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4 more ministers resign....TOTAL 34 ministers

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Four More Officials Quit Somalia's Government


By Hassan Yare


Thursday, August 3, 2006; Page A18


BAIDOA, Somalia, Aug. 2 -- Four top officials resigned from Somalia's interim government Wednesday, citing the prime minister's reluctance to reach out to a rival Islamic militia that controls the capital and a southern swath of the country.


The resignations of the four junior ministers brought to 34 the number of officials who have left the Western-backed but virtually powerless government in less than a week.



We have resigned because the prime minister has refused reconciliation to go on between the government and the Islamic courts and all the Somalis," said Hirsi Adan Roble, an assistant minister.


Somali media quoted the Islamic militia as welcoming the move and calling for more ministers to resign.


"This is great step forward, and we call upon everybody in the government to step aside," Hassan Dahir Aweys, the militia's leader, was quoted as saying. "It is not the correct cabinet that fits Somali people, so they have taken the correct decision."


The latest resignations came a day after 12 other ministers and assistant ministers walked out in a move that analysts and government sources said might clear the way for the newly powerful Islamic militia to take ministerial posts. The militia, however, has not indicated whether it is interested in power-sharing.


Eighteen ministers and other top officials also resigned last Thursday from their posts in Baidoa, 150 miles northwest of the capital, where the interim government is based.


The resignations leave Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi appearing increasingly vulnerable, although he survived a no-confidence vote in parliament last weekend.


Gedi said the resignations had had little impact on his administration. "It's not affecting the possibility of the government to run the country," he told BBC radio.


Gedi has come under increasing pressure from opponents who have criticized his performance.


The Islamic militia seized Mogadishu from U.S.-backed warlords in June and now controls much of southern Somalia.


Diplomats say sharing power with the militia is the best way of averting war in the Horn of Africa country, deprived of effective central rule since warlords ousted dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

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Let us see what the planners of these resignations get out of it. It may backfire on them, as is always the case with their plans. Ina Yey tala xume.

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