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Buulaburde: Al Shabaab defeat Sharif Ahmed forces in town after hours of fighting

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Dagaalkii degmada Buulaburde oo istaagay iyo Xarakatu Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo gacan si rasmi ah ugu dhigay degmadaasi.


Posted: 8/20/2009 2:19:00 PM


Dagaal saacado qaatay oo maanta ka dhacay degmada Buulaburde ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa istaagay iyadoo Xarakatu Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ay gacan si rasmi ah ugu dhigeen degmadaasi.


Dagaalkaasi ayaa waxaa la sheegay in xoogiisu uu ka dhacay buundada kala barta xaafado ka mid ah degmadaasi Buulaburde taasoo labada dhinac ay ka kala fadhiyeen ciidamada is dagaalaya wallow markii dambe ay ka dhaqaaqewn ciidamada dowladda.


Lama oga qasaaraha dhabta ah ee dagaalkaasi uu sababay inkastoo wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in dad rayid ah oo aad u badan ay ku dhaawacmeen,waxaana la sheegayaa in madaafiic dhowr ah ay ku dhacday Xaafado ka mid ah degmadaasi.

Dagaalka ayaa waxaa la sheegay in uu xoogaystay Maanta duhurkii waxaana uu isku badalay mid la isku weydaarsaday Madaafiic cul culus sida uu Idaacada Shabelle u sheegay mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo qadka taleefanka aan kula xariirnay.


Dadkii deganaa degmadaasi ayaa waxaa ay bilaabeen in ay isaga cararaan waxaana xafadaha degmadaasi maanta ay ahaayeen kuwa haawanaya islamarkaana ay albaabadu u laabanyihiin dhamaan howlihii ganacsiga.

Gaadiidkii isaga kala gowshayay Magaalooyinka Buulaburde iyo Baladweyne ayaa hakad galay iyadoo qaarkood ay ku xayirmeen meelo banaanka ka ah Magaalada halkaasi oo dagaalku uu ka dhacay.


si kastabataba ha ahaatee xaaladsda ayaa haatan waxa ay u muuqataa mid degan iyadoo gudaha magaaladana ay dadkii maanta cararay si teel teel ah ugu soo laabanayaan maadaama uu istaagay dagaalka xoogiisa.




Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.

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^^^Yes indeed and Sharif Ahmed so far is a poor player. The Ethiopians are also back inside the country, what say any demo's planned by the usual suspects in London?

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^^^We shall see, maybe you was not the ones who led the demo's as the E is a necessary evil to those who used organise such things.


Its Ramadan soon thus we shall see if the people hold the same "religious" conviction as they did a year ago?

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^It never sat well with me to have the 'E' seen as a normal varient of Somali politics. As for others, we shall see indeed.

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A necessary evil now!

:D:DNow Ethiopia is a necessary evil for the Munafiqeen of the Peace Caravan. Yaaaa Salaaaaam. Waraa riwaayaad cajiib aa meeshaan ka socoto.


When Cabdullahi Amxaar brought in the Ethiopians to occupy Somalia, the peaceniks raised hell. Treason, they yelled. Infamy, they cried. We will never forget, they proclaimed. SOL archives are filled to the brim with (empty) declarations of patriotism and 'Somalinimo'. Forward the clock three short years later, when Shariif Al-Khabeeth does the exact same thing(and even worse: selling off Somali sea & soil) and these erstwhile patriots suddenly transform into enthusiastic hypocrites a million times worser than Cabdullahi Amxaar. Say what you want about Abdullahi Yusuf(and u'll probably be right), but he was no hypocrite


Our Sharifite peaceniks, on the other hand, have shown a mastery of the science of abject hypocrisy and servitude to the forces of imperialism(both Ethiopia and the West). To that end, they have employed the services of a select group of merchant-scholars, known as Gudiga Culamada, who baptized the TFG as a 'Dowlad Islaami ah'. With a few pen strokes, a Holy Fatwa was produced: Now the grave-worshipping Suufis, the Moooryaan warlords, and the Ethiopian army were all 'Islamic'ized', all their sins were forgiven. They were now all part of 'Ciidaan'ka Midnimo Qaran' and were to join hands in ridding the country from the dastardly evil of the 'fringe-lunatic terrorists'. When Sharif Al-Khabeeth hosted a farewell party for the commanding officer of the AMISOM Xasooq forces, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the 'Holy Scholars' was there to 'bless' the Ugandan baboon who has the blood of thousands of Somalis on his hand.


Where is Faarax Brown, Sophist, Adam Zeyla and all the other 'neutral moderates' ? Do you still support the TFG, abtiyaal ? Are you still hedging, sitting on the fence of "We will wait and see" ? Are you still practicing the magical art of Is-Qancis ?


What will it take you to sober up from your drunken stupor of IsQancis ? A written fatwa from your 'Holy Scholars' ? To see Ethiopian tanks in Mogadisho again ? Or maybe in Laas Caanood ? But wait, wait, wait, wait, if that happens, it'll be Al-Shabaab's fault, just like it was their fault for the Ethiopian invasion in 2006, right ?


Pathetic, beyond pathetic. But it's aight, it's kool. Every man has his own learning curve, Let's see how long it takes you to emerge from the tunnel of defeat.

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It never sat well with me to have the 'E' seen as a normal varient of Somali politics

Thumb's up. We're making progress. If Paragon, who is on the record welcoming Ethiopian military support for the TFG, is now saying that he would rather eschew Ethiopian involvement in Somali affairs.....that's some progress right there.


Not exactly a damning condemntion of Ethiopian fara-gelin in Somalia, but it's a good start. He at least acknowledges that Ethiopian meddling is not good for Somalia.


Again, good job. This is the converging of views that I was talking about. All we have to do is to make sure we are converging on the Xaq and the Xaq alone.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

When Cabdullahi Amxaar brought in the Ethiopians to occupy Somalia,


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Dhoolo tuska raqiiska ah yaree saaxiib:


Kashafa has succeeded in bringing to our attention the abject hypocrisy of yesterday's anti-Ethiopia camp, which you were very prominent amongst, Mr Juje. Most of us agree now, that the opposition to the former TFG leadership was solely based on a very myopic clan allegiance-- which to be sure has NOW turned out to be very improvident on your part. I'm rapt with the dilemma you face, now that the Xabasha are back on Somali soil, and you now have to wiggle out of the predicament of being the ones who gave them the blessings to do so.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

quote: A necessary evil now!


Ethiopia is a necessary evil for the Munafiqeen of the Peace Caravan. Yaaaa Salaaaaam. Waraa riwaayaad cajiib aa meeshaan ka socoto.


When Cabdullahi Amxaar brought in the Ethiopians to occupy Somalia, the peaceniks raised hell. Treason, they yelled. Infamy, they cried. We will never forget, they proclaimed. SOL archives are filled to the brim with (empty) declarations of patriotism and 'Somalinimo'. Forward the clock three short years later, when Shariif Al-Khabeeth does the
exact same thing(and even worse: selling off Somali sea & soil) and these erstwhile patriots suddenly transform into enthusiastic hypocrites a million times worser than Cabdullahi Amxaar. Say what you want about Abdullahi Yusuf(and u'll probably be right), but he was no hypocrite


Our Sharifite peaceniks, on the other hand, have shown a mastery of the science of abject hypocrisy and servitude to the forces of imperialism(both Ethiopia and the West). To that end, they have employed the services of a select group of merchant-scholars, known as Gudiga Culamada, who baptized the TFG as a 'Dowlad Islaami ah'. With a few pen strokes, a Holy Fatwa was produced: Now the grave-worshipping Suufis, the Moooryaan warlords, and the Ethiopian army were all 'Islamic'ized', all their sins were forgiven. They were now all part of 'Ciidaan'ka Midnimo Qaran' and were to join hands in ridding the country from the dastardly evil of the 'fringe-lunatic terrorists'. When Sharif Al-Khabeeth hosted a farewell party for the commanding officer of the AMISOM Xasooq forces, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the 'Holy Scholars' was there to 'bless' the Ugandan baboon who has the blood of thousands of Somalis on his hand.


Where is Faarax Brown, Sophist, Adam Zeyla and all the other 'neutral moderates' ? Do you still support the TFG, abtiyaal ? Are you still hedging, sitting on the fence of "We will wait and see" ? Are you still practicing the magical art of Is-Qancis ?


What will it take you to sober up from your drunken stupor of IsQancis ? A written fatwa from your 'Holy Scholars' ? To see Ethiopian tanks in Mogadisho again ? Or maybe in Laas Caanood ? But wait, wait, wait, wait, if that happens, it'll be Al-Shabaab's fault, just like it was their fault for the Ethiopian invasion in 2006, right ?


Pathetic, beyond pathetic. But it's aight, it's kool. Every man has his own learning curve, Let's see how long it takes you to emerge from the tunnel of defeat.
For the first time i agree with kashafa... arent the ethiopia the same ethiopia they used to hate in abdullahi days? :confused: .. let the clan cheerleaders answer this quastion please... its clear their somalinimo was fake after all . :eek:

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

quote: It never sat well with me to have the 'E' seen as a normal varient of Somali politics

Thumb's up. We're making progress. If Paragon, who is on the record welcoming Ethiopian military support for the TFG, is now saying that he would rather eschew Ethiopian involvement in Somali affairs.....that's some progress right there.


Not exactly a damning condemntion of Ethiopian fara-gelin in Somalia, but it's a good start. He at least acknowledges that Ethiopian meddling is
not good for Somalia.


Again, good job. This is the converging of views that I was talking about. All we have to do is to make sure we are converging on the Xaq and the Xaq alone.
Oh thanks, Kashafa! That's so kind of you. :D


I guess even if I asked for evidence of my 'welcoming Ethiopians' still you wouldn't be able to produce it. You should know your facts as they concern 'individuals' and not your generalisations. smile.gif

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