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IndaCADE names himself security chief of courts...

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From what I have come to understand, Indhacade is not at all what he has been alleged to be. Indeed the man has curbed the the siege and rampant pillaging the Lower Shabelle was under for the better part of the last decade from the marauding militias that used to call that said region their personal playground.


Is Indhacade the most villified character in southern Somalia?


I believe so.


Is he rightfully villified?


I do not believe so.

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Rahima, you are correct in that some people want to trash the Courts and their efforts not only because they are angry that the Courts did not fight with Indhacadde and co, but because they have fundamentally different view about Somali politics. Theirs is simply a clan-centric perspective. But there are also those who support the Courts not because they hold and share the same values as that of the Courts but simply because they envision conflict between what they perceive the enemy of their clan and what they hope would be [incorrectly] a better clannish warriors---the Courts. Those are the ones who are beating the drums of war and praying for a decisive war.


The first group is running out of argument nowadays and can’t present a coherent case for their apposition. The strongest they managed to come up with is Indhacadde supports the Courts and hence the Court’s agenda is not different than his. I answered that charge as you and many others did. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt we said and hope in due time they will deal with this issue. I believe they will and succeed. That does not necessarily mean the Courts will seek conflict with Indhacadde and use force to reach that goal. It just means they will recognize how important the issue of robbed land and property is to reaching a lasting peace in Somalia. From that conviction, and with Allah’s help, they will (IA) find a solution. Believe me it’s not difficult as Somalis are Muslims and Indhacadde is not in a position to challenge the authority of these Islamic Courts.


The latter group is more sinister as they could taint the reputation and the cause of these men of faith---Court’s men. When one lectures about how Indhacadde is ‘the man of the hour’ and how good he is, someone needs to point out that his cow, as it were, is not holy and he, Indhacadde that is, is indeed a stinking warlord who needs to be reformed. Barre falls in that category as well. These are the men who are responsible the destruction of many peaceful communities to settle some clannish scores. I want that group to open up and drop their mask. Lets not allow them to camouflage with Islamic slogans and ally them elves with this legitimate movement. And that’s why I felt obliged to correct my good friend Paragon when I saw him hesitate to call Indhacadde for what he really is--- a warlord. Paragon is one of few enlightened nomads here whose stance about Mogadishu’s Islamic Courts thus far was right I must note.


In the end, what we all want (I hope) is justice, peace, and stability. I hope the Courts achieve it.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The strongest they managed to come up with is Indhacadde supports the Courts and hence the Court’s agenda is not different than his.

We are all going around in circles. However much you praise thge ICU praise them, cause they derserve for being about a big and better change in Xamar. Am not in dispute with that saxiib.

Now can you come down to my point please, as I quote you from top due to the overwhelming support of balayo Indhacadee to the ICU are they turning a blind a eye on the treacherous situation situation in Marka cause by him. You might see him as a hero and a saviour in Xamar, but ask the people of Marka , he is bully, villian, murderer, occupier and all similarities.Marka widayo waxaa ii sheegta since he helped the ICU achieve a rfesounding victory in Xamar should the plight of the people of Marka Cadeey be ignored.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

[QB] I want that group to open up and drop their mask. QB]


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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

The strongest they managed to come up with is Indhacadde supports the Courts and hence the Court’s agenda is not different than his.

We are all going around in circles. However much you praise thge ICU praise them, cause they derserve for being about a big and better change in Xamar. Am not in dispute with that saxiib.

Now can you come down to my point please, as I quote you from top due to the overwhelming support of balayo Indhacadee to the ICU are they turning a blind a eye on the treacherous situation situation in Marka cause by him. You might see him as a hero and a saviour in Xamar, but ask the people of Marka , he is bully, villian, murderer, occupier and all similarities.Marka widayo waxaa ii sheegta since he helped the ICU achieve a rfesounding victory in Xamar should the plight of the people of Marka Cadeey be ignored.
The issue is not whether Indhacadde is guilty of warlordism or not, rather the point of contention here is whether it’s fair to tarnish the image of these Islamic Courts simply because they failed to address one of our many grievances. Lets agree on some basic facts walaal before we go any further:

1- Islamic Courts have marginalized Mogadishu’s notorious warlords and put them out of business—for now.

2- They have removed torturous roadblocks and succeeded in opening Mogadishu’s main commercial channels.

3- They’ve signaled a gesture of piece and pledged to negotiate with the TFG.

4- And they continue to impose justice wherever they reach.

Those are, undeniably, political milestones whose attainment eluded us all for the last sixteen years. The credit goes to the courts, and with Allah’s help they will hopefully continue to achieve more. Now admittedly there are more to be done and if you are fair enough you will realize that it takes time to reverse the injustices of Somali civil war. If you are fair enough you will also admit these Courts is the first entity that shed blood for the common good. There is a track record that shows that these guys are different.



It was a political convenience, and it would have been sheer st-up-idit-y to do otherwise, to accept Indhacadde’s logistical and military help. But with success comes responsibility, and accordingly these Courts will have to act sensibly to either reform him and fully integrate administratively with his militias or defeat and get rid of him. But Indhacadde is clever enough to realize that justice is about to arrive. I bet he won’t resist it a bit. He will relinquish the booty and turn it over to the Courts. That’s the near eventuality of the fate of Shabeelooyinka region---not sure if Courts can realistically do anything about Jubbooyinka as they risk Ethipio-TFG confrontation. Time will tell.


Cheap propaganda, good Jujew, is the trenches of the hypocrite. I don’t know where you stand on the TFG but if you happen to support it, as I did, you know it has many wrongheaded men in its midst. There are known criminals in it as well. But for one to argue that he opposes the TFG on that bases is missing the point of whole Somali saga! We don’t have that leisure to choose sagacious men as our leaders. We just need to support the closest entity that means to revive Somali state. So far the Courts seem to be the only hope we have. Lets give them time, I say.


What do you say yaa Fuje :D ?

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Xiin has presented a reasonable argument. I disagree that there are any difference between IndaCade and the other walords of Mogadishu, it is a fact that he controls large swades of lower Shabbele the suffering of that region is not a fabrication or an attempt to villify him.


These courts carry the banner of Islam a unifying banner, thus their tolerance of a warlord should be highlighted and scrutanised. It should not be prushed under the carpet.


With all my doubts and protests,I have been impressed by the courts so far, Shiekh Sharif Shiekh Ahmed is a breath of fresh air, the security of the capital is a wonderful development. Today we have a chance to unite under the banner of Islam. To have peace, the fact it comes from Mogadishu is fitting.


The TFG's response is wrong in opposing negotiations and giving succour to the broken warlords. The TFG has a short period, it has to decide to either survive and adapt, to change or die. President Yusuf has a chance to be a national figure or to go out in shame..


I support change but I have a few remaining doubts, the occupation of souther Somalia must end and insha Allah it will end.

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