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General Duke

Warlord Yusuf Garad under pressure..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

They are UK tax payers and thus have a right to voice their concersn.

What a joke...shouldnt it be the other way round, that they are parasites who live on hand outs from UK tax payers.

This demo if anything , has simply shown the ugly head of Yusufs supporters. This demo was not pro-government or anything near it. It was clannish and tribal antagonism. It was ill conceived and mis calculated.

BBC know what the BBC Somali srvice does and will not listen to what has been organised in the back rooms of Camden by Xussen Idamale and Co.

tell them to go back to their blackboards and learn how to win friends rather than loosing many through gloating and recreating tribal animosity.

Reer Baadiyaal waxiid.

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Am not worried about his tact, on the contrary the tacts of you and your associates are alarming.....ceel baad ku rideen rajadi laga qabey dowladaan.. I will not be suprised if one of your kinsmen turns up with a letter signed by President Yusuf in Bush House claiming he was appointed By President Yusuf to be the new head of BBC Somali Service.

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^^^You should not confuse the govern,nent with a few johny come lately individuals, these people do noit have my support nor sympathy. However Warlord`Garad needs to chnage tact, it matters not if he stays or some one else takes his position, what matters is this false reporting and clan court propoganda stops..

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