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Che -Guevara

Al-Shabaab Worried About Demographic Shift

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They sound more like nationalist movement than religious one!


Hadalkii Amiirka Al-Shabaab oo saameyn weyn yeeshey

Published: 6 September 2009


KN: Soomaalida kuwooda taabacsan Al-Shabaab iyo kuwa kasoo horjeedaba waxa si isku mid saameyn xoogan ugu yeeshey hadalkii Sh. Abu Zubeyr uu dhawaan jeediyey oo ahaa in dad xabashi ay dalka si tartiibtartiib ula wareegayaan dalka.


Arrintani oo aanan horey loogu baraarugsanayn ayaa waxaa ka dhawaajiyey Abu Zubeyr oo sheegey in qaxooti aad u badan oo xabashi ah dalka lagu soo gurayo, kuwaasoo kireysanaya guryo, isla markaasina iibsanaya boosas, kadibna doonaya in ay dalka kula wareegaan sidii reer Falastiin dhulkooda loola wareegey oo kale.


Soomaalida meel kastooy joogto haatan waxay bilaabeen in ay il gaar ah ku eegaan arrintani iyagoo u fiirsanaya tirade dadkani soo galay dalka, iyo qaabka ay u noolyihiin


Warbaahinta Soomaalida qeeybaheeda kala duwan ayaa iyauna markani dareenkooda ku duwey arrintani cusub ee aanan hore loogu baraarugsanayn.


Dadkani xabashida ah waxay aad ugu badanyihiin Somaliland iyo Puntland iyagoo xittaa qaatay shaqooyinka yaryar oo dhan, waxay dhulal qaarkood ka iibsanayaan dhul xeebeedyada, iyagoo bilaabay kalluumeysi.


Waxay u egtahay in dadkani ay dowlada xabashidu dabada kasoo riixeyso, tusaalaha ugu sahlan ee taasi lagu muujin karana waa in ay si caadi ah u ogolaatay dowlada xabashida in dadkani ay u talaabaan dhanka Soomaaliya, halkii markii hore dadka la’iska hortaagi jirey in ay dalka dibada uga baxaan.


Abu Zubeyr ayaa ku baaqay in aanan guryaha laga kireynin xabashida, isagoo sheegey in xabashida ay dalka kula wareegi karto haddii ay keento 3 milyan oo qof kaliya, wuxuu xusey in dadka Ethiopia uu dhanyahay 80 milyan oo qof, wuxuu balan qaaday in ay is hortaagi doonaan arrintaasi.


Arrintani waxay soo ifbaxaysaa iyadoo dhamaan dadka Soomalida ay yihiin wada dhoof doon, dalkana ka wada haajiraya.


War qoraal ah oo dhawaan uu soo saaray midoowga Yurub ayaa lagu sheegey in la kordhin doono dad Soomaalida ah ee dib u dejinta laga siinayo dalalka Yurub, iyadoo si gaar ah loo magacaabay qaxootiyada xerooyinka Dhadhaab, taasi waxaa barbar socda miisaaniyad la tuhunsanyahay in wadamada reer galbeedka ay ku bixinayaan mashruucanaya xabashida ay dalka kula wareegeysa, iyadoo qoys kasta la siinayo nooli uu Soomaaliya ugu guuro loona balan qaadayo in halkaasi wax loogu qaban doono.


Tan iyo intii qorshahani siyaasad ahaan loo aqbalay, waxaa yaraaday dadkii xabashida ahaa ee badaha ku tahriibi jirey, sida aan ku helney xog aruurin gaaban oo aan ka samaynay Puntland


Dowlada Xabashida waxay maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland kala hadashay in aanan la faquuqin dadka Ethiopia ka yimaada oo si wanaagsan loola dhaqmo, waamarkii koowaad oo dowlada xabashida ay dal kale kala hadasho in lasoo dhaweeyo dad dalkeeda kasoo qaxay, waxaa sir aan qarsooneyn ah in xitaa dowlada xabashida ay rakaateysay baasaboorkeeda wadamada Afrika qaarkood si ay isu hortaagto dadka badan ee dalka ka tagaya, xitaa dalalka qaarkood fiiso ma siiyaan qofka wata baasaboorka xabashida, taasina waxaa ugu wacan dalab dowlada Ethiopia ka yimid.


Waa halistii ugu weyneyd ee soo food saarta dadka Soomaalida intii muddo ah, Xabashida oo xoog ku qabsan weysey dalka ayaa iminka badashay qorshihii, dalkana kusoo daabuleysa malaayiin qof si ay deegaan ahaan ugu degaan, kadibna la wareegaan

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Itobiyaan usoo qaxaya Somaliya iyo Somalidi oo ka qaxeysa




Inta badan deegaanada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa waxa ey la liic-liicayaan iminka "QOXOOTI ITOBIAN" ah oo soo buux dhaafiyay kuwaasoo xowli ugu soo qul-qulaya mudooyinkan dambe, waxaana ey "QOXOOTIGANI" iminka iibsanayaan boosas ama jagooyin si ey ugu noolaadaan iyadoona nololmaalmeedka deegaanadaasina iminka la dhihi karo waxa ey ku tiirsan tahay "QOXOOTIGAN ITOBIYANKA" ah.


"QOXOOTIGAN" itoobiyaanka ah ayaa qaatay dhamaan shaqooyinka ey Somalida ka faanto, iyagoona intaasi usii dheertay dawarsi ey si xowli ah uga wadaan deeganadan, waxaana ey isugu jiraan qoxootigan Rag, Haween, Caruur iyo duqooshin.


Waxa ey iibsanayaan dhulka ku teedsan dhanka xeebaha, waxaana ey iminka qaarkood bilaabeen in ey ka ganacsadaan doomaha wax lagu tahriibiyo iyagoo lacag ka qaadaya dhalinyarada Somalida islamarkaana ka safrinaya dalka si ey ugu le`daan badaha, wixii ka bad-baadana ey qoxootino isaga dhiibaan Yemen.




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Runtii arinkaan waxbaa kajirah somalidii dhulkoodii ayee kasii carayaan ,waxee noqdeen qaar ,Tahriib disho,qaarxabadi disho,iyo kuwo kahaajiray dhulkoodii waa ayaan daro waxa somalida haysatah

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With few more of decades lawlessness, and steady Somali exodus, it is possible to have more Amharic speakers in Somalia than Somali speakers-Somaliland and Puntland will be the first to go!!

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They sound more like nationalist movement than religious one!

If they were nationalist they would not make a distinction between foreign fighters (non-Somali fighters). Welcoming foreign fighters from Pakistan/Afganistan/ Middle East while opposing African foreign fighters.


If they were nationalist they would not waste time in implementing their radical religious laws but would try to restore and rebuild war-torn Somalia.


If they were nationalist they would not allign themselves with Al-Qaida and invite in foreign Jihadi fighters under the cover of ''muslim brothers who want to help us''


If they were nationalist they would not bring down the Somali flag from the places they conquer and host the black flag.


If they were nationalist they would behave more Somali than Arabic (i.e. name of their movement and their leaders).


If they were nationalist they would enter into an alliance with the other Wadani people out there instead of calling them ''murtad'' whenever they agree with their radical religious tendencies.


Let us not fool ourselves, these guys are far from nationalist.


Stating the obvious (the slow takeover of Northern Somalia by Oromo/Amhara) does not make one a nationalist.

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^Anybody who realizes and acknowledges the impending demographic shift and expresses concern is someone with nationalistic urge. I wonder if we could say that about the P/Sland boys in these threads that chase each other like cat and mouse oblivious to the Amrahization of their "lands".

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ninka alshabaab xukuma waa nin iska hadlay kumanyaal qoxooti ah oo somal ah baa jooga itoobiya may la wareegaan. itoobiyaanka qaxootiga ah soomaliya jooga waa wax aad yar oo aan ka badnayn dhawr boqol.

waa waxaa ay ku tusinaysaa maskaxda alshabab ee jirran.

dad xanoonsan weeye alshabab.

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Street children “becoming the new gangsters”


HARGEISA, 10 September 2009 (IRIN) - The number of street children in Hargeisa, capital of secessionist Somaliland, is on the rise as more Ethiopian children cross the border in search of a better life.


The immigrant children are adding to the burden of local street children, most of whom have been forced on to the streets by drought and insecurity within Somaliland and further south, in Somalia.


“You can see old women accompanying about 20 children, of different ages, crossing the border into Somaliland from Ethiopia. These women may be their grandmothers, aunts or mothers,” Khadar Nour, chairman of the Hargeisa Child Protection Network (HCPN), told IRIN.


"The children, who are mainly from the Oromo [region of Ethiopia], beg in the streets of Hargeisa with their mothers," Nour said. Some work as shoe shiners, sending their earnings to relatives in Ethiopia.


Hargeisa is also a popular transit point for those seeking to travel further. “About 100 to 200 immigrant children cross the border from Ethiopia into Somaliland [annually] on their way to [the self-declared autonomous region of] Puntland, or to Yemen,” he said.



Poverty and family break-ups have also fuelled the rise in numbers. There are about 3,000 children, most of them boys between five and 18, living on Hargeisa's streets.


Crime threat


With the rising numbers, officials are concerned about an upsurge in crime. “They [the street children] are becoming a threat to the town's stability,” said Nour.


“When they grow up, they still find themselves living in difficult conditions; it is for this reason that they grab mobile phones."


Consequently, a number of the children are now in conflict with the law. In August, Nour said, a 16-year-old was sentenced to death in a Berbera regional court after being found guilty of murder.


"The grown-up street children have become the new gangsters," Mohamed Ismail Hirsi, Hargeisa's Central Police Station commander, told IRIN.


"In the last 72 hours, we have arrested more than 30 street children who have committed crimes such as stealing mobile phones in different parts of the town."


In the past two years, some 5,000 knives and other weapons, which are commonly used in robberies, have been recovered from the street children, prompting calls for more focused interventions.


"People say good words in workshops, but few interventions for street children have been [implemented]," said Nour of HCPN, which recently started providing food and education support for the children.


Once arrested, the children are charged as adults because a 2008 juvenile justice law has yet to be implemented.


Glue sniffing


The children living rough are turning to drugs. "I use glue because when first I came to the streets I saw my friends sniffing it," Ahmed Omar, 12, told IRIN. "Whenever I use it, I am able to survive a difficult situation."


The lack of a family support system also means more children may end up on the streets, as Abdi-Qani Ahmed’s experience illustrates. "When my mother and father divorced, there was no one left to take care of me," Ahmed, 11, said. "I used to get my food from restaurants in Hargeisa where I fed on leftovers.”


During Ramadan, however, few if any restaurants are open. "I have to wait to see if someone gives me something to eat or not," he said.


Living on the streets puts the children at risk of abuse from other street children as well as strangers. For protection, the children often seek refuge outside the police station at night.


Source: IRIN, Sept 10, 2009

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"ka badnayn dhawr boqol"


3,000 Oromo kids in streets of Hargeysa, more cross everyday into Puntland and Somaliland.



Jb....Al-Shabaab don't control Puntland and Somaliland which is where Oromo population is growing fast.



These are economic migrants-Is Ethiopia this bad?

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Che with all due respect, the refugees in Somalia from Ethiopia are not that many, and they are not going to take over the country. Most will become Somali's as many before them have.


The question for the Amir Al Shabaab, why do they keep fighting Somali's if they want to help the nation?

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Excellent question, Mr Duke!


That niqab wearing twat who heads Al Shabab, just needs to shut up because he is simply regurgitating bullsh1t. Every country in the world has refugees, and Somalia is no exception. Heck, even Zanzibaris are running to Somalia for refuge.

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