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General Duke

Warlord Yusuf Garad under pressure..

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What they don't understand is how the BBC serves the interests of the Brittish. It is a voice for western interests so they are wasting their time expressing their clanish sentiments in the cold.

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if every person yeey and his family disagreed was a warlord then the ward itself would loose its true meaning.


leave it to the professional blood sucking puppets like .pp. abdullahi yusuf.

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^^They are UK tax payers and thus have a right to voice their concersn. Warlord Yusuf Garad, supporter of warlord IndaCade and Xasan Dahir and his clan agenda is contrary to the interest of the Somali people and the British tax payer..

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^ The brittish understands their clanish sentiments very well, After all, the brittish used people like them to devide and rule somalis in the colonial days. Same old stories of somalis being loyal to their clan interests rather than to a national cause. keep up the tradition of servitude to your clan Duke.

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What fiefdom does Yussuf Garad control?



And why the sudden interest by Duke,Xalane & their guys over the BBC?


Let me guess, Yussuf Garad is not pro TFG? Who the **** is he anyway?

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Brown, yaa kale, he is reer-hooyo, I don't know the particular subclan out of those clans he belongs to but my guess would be Sheekh Uweys's. He is the head of the BBC.


If you want to know someone's clan who was/is hated and criticised or vilified by duke, caamir, xalane and all teh usual clanish fellas in here, you can bet that person hails from one CLAN ONLY. You will make no mistake.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^They are UK tax payers and thus have a right to voice their concersn.
Warlord Yusuf Garad
, supporter of warlord IndaCade and Xasan Dahir and his clan agenda is contrary to the interest of the Somali people and the British tax payer..

LoL, i wonder how many of the 'protestors' actually paid their TV license? (the finance for the BBC) :D

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BBC should dismiss Yusuf Garad ,,,,,, he is so active, creative but he is using the BBC for his own clanish and ill purpose



He better come to Mogadishu and work for Shabelle and Horn Afrique ,,,,,

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Banaanbax looga soo horjeedo Idaacada BBCda Afsoomaaliga oo ka dhacay Magaalada London

Last Updated::2007-02-04 16:01:39


London:-Banaanbax ayaa shalay ka dhacay Magaalada London banaanbaxaas ayaa waxaa soo abaabulay SOMALI PEACE COUNCIL oo ah urur ka jira Wadanka Engiriiska.


Banaanbaxayaasha ayaa waxaa ay ku mudaharaadayeen Idaacada BBcda iyagoo socod ku tagayXarunta BBCda iyagoo istaagay halka laga galo BBCda.


Banaanbaxayaasha ayaa aad u dhaliilsanaa qaabka ay idaacada BBCda uga hadasho arimaha Soomaaliya iyagoo ku eedeeyey inay BBCdu aysan dhexdhexaad ka ahayn arimaha Soomaaliya.


Dadka Mudaharaadaya ayaa BBCda ku eedeeyey inay ka soo horjeedo jiritaanka in wadanka soomaaliaya uu ka dhisanto Dowlada Soomaaliyeed, iyagoo mar walba buun buuniya wax abuuraya Wax iska horkeenaya Bulshada Soomaaliyeed waa sida ay hadalkooda u dhigeene.


Dadka Mudaharaadka dhigayey ayaa waxaa ay Warqad u gudbiyeen Tifatiraha Laanta Afka soomaaliga ee BBCda.

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JB: Yusuf Garad is not working for any interst outside his sub clan.


His fiefdom is that of the airways, his roadblocks are everywhere an obsticle to the truth and to peace. He will be removed soon insha Allah.

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