donations or by any other means.


Alot of people have been wounded and Somaliland lacks the basic medical facilities as its not a recognized country yet so it would be great if people from the US, United Kingdom, other parts of Africa, EU or Asia could reach out for Somaliland and help this people.


If you are from the West i advice you to pass this video to your friends and colleagues and try to find out more about Somaliland and how you can assist. I know you all count and can do something, everyone counts when it comes to fighting caword terrorists.

Jahil foqol jahil


JB, internet blogger extraordinare baa taxay. Go help the people with your money and time. Sentiment driven Nationalism is not going to get you nowhere saxib.

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I would choose this ONE.


Waxa la yedhi: the Riyaale administration is behind this act. They did it to prolong his presidency and allow him to cancel the upcoming elections whilst citing security concerns.


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^^ No. The timing was all wrong. If they were chewers they would have committed this act at night and not first thing in the morning. Or at least it would have been an afternoon operation (because of qaadiro, dubaab, etc).


No. The chewers were sleeping this time. Stop blaming them for everything, KK.

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