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Somaliland Liaison Office Washington DC Ministerial visit

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Somaliland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Abdillahi Mohamed Duale was in a working visit in the U.S. during the period of July 13—24, 2009. The visit was in line with a periodic review of the relations between the two countries comprising a follow-up on pending issues and consultations on areas of mutual interest. The Minister was joined by Dr. Saad Noor, Somaliland’s Representative to the U.S.


The Somaliland delegation was received first by the President Obama’s advisor on Africa in the Executive building of the White House. It was followed by a substantive meeting with Ambassador Johnnie Carson, Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs and his senior staff including Deputy Assistant Secretary for East and Central Africa. The meeting was also attended by a high level official from the Department of Defense.


The two sides explored the current situation in the Horn of Africa region as well as the sub-region. Threats to security, i.e. religious extremism, terrorism and piracy were thoroughly discussed. The Somaliland side presented a comprehensive review of the challenges Somaliland faces in this regard as well as its needs to safeguard its security. Furthermore, the two sides discussed in detail Somaliland’s need for social and economic development and the role the U.S. may play to assist. Progress made thus far in Somaliland’s democratization program was commended, and the two sides agreed on the need for its successful completion. The U.S. side underlined the importance of holding the presidential election scheduled to take place in Somaliland in September 2009 on time. The Somaliland side concurred.


The Somaliland delegation is pleased to note that the above discussions were among friends. They were cordial and constructive. The two sides were in agreement; they were on the same page on all the issues discussed. Therefore, contacts, consultations and visits will continue.


On the economic front, the delegation met with the Deputy Administrator of USAID and his East Africa staff and the World Banks’ Director of Operations and Strategic Planning. The purpose of the meetings was to review assistance from the two donors with the view of having them coordinate their programs for better results.


The delegation also met congressmen and senior advisors in the House and the Senate. Likewise, it held meetings with a critical mass of policy and development specialists including strategic planners, legal scholars, academics and journalists.


At the end of its activities the delegation was the guest of honor in a dinner and discussion event hosted by the Ambassador of South Africa in Washington. Other guests included the ambassadors of the countries of the South African Development Community (SADC). Earlier in the day the delegation had a meeting with Uganda’s Foreign Minister and his country’s ambassador to the U.S.




Dr. Saad Sheikh Osman Noor,

Somaliland’s Representative to the U.S.

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So President Sharif meeting the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is hopeless as you say. But this garbage thread isn't? I am pretty sure that this is the only picture produced because NO OTHER meeting took place. Of course a picture says a thousands words, lets see these other functions and dinners.


The Somaliland delegation was received first by the President Obama’s advisor on Africa in the
Executive building of the White House.

The executive building of the white house right? A COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE. How can someone actually write this and post it. Let's be real, THE WHITE HOUSE?

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So President Sharif meeting the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is hopeless as you say.

No I didn't say ......... I said Somalia is hopeless

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Sharif hotel is big time looser!! what do u call a president who dont even have a safe house to host other pple.


Well....a looooooooooooser. next!

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what bloody hell world are u talking about?? R u serious!! since when does the world has to say.. this somali leader is the one that we accept!! get real homie.


a somali leader has to be selected by his pple and not some other silly azz foreigners. Unless a somali leader has the majority votes of somaliweeyen pple, than hes no leader but just god damn puppet!

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

He moves from the airport to to his house in a military tank ,,,,,,,,

I know you find that amusing but Insha Allah that wont be the case much longer.

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