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Naxar Nugaaleed

Signs of a return to the Union by awdalites

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For Many years, out of the five provences of northern Somalia, Sanaag, Sool and the district of Buhoodle stood and fought for the the Union. Awdalites on the other extrime end were also known for their unionist leanings. For example, they used to come with the Somali flag whenever a somaliland president comes to Borame'. But this atitude has changed sense an awdalite accidentally become president. Yet the false believe that this president would ensure that awdalites interest to be on the front burner is quickly fading and the following artcle shows why.


Ruthless betrayal of Awdal


Ask any Somalilander the achievements of the Somaliland government, and the answer right away is "peace" and "democracy". I believe, that is a remarkable achievement which proves our sophistication and civilization, and which labels us as the "peace loving, democratic people of the horn of Africa".


Any person with a sense of logic will agree with me that:


Peace as denoted by the Somali saying "Nabad iyo Caano" is sweet and democracy is fair and just.

Peace and democracy are prosperity and a state of mind.

Peace and democracy are moral excellence.

Peace and democracy are " love for others what you love for yourself."

Peace and democracy if used positively promote love, sharing, caring, understanding and safeguarding the common good.

Peace and democracy can be used as a tool to pave the way to betterment and advancement.

Peace and democracy if used positively can be a tool to promote a sense of respect, fairness and compassion.

Unfortunately, peace and democracy in the Somaliland serve in contrary to the above. The peace and the democracy in the Somaliland together with the fact that president Dahir Rayale is a native of Awdal are an alibi for the policy of dominance, selfishness, injustice and ignorance. Peace in the Somaliland is a dry peace with the absence of war and when coupled with the Somaliland version of democracy is used as a tool to discriminate and isolate Awdel. Believe me, I am a passionate advocate of peace and democracy but the policy of the Somaliland government describes peace and democracy as ways to cheat and betray the nation of Awdal.


We all know that Somaliland was formed in confederacy of nations united by a league. An ideology of nations uniting to change the course to betterment. A league based on understanding, cooperating, caring and sharing. A union with a vision of nation building and advancement.


In contrast, it is becoming apparent day after day that the agreed upon policy of the foundation of Somaliland is being hijacked by elements whose doctrine is embarked upon an ideology adventure which threatens the future of the republic. These ego-centric gangs are slowly and dangerously moving the republic towards a clan state where selfishness, greed, injustice and dominance are becoming the state norm. Elements whose doctrine states to wield control onto others and whose motto is to establish an empire to bend the will of others.


Arguments and opinions based on rational pursuit of the facts, figures and a logical interpretation are rarely exposed. For the sake of it, let me spell out some of the greedy injustices that are going on in the break-away republic that is causing anger and outrage in Awdal.


According to some Somaliland ministries and Officers sent abroad by the Somaliland governement to spread the achievements of the republic, the following were achieved proudly by the government:


Thirty bridges were built in Somaliland

15,000 and more army forces were recruited.

Salaries for the SNM forces were established -- " the mujaahidiin" as they say.

There are 43,000 and more government employees in its payroll

loaded state of the art medical vehicles were delivered to some cities

Etc, etc, etc.

Simply out of concern, what did Awdal get out of the above?


No bridges were built in Awdal, and the government ignored and closed its ears and morals to hear the desperate plea from Awdal for the construction of the tarmac road between Borama and Dila.

Less than 1% of the armed forces were recruited from Awdal.

Less than 0.01% of the government employees are from Awdal region.

No medical vehicles were delivered to any where in Awdal.

If you see logic as the most useful tool for defining truth, you will agree with me that Awdal had been and is being neglected on purpose. This reminds me the truthfullness of the saying:


" Isku haye iskama hagrado "


Awdal simply placed its blind faith in the supposedly good judgement of government, trusting to excercise justice and fairness to all the regions, but it is clear that selfishness and greed overpowered the trust.


What ever injustices done by the so called Somaliland government, one that is beyond my comprehension is the giving salaries to SNM members. Well, it seems that History is made here. Somaliland has become the first government on earth that compensates criminals. Criminals that killed thousands of defenseless innocent old men, women and children. If that is so, isn't it fair and logic to compensate the orphans of the victims? Let me remind members of the parliment from Awdal that orphans in Zeila, Lughaye, Qunujeed, Dila, and Qalooc are waiting to hear from you.


Logic dictates that It is not fair to reward SNM criminals for their senseless crimes while the mosques they destroyed remain roofless up to date. It is not fair that 4x4 land cruisers are given to individuals and Dilla begs for a police vehicle and a building. It is not fair that towns and villages in some regions are booming and Qunujeed is becoming a ghost town. It is not fair that the only program available for Lughaye is that of Iqra and then greedy elements claim it.


Policy of Expansionism:


Those radical elements are now beginning to practice the policy of territorial and economical expansion. It is obvious that recently, stories have been planted as an effort to put a claim on Lughaye region. The purpose is to tear the social fabric of Awdal to makfe able to advance the claimant interests. These elements are actively involved in various components of a propoganda campaign to turn realities upside down. This is becoming the most serious crisis since Somaliland came into existance. The overwhelming evidence both in statements by politicians in Hargeisa and practice proves that a conspiracy is in the works to tear out the social fabric of Awdal.


With out any doubt, the most dangerous threat to the existance of the Somaliland Republic lies with the dominate and expand doctrine of those radical elements. This will definitely transform the land. Unfortunately, it seems that Somalilanders remain unaware of the implications of this ideology. The anti-Awdal elements think that the benefits of their motto will out weigh the liabilities, but they can be assured that Awdal's eyes are wide open and that consequences will out weigh their imagination.


What is happening in Goryacawl is another unfairness. We all know that refugees coming back to regions other than Awdal are welcomed with open hands but those coming back to Awdal are ignored and neglected. The pleas and the cries of our youth for justice in the ducation system is another one which proves the attempt of the radical elements to up root the only thing Awdal is famous for. Awdal will never accept these degrading policies. The whole thing is unfair and I don't really know what is in it (confederacy) for Awdal. If you know please share it in the world wide web.


To those blind radical elements:


We (Awdalites) understand that our Awdal is facing a deliberate, well organized and systematic political, racial, economical and cultural destruction, but make no mistake about it, this will back-fire. Our defenses are in place and your defeat is imminent. You better back off.


To those elected from Awdal:


With all due respect, let me remind you the following points:


Democracy is an active process - one that requires ongoing engagement between you and the citizens of Awdal

You hold your seat in the name of the people of Awdal and are accountable to the people for your actions

You represent the views and interests of Awdal

You are to express your views and those of your constituents in the parliment

You are elected to act in Awdal interests.



It is my personal opinion that Awdal must take a tough new line on Somaliland. Enough now with the methods of quite diplomacy and muted appeasement. This degrading school of thought have clearly failed.


It is our duty to protect our rights. Awdal had this union relations with Somaliland since the formation of the confederacy and has not been able to get the slightest concession on respect and fairness. I am hardly alone in my thinking; indeed, Awdal is undergoing a dramatic shift from a decade and a half-old policy to protect their rights under the hijacked clan based rule of Somaliland.


It is obvious that people of Awdal are increasingly finding themselves facing economic decline, injustices and dwindling rights. No wonder these harsh circumstances are causing Awdalites to drop their support of Somaliland. Consequently, Somaliland support in Awdal is a free fall. And Somaliland can not exist without Awdal. That reminds me the saying:


" Karis xun iyadna ku wax la' "


Suleiman Abdi Dugsiye



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