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LayZie G.

Abdullaahi Yusuf:10 ways to acknowledge failure and why Yey deserves our apology

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Dear Adeero Yey,


Have I told you lately how much I have missed having you around as the leader of the most fierce nation of the entire continent of Africa?


Do you know how truly sorry I am that you are no longer around and not just that you are out of office but that we missed your matter of-fact ways, as well as your decisiveness. Adeero, you were truly one of a kind and overtime, history will be the true judge of your tenure, not the cheerleaders of the Jaahiliya movement.


Oh, how I wished you were in villa Somalia, leading the charge to exterminate the foreigners that have invaded our land and those that harbor them, including their apologists.


Adeero, xal qaado and not because I think Sharif is an ineffective leader or that I lost faith in his leadership, far from it adeero because I still believe Sharif can lighten up an entire city with little or no effort. He can still make the people rise up to the occasion. He is capable of leading because people would follow him but not without action but necessary, bold steps that would achieve the goals he set out to accomplish under oath. He is a people's president, a true disadvantage on your part. But thats not why I miss having you as the leader our nation. Adeero, I miss your courage, why can't Sharif still be the people's president and carry some of your great qualities?


Sharif is a natural born leader who lacks the will and courage to do what is necessary, a natural quality that you never apologized for and for that alone, I am thankful to have had you as my President.


Yes, I have criticized you and your office many times but not for the reasons that immediately come to mind but that your lapse of judgement on occasion, coupled with your age that handicapped you into carrying out your agenda and as a result created disconnect between you and the public, the very same public that elected you to lead was the heart of my criticism. The timing was all wrong. Besides, Adeero, if only you didn't have the Geedi's and those that came after him that ultimately let to your fall, you would have risen up to the occasion, that we may never know but nevertheless, accept my sincere apology.


Speaking of the public, you never acknowledged that you were accountable to the people. On the other hand, Sharif understands the needs of the people, perhaps more than you ever did but does not have your courage adeero. Oh, if only he had your courage , if only he was as bold as you. If only he was little bit more like you.


But adeero, you probably played the very same tune to yourself many times. YOu probably wished you had done few things differently if given a second chance and believe you and me, you would have been a great president.


Under your leadership, Aweys wouldn't have had the balls to return to SOmalia and roam the streets of Mogadishu under your watch because knowing you, you would have sent assassins after him.


Every day, we are hearing reports of the opposition gaining more ground but rest assured Adeero, if you were in charge, we would have heard the news of your soldiers capturing this jaahiliya and that jaahiliya, no doubt in my mind that you would have dealt with the jaahiliya movement in a manner only suited them. You wouldn't have allowed this madness about blowing one self up to take place on Somali soil, you would have called on their madness, you would have made them piss on themselves. Ohhhhhh, Adeero how I have missed you.


Suicide bombing was foreign to us in your day. The only bombing we heard was that of the axmaaro and we loved it. I wanted the axmaaro to take more of the jaahiliya out, as much as they could possibility take out. Not for any other reason but to get rid of every last jaahiliya member..


Oh, Adeero how I have missed having you in charge, how I wish you were back in charge, speaking your mind to the media, belittling the opposition to little boys who ran out their mother's breast milk and were willing to raise hell until they were once more fed and bathed but adeero, we know you were no babysitter.


YOu were the only leader of this generation who actually knew what Somalia and Somalida needed at a time when we didn't truly know ourselves. You knew tribe was everything and you knew how tribe would have to play a bigger role. More importantly, you knew how to get us to where we wanted to be but I have to say adeero, you lacked the drive to execute your plan, that was your ultimate downfall, along with the weakness of your staff and cabinet members who failed you. That and the fact that you were stubborn. Dukey can attest to that but Adeero, I wonder what you are thinking now and what would you have done with these lunatics from the Jaahiliya movement? How would you have dealt with them? God BLess you



Happy Eid, goodnight Mr President.


filed by: LayZieG

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Abdullahi Yusuf did a 'great job' in using Ethiopian military might to maw down whole lot of Somali people, specifically your clan members. How nice of you to thank him for that!

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Are you serious? What the heck are you talking about and what do you mean "specifically her clan members"? Mudane Cabdulahi Yusuf was a legend of legends. Now, come back when you're not such an obvious tool!

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Originally posted by Mudane McCheese.:

Abdullahi Yusuf did a 'great job' in using Ethiopian military might to maw down whole lot of Somali people, specifically your clan members. How nice of you to thank him for that!

You see everything through the lenses of clan, that's why we are doomed, Somalia is gone forever!


FYI: The suicide bombers and foreign terror networks do not belong to any Somali clans, it does no matter if they call themselves Godane or Abu Mansuur Al-amriki/Al-sumali. ..

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LG: You are honest and brave and that’s what more of Sharif Ahmed supporters need to be. President Yusuf’s age came to bring him down and make him ineffective, but his leadership qualities have been missed in Somalia. His legend shall remain intact.

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Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

Have any of you actually met the old man?? talk is cheap.........

lool. On many an occasion in London, he is a very confident, stright to the point no nonsense individual. Thats our Yusuf Yey.


A&T: Yusuf was a decorated war hero, who lived a tough life and has left the state of Puntland as his legacy, you on the other hand are a flip floper who pretends to be something he is not. Get some back bone son. :D

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lool. On many an occasion in London, he is a very confident, stright to the point no nonsense individual. Thats our Yusuf Yey.

i was not refering to meetings in halls icon_razz.gif 1:2:1

BTW - his name is Cabdullaahi not yuusuf and yes he is straight talker, but also full of not so funny jokes specially when they are pertaining to the reputation of other men. xishood is good thing.

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Sayid*SomalI I doubt you met the old man in person, as for the Duke I have met every Puntland President in person including Cade in London, FaroolE & Mohamed Abdi Hashi in MPLS, and Yusuf on many occasions. He knows the Duke by first name basis so do most of reer Yusuf Yey. Thus go jump of that make belive bridge in Qhardo. :D

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The fake orange’s made up names and misspellings are indicative of a man who lives in world of make belief where the only art required (other than car washing & nannying about) of one is accusing others of ones self impotence; in the hope of deflecting ones inadequacies – fortunately all ends in futility – I wonder what he will accuse me of next :D


As for grandiose meetings of self important men – I have never being one to worship men. I have never met any of the men you mention nor would I care to meet them, as matter fact I make point of not meeting them (unless, of course, I am trying rouse a Burcaawi girl into vexed state :D )


But I think I can safely say no body in SOL (including the poster who is bleeding with the old man to be the ruler of her heart) has met Cabdullahi under the circumstances that I have specially three times in three places in Somalia no less in the same year.

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