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SIR CULUS: Maamulka Puntland oo qodobo lagu khiyaameynayo Dowladda Soomaliya hordhiga

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(20-08-2009)Faroole oo ah ninka madaxa ka ah Maamul goboleedka Puntaland & rag ay isku fikir yihiin oo maamulkiisa ka tirsan, ayaa waxay soo diyaarsadeen qodobo aad loola yaabay oo ay ku doonayaan in ay ku afduubaan curaarna ku geliyaan dowladda uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Shariif Sheekh Ahmed.


Raysal Wasaaraha dowladda Minimada Qaran Cumar Cabdirashiid oo Booqasho ku tegey waqooyiga Galkacyo, ayaa Mr. Faroole iyo xulafadiisu waxay soo hordhigeen dhowr qodob oo ay dalbadeen in dowladda dhexe ay aqoonsato, iyagoo ku hanjabey in haddii la oggolaan waayo qodobadaas ay ka go,ayaan Soomaaliya ayna gooni isu taagayaan.


Qodobada aad loola yaabay ee damaca waalan iyo deeq-busigu uu bud-dhigga u yahay ayaa waxay yihiin kuwaan;


1-In dowladda dhexe ay ka tanaasusho magaca MINIMADA QARAN iyo SHAREECADA ISLAAMKA ee ay sheegtay iney wadanka ku dhaqeyso, ayna ku ekaato FIDARAALKA KUMEEL GAARKA AH.


2-In dhaqaale kasta oo dowladda dhexe ka soo gala gudaha iyo dibeddaba boqolkiiba xisaab leysla garto lagu soo wareejiyo maamul goboleedka Puntland.


3-In lacagaha uu caalamku ugu tala-galay la dagaalanka burcad badeeda ay dowladda dhexe u saxiixdo maamul goboleedka Puntland oo gebi ahaanteedba lagu soo wareejiyo Maamulkooda.


4-In Wafdi kasta oo ay dowladda dhexe shirarka caalamka u dirsaneyso lagu daro shaqsi ka socda Puntland, si ay wax uga ogaadaan dhaqdhaqaaqa dowladda dhexe.


5-In Raysal wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid uu arrimaha Masuuliyiinta Puntland ee ku jira dowladda dhexe iyo gobollada Puntlandba uga dambeeyo Mr. Faroole.


6-In deeqaha waxbarashada ee ay dowladda dhexe ka hesho caalamka iyo Saraakiisha ciidan ee dibedaha loo dirayaba 40% la siiyo Puntland.


Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa aqbalay qodobka 5-aad, isagoo qodobada kalena sheegay inuu kula laabanayo Madaxweynihiisa Shariif Sheekh Axmed.


Qodobadaan ay soo bandhigeen maamul goboleedka Puntland waxay muujinayaan in maamulayaasha gobollada Bari ay ka go,an tahay in ay jawaan ku rogtaan kheyraadka wadanka oo dhan dadka intiisa kalena ay ahaadaan kuwo magacooda lagu qaato oo aan waxba ka soo gaarin.


Dalabyadaan ka soo yeeray Mr. Faroole iyo Xulafadiisa ayaa waxay Caay iyo Aflagaaddo ku yihiin Shacabka soomaaliyeed ee Xalaasha ah, gaarahaan kuwooda ku nool gobollada dhexe iyo gobollada koonfureed, waxaana ay yihiin Xaqiraaddii iyo aflagaadadii ugu xumeyd abid ee loo geysto karaamada iyo sharafta shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax ayaa arrintaan ****olka ka qaaday isagoo shalay ka hadlayey Sad-bursiga iyo saan-tirashada, afduubka iyo aflagaadada ay la meereysanayaan Maamulayaasha gobollada bari, taasoo ah mid aan marnaba u shaqeyn doonin.


Masuul ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya oo u dhashay gobolka banaadir oo aan arrintaan kala sheekeystay ayaa ii sheegay oo yiri; "Haddii uu shariifku aqbalo in xuquuqda shacab weynaha Soomaaliyeed loo moora-duugo maamulayaasha gobollada bari, isaga ayaan xabbadda ku foorarineynaa".


Posted by dalka1 on August 20 2009 01:53:18

Opinion of the writer only!!!

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Guriceel website or not, I will humor the aforementioned drivel...


1-In dowladda dhexe ay ka tanaasusho magaca MINIMADA QARAN iyo SHAREECADA ISLAAMKA ee ay sheegtay iney wadanka ku dhaqeyso, ayna ku ekaato FIDARAALKA KUMEEL GAARKA AH.

Call it what you will, but Federalism is the ONLY logical compromise that will allow the Puntland government to work with the so-called TFG of Xamar.


2-In dhaqaale kasta oo dowladda dhexe ka soo gala gudaha iyo dibeddaba boqolkiiba xisaab leysla garto lagu soo wareejiyo maamul goboleedka Puntland.

Yes. Sharif ought-ta pay Puntland it's fair share of the monies, he has received in the name of the Somali people. Mise, like our resident naysayers would have us believe-- Puntlanders are to be considered a lost ancient tribe from china??? smile.gif



3-In lacagaha uu caalamku ugu tala-galay la dagaalanka burcad badeeda ay dowladda dhexe u saxiixdo maamul goboleedka Puntland oo gebi ahaanteedba lagu soo wareejiyo Maamulkooda.

Yes, once again. The criminal pirates mainly operate on the Puntland coastline. So, it's only sensible that funds allocated for the fight against piracy go to the Puntland authorities to help them do this job properly.


4-In Wafdi kasta oo ay dowladda dhexe shirarka caalamka u dirsaneyso lagu daro shaqsi ka socda Puntland, si ay wax uga ogaadaan dhaqdhaqaaqa dowladda dhexe.

Alla wuxu caaqsana? What on earth makes you think we will work with a central government that will NOT include Puntlanders? Silly child!


5-In Raysal wasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid uu arrimaha Masuuliyiinta Puntland ee ku jira dowladda dhexe iyo gobollada Puntlandba uga dambeeyo Mr. Faroole.

This is a no brainer aswell. Anyone claiming to represent the Puntland people must have the mandate of the people and their leaders(in this case, President Faroole)


6-In deeqaha waxbarashada ee ay dowladda dhexe ka hesho caalamka iyo Saraakiisha ciidan ee dibedaha loo dirayaba 40% la siiyo Puntland.

As the Iron Duke has always said..."Puntland is atleast 1/3 of Somalia". Ergo, after all the mathematical equations get sorted out, that equates approximately to 40% or so, of the budget must come to us. So like Caesar, give to Puntland, what belongs to Puntland.

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dhusamareeb website is full of hate for the people of puntland , so its not the right source of news... this clan website hates the fact that federal system will not be good for them becouse they own no land .they wanna suck and live on other peple lands.

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Nonsense. You mean to tell us, these folks just fell out of the sky? What do you mean, "they have no land"? :mad:


I cannot stand false generalization of a group of people, whoever they maybe. Saaxiib, the opinions of the above poster do not and will NEVER not reflect the collective views of the so-called people who only "wanna suck and live on other people's lands" because, such people only exist in your head.

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Originally posted by Jaanka:

Opinion of the writer only!!!

And this is sir be honest dalkanews is a joke! All they talk about is Culusoow, C/Qaasim and opposing any dowlad that their likes aysan horboodeyn!


Originally posted by Meiji:

One person talking to himself. Duke/Mr.Somalia/Sool -boy/Jaanka

lol...any more doubles?



Originally posted by Mansa Munsa:

At least adigaa uunsiga shiday Jaankoow

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Originally posted by Meiji:

One person talking to himself. Duke/Mr.Somalia/Sool -boy/Jaanka



he Has More Than 100 Names .

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^^the strong minded always tend to use multiple names just to backup his weak points


lol@Che: ninkaan jangoole wu ku qarwaa :D:D

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