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Training Academy For Somali Men ( Controversial Topics Series)

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lol, Nur are u suggesting that we do everything?


What happened to the 50/50 our sistas are always on about? What will they do with all their spare time now? U are giving them ideas bro,,, plz stop, u are making it more difficult for the brothas who already have a tough time,


Think i will pass with flying colours, apart from the cooking, plagarism may be called for in that module ie a quick trip to the local magahid, hey presto :D

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Walaashey Hibo


You write:


Originally posted by Hibo:

[QB] Nur: We surely blessed if atleast one of our nomad brothers thinks like this... but experience has thought me otherwise... meaning " timirta lafaa ku jirta" brotha what is really your catch in all of this? Are you trying to lure sisters to your direction or are you simply renovating Somali men??? Pure curiosity that is all it is!"






Thanks for the positive thought, about my drivers for my work, NO, I am not wife hunting for a camel woman, ( Alhamdulillah I enjoy cooking) and NO, I am not balancing my irritating article on poligamy, ( I still believe it is the best remedy for sisters) because I published this one way before, so, the only timir that I can think of could be in your past experience, not on my future plans, as I am dedicating my life to serve my community no matter how negative some of them think about my motives. I hope that answers your questions.


Gedid Bro.


Walaal, I mayn have to dedicate another writeup for sisters who have serve McDonalds for Dinner, inshAllah




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what can i say, masalib aa tahay walee, u really know how to get sistahs, gabadha miskiinada ah eeh kusoo qortay "gabdha wacaan" maxaad beenta ugu sheegaysaa? like you can cook that good. Thats what they all say when they ask for your hand in marrige, try to sound like the ideal partner, but really expect the worse " hadda maxaad iga ag qabanaysaa?orad dee nooso kari wax gabadh buu ilaahay kaa dhigee"is what they will say from the start you enter the house with him.


midakalee, muraad aan la raacsanahay, your previous posts were bit too harsh, tha sistahs in sol got angry so waad yara maslaxaysaa? soo maaha? hada runta sheeg adi redface.gif

good luck with the men, i think you will stop after a week when you see they burn all ur dusuud, aren't progressing a bit, break all the kids legs when changing diapers(they won't know how to be gentle and so on more catastorphy.

good luck brotha

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Rayaana sis





@ good luck with the men, i think you will stop after a week when you see they burn all ur dusuud, aren't progressing a bit, break all the kids legs when changing diapers(they won't know how to be gentle and so on more catastorphy.

good luck brotha"



Walaashhey I can asure you that rag badan iney haweenka ka badiyaan cunno kariska, gaar ahaan hablaha ku nool qurbaha oo shaqada ka soo baxa 5:00 PM, and toss a TV Dinner on the microwave oven so she dos not miss her Soap Opera. Lakin run ahaaan, in la wada qaybsado howsha guriga waa sharaf iyo wajib ey diinta na fartay lakin dhaqanka Somalida aan ku jirin, anyway, Rayaana sis , can you cook, or that was just a smoke screen to hide about your defficiency in culinary arts ?




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Nur are u willing to tell us some of ur recipes..and what u do who knows it may be a learning lession if u do be honest the qurbaha girls do not know how to cook that much as u have mentioned earlier..and honestly I Like breads so much so i wish you can lend me if u know some of ur (cooking technique) bread recipes...I am with all ears.

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can you cook or that was just a smoke scrren to hide your deficiency in culinary arts

iam deeply offended,,,what do u think,,my name says it all, waxaan kuu yiri bahalshaa saas aan usoo kala dhig dhigaa, from the italian levina pasta to the somali xaaniid and subriani,,, or if you asked to steal my recipes, i know you asked for that reason, like u know iam good some how, somewhere u heard of me huh?

are you trying to compete with me?looks like it, walaal save your hands coz they surley won't beat mine,speed "n" all, and all those recipes, ahh are u sure u weren't lieing, can yu cook that much?,,,,,if not sundus is still waiting for them.

anyways i was just kidding i'am sure you can set the roof on fire-iam sure your good


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Sundus and Rayana sisters


Sundus you write:



Originally posted by Sundus:

Nur are u willing to tell us some of ur recipes..and what u do who knows it may be a learning lession if u do be honest the qurbaha girls do not know how to cook that much as u have mentioned earlier..and honestly I Like breads so much so i wish you can lend me if u know some of ur (cooking technique) bread recipes...I am with all ears.



The following is one of my most elaborate assays on culinary skills, please read with care, if you cry at the end, it will not be because of onion peels.



The Hasanaat Restaurant


A Nurtel Production



A great place to end your day after a tiring work week.



Let us visit The Good deeds( Hasanaat) Restaurant this evening, when you enter this restaurant, you'd feel a warm welcome from deep inside yourself, the ever present aroma of the the good deeds being served is inviting, each good deed will leed to another, and if you are not careful in balancing your appetite, you may literally get carried away to another world where there is no pain nor sorrow.


Let us have a close look at todays specials:


1. Appetizers. a) Dhikr-a-la-Shukr, This dish was prepared with an ounce of a realization of the Nima of Allah SWT, mixed with a spoon of (shame on your actions) served with the freshness of Duaa mint.

b) Istighfaar, Tasbeeh, Tahleel, Takbeer are also variants of the Dhikr , they all come with (Salaat alal Rasuul) seasoning.


2. Soup do jour: Sadaqa, Our chef took great pains in preparing this dish, it was prepared with all the herbs that clean your bad deeds, do not start your day without Sadaqa, it goes down very smooth when taken with a feeling that you have not overpaid. This dish comes in many forms and sizes, the smallest of which is a smile on your face for your brother or sister in faith and has no upper bound limit.


3. Main course and side dishes:


a) Qiyaamul Leil:


This is a rather a juicey dish, cooked very slowly over ninety minutes, long sujuud, long rukuuc and feet swelling stand that mimics the stand of the day of judgment, This dish is broiled with tears flowing down your cheeks, sautéed with heart murmur and skin shivering caused by the verses you are reading, culminating in a state of electric shock down your spine. This dish is for a select group of diners, since not many customers request this dish regularly, the rewards are tearfully enjoyable.. Once you start with this dish, you cannot stop. But like exercise, it is difficult to start.


This Dish has several side dishes without additional cost, such us the reward you get when you wake others up to do Qiyaamulleil, Making duaa al Qunuut for your self , parents, family and friends.


b) Reading Of Quraan:


This is the most delicious of all dishes after Qiyamul Leil. As you know, Qiyamul Leil incorporates the Quraan, so you actually get two dishes for the price of one. Salaat + Quraan. Let us look at Quraan:


It has all the nutrients the Soul needs, For those suffering periodic doubts, The Quraan clarifies ambiguities vividly with examples ( He said , Lord how do you revive the dead?)


In case you have unresolved questions. Quraan offers ready satisfying answers. It has stories of old to heed, Guidance to follow and Fiqh of the deen. Unlike other hasanaat Dish, Quraan reading ( Tilaawah) offers ten hasanah per letter you read, multiplied up to hundred thousand folds ( Reading Quraan in Haram of Makkah for example, earns the reader 100000 hasanah per letter read, for a grand total of one million hasanah per letter. Now if you make khatam al Quraan in one month, you become a trillionnaire, thus you get thousand times more hasanat than Bill Gates has dollars.


What is the motivation to collect good deeds (hasanaat).


1. They wipe out sins and Bad deeds


2. They lead to other Good Deeds (hasanaat), thus amplifying your efforts.


3. In The day of judgment, you need a deep pocket since many people will claim your good deeds credits to pay for the evil you have done to them, so it is wise to have enough left over for your skin after you pay claimants.







Kuwa iga da'weyn, waa iga ajar badan yihiin, Kuwa iga da' yar, waa iga dambi yaryihiin.

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ok nur,

so u got me, you the better chef, that was a very good recipe indeed iam sure sundus liked it too , i wonder if you made it? :rolleyes:


anyways thanks for sharing the recipe walaalo and ilaahay ajar haku siiyo ducadadana hakaa aqbaloo


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Rayaana sis


Yes indeed, it is 100% a Nur essay published in 2002 on Somalinet, just like Nurtel opticians, Nurtel has many business concerns to enrich our community, pray 4 me to be blessed with more time so I can share more of insights humming in my beart with the nomads on SOL, Nomads I am growing emotionally attached to, like family, virtual that is. Pray that Allah SWT nagu kulmiyo jannooyinkiisa balladhan, aamiin.,


But, I will take you on, on your challenge so, do not give up fast, because, when I get around to the kitchen, prepare my counter top with all the spices, Quraan playing in the background, multitasking, like a maestro, managing, 3 pans, mixtures of spices to prepare the fish and meat, vegetables, and salads, and my creamy seafood soup, with clams, scalopps and bits of Somali Japonicus lobsters tails, Italian rice ( Bariis talyani) or Talgliatelli, linguini , with some of the finest cheeses, olive oil, and lemon juice standing by. Next, my deserts, where do I start? how about Umm Ali, my favorite, cheese cakes, or the healthy carrot cake (without too much sugar) , fruit salads ( Cambe, papaya, Canuuni, Seytuun,..), and a spicey cup of tea made with dhagayare, qoronful, iyo heyl, kistoo caana ah lagu dhibciyey, to be served in a nice day adigoo fadhiya xeebaha Somalia, Gabbaldhicii, cirkoo Blue ah, iyo hawadoo macaan, adigoo jooga Dhul wanaagsan oo uu kaa sarreyo Rabbi cafis badan, ...............Ardun Dayibatun wa Rabbun Ghafuur! Maxaa ka macaan?




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