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It will never be possible for foreigners to rule Somalia says Somali Premier

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Cumar C/rashiid“Suuro gal ma aha in Al-Shabaab & Dagaalyahanadda Ajnabiga ahi ay marnaba Xukumaan Soomaaliya”


By Somalimirror on 21 May, 2009 2:50 PM in Main, Wararka


Cumar C/rashiidCumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa Sheegay in uusan fileyn wad hadal danbe oo ay la galaan Mucaaradka Islaamiyiinta ah Maadaama buu yiri aysan laheyn Barnaamij Siyaasadeed waxa uuna intaa ku daray in ay islaamiyiintu doonayaan oo kaliya in ay u adeegsadaan Dalkan Meel ay ku Nabad Galaan.


Sharmaake ayaa yiri “Ma aaminsani in ay leyihiin Barnaamij Siyaasadeed, waxaan aaminsanahay in Dagaalyahano Ajnabi ah ay doonayaan in uu Wadankani ku jiro Fowdo si ay ugu Noqoto meel ay ku Nabad galaan oo ay ku gabadaan”.


Cumar C/rashiid oo waraysi siiyay Wakaaladda Wararka ee Routers ayaa intaa ku daray “Ma aaminsani in ay jirto Fursad aan kula fariisano Mucaaradka oo aan arimaha Soomaaliya isla goobno iyaga oo kuwaas wata, Wadada kaliya ee aan kula Macaamilayno ama ay Fahmi karaan waa Dagaal uun, anaguna Diyaar baan ula nahay”.


Sharmaake ayaa xaqiijiyay in Ciidamada DKMG ah ay ku dadaalayso in ay eriso 300 oo Dagaalyahano uu ku tilmaamay Ajaanib oo uu sheegay inay ka garab Dagaalamayaan Xoogaga Al-Shabaab.


“Suuro gal ma aha in Al-Shabaab iyo Dagaalyahanadda Ajnabiga ahi ay marna Xukumaan Soomaaliya, waxaa u Haboon in ay aadaan Wadan ay Duqeeyaan, ay ku cararaan, oo ay Bur-buriyaan Shacabkiisana ay dhibaato galiyaan, Dadkaasi ma lahan Awood ama Tabar ama Maalgalin Macnawi ah oo ay Wadanka ku Xukumaan” ayuu yiri Cumar C/rashiid.


Wuxuuna intaa ku daray “kama aanan Suulin inaan is-weydiinayo siday Suuro gal u tahay Dad inay sii wadaan Dagaal aan Hadaf lahayn, sidaa Darteed waxay ku fashilmeen inay Diinta Madaxbaneeyaan…Kuwaa si waxay ku Tunteen Dhamaan Mabaadiidii Islaamka Walina waxay sheeganayaan inay Islaamiyiin yihiin”.


Ugu Danbeyntii Cumar C/rashiid ayaa sheegay in ay Eritrea Hub iyo Saanadba siiso Xoogaga ka soo horjeeda DKMG ah, wuxuuna yiri“waxaan u haynaa Cadaymo Buuxda in Eritrea ay siiso Garabyadda Soomaaliya Hub, Saanad fara badana xaqiiqdii way soo gaareen, Taasina waa Arin aad looga Murgo”.


Hadalkan ayaa u Muuqda mid ay DKMG ah ku soo afjarayso Wada hadal danbe oo ay la gasho Xoogaga Muqaawamadda ee ka soo horjeeda, waxayna arintani u Muuqataa mid Fariin u ah Dowladaha Reer galbeed oo looga dalbanayo Gurmad Milatari, Siyaasi iyo Dhaqaale intaba si ay uga Hortagto Xoogaga ka soo horjeeda oo inta badan Gacanta ku dhigay Wadanka Soomaaliya.

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^Actually he's right, whether obese or not, the man is forward thinking and right on to point in this, he's thinking strategically and taking it to right angle far better his bewildered boss...


He's making a move that any real strong leader of any country would take, instead of courting with Indha'ade....

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^LOOL. You Buntland folks are hard to figure out. You guys brush aside Sh. Hotel as no body, but his obese PM is 'master tactician' according to you. Hmmm I wonder why that is? lol

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^Whatever your insuations may be, I can only comment and judge things as events unfold Saaxib... The Prime minister was quite since the violence started while Sheikh hotel was huffing and puffing running around like headless chicken, he asked the Ulema for permission to fight only to order AMISON to shell the city the next day, he made deals with warlord Inda'ade and paid him $Million only to accuse him as betrayer in the media the next day, and then release a joint statement with the very same warlord Inda'ade, he lost control of all his forces and ground while Hassan Dahir gained without ever firing a shot... In simple terms, he's silly, weak and confused...


The prime minister spoke only this time and has made a point...

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^^A valid point from the son of Sharmarke. I dont know what his weight has anything to do with it ? Inuslts are not necessary here. Ina Sharmarke is cleaner than clean, even more so than Shiekh Hotel.

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Emperor and Duke,


Obesity is not an insult, after all he is bit overweight right. ;) Nonetheless he will be as effective as his Boss.If Sh. Hotel is non starter, than same can be said about him."Awrka danbe, Awrka hore socodkiisuu yeeshaa" says the somali maah maah. And as ever you give too much credit. He has to prove himself first. Few words he said behind AMISOM hardware isn't strategy to speak of. We have to see progress and a sign that they are regaining momentum. So far, they've done all the talking and Alshabab has done all the damage.

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Originally posted by Hannibal:

Emperor and Duke,


Obesity is not an insult, after all he is bit overweight right.
Nonetheless he will be as effective as his Boss.If Sh. Hotel is non starter, than same can be said about him."Awrka danbe, Awrka hore socodkiisuu yeeshaa" says the somali maah maah. And as ever you give too much credit. He has to prove himself first. Few words he said behind AMISOM hardware isn't strategy to speak of. We have to see progress and a sign that they are regaining momentum. So far, they've done all the talking and Alshabab has done all the damage.

You don't get it, do you?


Ina AbdiRashid Sharmarke is better because he IS from the Right clan background ;)

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^No, Ina Abdirashi is better educated, have been quite since the war started and an honest man (He says what he believes in), not a liar like Sheikh hotel...


AT,I agree, and it's too late to overcome the problem or repair the damage, but the prime minister is trying to re-energize his camp... that's all!


My veiw, its over for them and will never retake Mogadishu or make deal with Alshabaab unless a foreign power intervenes...

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RedSea me I got it(:


Emperor it doesn't matter who is better and who is the truth teller. They're manning the same ship saaxib. It's like saying Cheney was better speaker than Bush(which he was) but still their policy and their convictions were the same.

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Originally posted by Hannibal:

t me I got it(:


Emperor it doesn't matter who is better and who is the truth teller. They're manning the same ship saaxib. It's like saying Cheney was better speaker than Bush(which he was) but still their policy and their convictions were the same.

For Some-one who is as passionate as emperor, you would expect him to polish his arguments. Sad tale to witness him spew the same over-milked-out arguments on daily basis.


It is pathetic

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