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General Duke

AMISOM begin Shelling city in support of Sharif.

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Ciidamada AMISOM oo Duqeyn Bilaabay.

By Somalimirror on 4 Jun, 2009 5:36 PM in Main


Duqeyn xoogan ayey Ciidamada AMISOM ku wadayaan qeybo ka mid ah Degmada Hodan, gaar ahaan goobihii Dagaaladu Galabta ka bilowdeen.


Goobaha sida aadka ah Madaafiicdu ugu soo dhaeyso waxaa ka mid ah Afrika Fileyj, KPP, Suuqa Caanaha iyo Tarabuunka.




Duqeyntan ayaa la sheegayaa inay timid ka dib markii Ciidamada DKMG ah goobihii ay ku soo durkeen dib looga riixay.




Lama oga ilaa iyo hadda khasaaraha ka dhashey Duqeyntan, basle wixii ku soo kordha kala soco Inshaa Allah, Wararkeena xiga.

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Sharif as always didnt order this huh loool and thats what folks would want to call an independent goverment when he cant even control his beloved ugandan troops and tell them not to fire. Where's the supposed self-nominated clan elders of the M Society or are they quiet because its one of theirs who's doing the shellings


Walle waa wacdara cajiib leh

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This is not true, Duke. Stop spreading lies. I just read RR deny it on another thread. He's from M city and knows more about it than you. You sellout Puntlander. :D


Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :


The amazing thing is this government is making PROGRESS without any support from ANY-ONE while Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam have foreigners fighting in its ranks.


Inshallah, they will be history pretty soon.


The only nightmare is reserved for people who want the continuation of the conflict in Mogadishu and the South for whatever reason. [/QB]

I expect fireworks very soon. I advise all innocent bystandrs to seek cover. :D:D

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LMAO NGONGE.. and Sherban's staple food the fierce ugandan FU-FU :D whose humble beginnings originate from Siyaad Barre is also in the league I reckon.. So i guess the neewbie' are here to stay :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

This is not true, Duke. Stop spreading lies. I just read RR deny it on another thread. He's from M city and knows more about it than you. You sellout Puntlander.



Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics :


The amazing thing is this government is making PROGRESS without any support from ANY-ONE while Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam have foreigners fighting in its ranks.


Inshallah, they will be history pretty soon.


The only nightmare is reserved for people who want the continuation of the conflict in Mogadishu and the South for whatever reason.

I expect fireworks very soon. I advise all innocent bystandrs to seek cover.
Why am I surprised that the person who's entire wold-view is based on "clan is everything," is once again making clan insinuations?


The war is in full swing in Mogadishu, the government is making concrete progress, and there an no Ethiopians fighting along-side it. These are undeniable facts.

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So what you classified the ugandans as a member of the somali clans now :D:D as id the ugandan fighters arent doing the shelling for your poor Sheikh Sakiin


Bal waayahay ee, yeey ku abtirsadaan ugandeska ee somalida noqday

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

So what you classified the ugandans as a member of the somali clans now
as id the ugandan fighters arent doing the shelling for your poor Sheikh Sakiin


Bal waayahay ee, yeey ku abtirsadaan ugandeska ee somalida noqday

Since your arguments are inherently flawed, it is expected that you would lie and construct your alternatives to reality.


Tell me genius, what sections of Yaqshiid, Dharkenley and Hodan are the Ugandan troops fighting?


The facts make a mincemeat of your claims, everytime you write something

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Do you know what shelling means ya saqiir. At least they know what their doing then making hit and runs in a street here and there,,, Adeer koristaada soo dhameyso intaad halkaan ka bood boodi lahayd.... Mise Kashafa ayaa kuu diidey kubadii aad ciyaari jirtey :D:D

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Ugandans are reer Yaqshid defending their police station from the maruading mad men from Bay & Kudha.


The shelling has gone on non stop since Sharif arrived.

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Soomaalidu waxey odhan jireen waxna tus walle waxbaa noo laaban. Shariif sold the sea to kenyans and now he's naturalising ugandan soldiers in order for them to fight for him and settling them in Yaaqshid while the M Society is displaced under the trees in Afgooye.

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Do you know what shelling means ya saqiir. At least they know what their doing then making hit and runs in a street here and there,,, Adeer koristaada soo dhameyso intaad halkaan ka bood boodi lahayd.... Mise Kashafa ayaa kuu diidey kubadii aad ciyaari jirtey

Do you know how far Yaqshiid is from the nearest AMISOM base in the city? The war is being waged by Government troops. AMISOM only responds when its bases are attacked. But you would dismiss these basic facts, because your whole argument is fraudulent.


As for the "AMISOM SHELLING" the same could have been said of it when Abdullahi Yusuf was the president and the Ethiopians were committing acts of war crimes. Applying the same standards on Abdullahi Yusuf would be useful here.


Kasfha?hahaha who told you, you were interesting?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Ugandans are reer Yaqshid defending their police station from the maruading mad men from Bay & Kudha.


The shelling has gone on non stop since Sharif arrived.

You should be applying the same standard on Abdullahi Yusuf. Not selectively choose when to apply your humanitarianism.

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This happens when ciyaal kusoo biiraan Sol and try to talk to you about their records. Where did you get from that I supported the indescriminate shellings of civilian area during Abdullahi's time?


Your childish reasoning summons up to that if Abdullahi shelled areas then we can too? War ciyaal baad tahay ee odayaashu ka dhex bax

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