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Taako Man

I remember SNM's crimes against my people !

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Jama Ismail Mire, the son of the great poet and the commander of the military wing of the Daraawiish Somali liberation movement, the real mujaahidiin, who I personally knew for his Somali nationalism and the love he had for the Somali people, was slaughtered in daylight in Buroa along with many of his relatives by the SNM criminal gangs in 1991. The sad thing is some of the sellouts in Buuhoodle district are right at this moment sitting with these SNM criminals in Mire’s home town…

Yes, we will never forget

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yah! i guess killing innocent ppl in their homelands is not a crime in some ppls minds...! u have any idea how many slanders got killed in this conflict?? a lot. :confused:

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It’s not my or any ones place to invalidate or explain away a person’s painful experience. Atrocities have taken place in times of war. That’s elementary. Secondly, I don’t see any reason why an [any] armed group should be given special privileges and not be held to account.


However, there is a very significant matter that is being over looked here and to be frank, I’m not surprised.


The people of SL have already addressed and buried this matter. The mutual wrong doings were mutually acknowledged and forgiven. In fact in 1992, in the second meeting between the people of SL that was held in Boorama and chaired by the clan of that region; the elders and leaders of SL made the decision to put that era behind them and to channel their efforts into creating a peaceful state for their people. The rest as they say, is history. Tis, the pride of Reer SL. :cool:


I say this to GD, CX and Taako:


‘dira dire dabnaale, dadka nabad ah kala daa’

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^^Little do they know that Rer Somaliland have already discussed about these issues when it were fresh and still vivid in the minds of all concerned. They met in Burco and then in Borama. It bared the fruits that every Somalilander is enjoying today in peace and prosperiety.



The supporters of the Criminal Warlords should worry about the crimes that their uncle is spearheading at this very moment.

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Dear Kimiya,


To begin with there is no somaliland,there is nothing called somaliland and somaliland doesn't exist and it never existed and it won't exist.That aside,the crimes of the SNM is not a local issue,its a national issue that awaits to be discussed in the future and again,in the national level.Secondly,any pride of that named region is a somalian pride,be it their prosperity,their peace,development and u name it.Thirdly,it might not be that too far,when the involved war criminals will be brought to justice.They will be charged with;


1.using the cruel human shield tactics that brought many un necessary death to those dead innocent pple.


2.Committing war crimes against un armed locals.


3.Sabotage of all the things they cribbled.




---The rest,and all of it,will remain a somalian history.

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^LOL Captain, would they be held accountable for secceding?


How big a crime is this and who is to be responsible, all shacabta or all the ones that have/have had positions in the chain of rule of Somaliland, or the few that invented the idea - Im sure the likes of Faysal Warabbe would be innocent in this case.

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

Dear Kimiya,


To begin with there is no somaliland,there is nothing called somaliland and somaliland doesn't exist and it never existed and it won't exist.That aside,the crimes of the SNM is not a local issue,its a national issue that awaits to be discussed in the future and again,in the national level.Secondly,any pride of that named region is a somalian pride,be it their prosperity,their peace,development and u name it.Thirdly,it might not be that too far,when the involved war criminals will be brought to justice.They will be charged with;


1.using the cruel human shield tactics that brought many un necessary death to those dead innocent pple.


2.Committing war crimes against un armed locals.


3.Sabotage of all the things they cribbled.




---The rest,and all of it,will remain a somalian history.

Stop talking all that garbage behind a computer screen MF....I dare you to come across the borderline.

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Salamu Calaykum,


First of all to my fellow Somalilanders ( I feel the importance of addressing you first and rest second).


As we know the SNM did many great things, the most important one being saving us from the blood thirst dicatator like Siyad Barre. Only Allah knows how life was under that dictator and all of you are aware how life was and how life is now today in Somaliland.


However, after reading many articles written even on our Somaliland web pages, I have felt sorry for those of us who hail from 'minority' clans who were victims of the SNM. These people say in every term and claim they are Somalilanders, they believe in the indepence of Somaliland and don't oppose any laws in place right now. However what they dislike is that we have to celebrate the history of the SNM which brought a great deal of things for many and harm to others.


It's my personal concern and I feel like that it's time we should come to some middle ground between SOMALILANDERS whom benfited from the SNM and those whom their uncles, and relatives where victims of.


Surely, we have something in common as far as those of us who glofiy the SNM and those against it, and its that we are enjoying PEACE today as result of SNM ousting the Barre regime, without them only Allah knows how life could have meant for either of us.


That being said, it's wise to sometimes make tough decision. Knowing what the SNM had done for most of us, we need to STOP the annual celebrations for the birth of SNM in respect to our fellow landers who are offended by such. THey are citizens as well as we are, they deserve for their voice to be heard. So i would advise myself and others here from Somaliland that Somaliland doesn't belong to 1 clan as some claim but multiple tribes, therefore we must avoid in every way we can anything that could alienate our brethrens in the region and our fellow citizens.



Secondly, to the other side excluding Baashi and few others. I would say what do you know about crimes and criminals?


Everything you stand for and anything you support is associated with crimes against humanity. SNM is history however the TFG which you support TODAY is commiting crimes against the Somali people in Southern Somalia as reslut of the inviation made by the TFG which YOU PROUDLY support. So as they say look down first on your own turf, stop the hypocricy of pretending that you speak on behalf of others.


Somalilanders whether they feel like the SNM were a savior or devils have come to agree on one things today, TO LIVE PEACEFULLY SIDE BY SIDE WITHOUT BLOODSHED.


Caano iyo Bariis.


Bada Cas.

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So called Captain Xalaane or whatever.


these issues have already been dealt with and buried. The SNM has also been dismantled and has not existed since 91.


and the SNM are our founding fathers,

Heroes of the Fatherland,


and it is fortunate for you that you speak these words from the saftey of your home and pc.

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