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Hargaysa: Riyaale Muggs them again, gets 6 month extension.

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War Deg Deg Ah: Golahii Guurtida Oo Mudo Lix Bilood Ah Ugu Kordhiyay In Madaxweyne Riyaale Sii Hayo Dalka.

March 28th, 2009


Mooshin ku saabsan muddo-kordhin la doonayo in xukuumadda madaxweyne Rayaale xilka loogu kordhiyo lix bilood oo kale, ayaa manta golaha guurtida cod loogu qaaday. Fadhiga golaha guurtida, ayaa laga akhriyey waraaq qoraal ah oo uu madaxweyne Rayaale golaha guurtida kaga codsanayo inay muddo-kordhin sameyaan. Ka dibna waxaa loo gudo galay cod qaadista, mooshinka mudo kordhinta.


Waxaana halkaa ku sadex cod ku dheeraaday xubnihii mudo kordhinta Riyaale u codeeyay oo 41 noqday, halka kuwa diidanaa noqdeen 38. Halkaana waxaa mudado lix bilood loogu daray xukumadii Riyaale, oo markaa sii haynaysa talada dalka ilaa Oct 29 2009. Wixii faah faahina ee la xidhiidha arintan dib ayaanu idinkula soo socod siin doonaa.

Dhinaca kale, waxaa ilaa iminka ku xildhan saldhiga weyn ee Hargeisa, labada wariye ee iyagu u kala shaqeeya Idaacada Horyaal iyo shabakada Somalilandfuture, Ahmed Saleebaan Dhuxul iyo Liibaan Maaweel Shire. Lamana garanayo sababaha wariyayaashan loo xidhay, wixiise faah faahina dib ayaanu idinku soo sheegi doonaa.

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Dahir Riyaale took an extra year.

Then extended the election through the "election commision".


Now he got another 6 months from the "gurti".

Next they will crown him Suldan Dahir king of NW Somalia for life..

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Maxa La Gudboon Muj Ahmed M Silanyo Haatan Iyo Boobka Rayale Ka Bacdi

March 28th, 2009


Go’aanka muddo kordhina ee golaha guurtidu wakhtiga ugu kordhiyey Md Dahir Rayale Kaahin ma aha goaan ama qaraar ka turjumaya rabitaanka iyo dooniska shacabka Somaliland. Waxa ku baxay lacag ka badan lix boqol oo kun oo Dollar si loo iibsado codkooda oo ay khal khal u galiyaan rabitanka shacabka. Taas waydnu wada ognahay dhamaanteen. Hase yeshe waxa muuqatoo xaqiiqo ah in Dahir Rayale iyo casaabda la shaqaysata ay isticmaalayo ama bahdilayso hayadahii dawladeed ee loo samaystay in dadkan iyo dalkan ay asturaan oo an facaan.


Sheekadu ma tagna lix bilood oo Dahir Rayale loo kordhiyey ee waa qorshe iyo mashruuc taxane ah oo wadankan lagu burbirinayo. Goaankan muddo kordhinta guurtida ma aha keliya mid ay wakhtigi ugu kordhiyen Dahir Rayale. Wa mid ay awood ka baxsan awoodaha koomishanka ku faro geliyeen o waxa ay xitaa cayimeen wakhtiga doorasho dhici doonto. Miyanay hore komishanku u sheegin in ay doorashoyinka u qabteen 31 May? Haddii aay saas tahay wa maxay wakhtiga kale ee komishanku cayimay?


Siday doonto ha ahaatee, hadaan usoo noqdo nuxurka qoraalkayga iyo tan toos ugu socota guddomiyaha xisbiga KULMIYE Mujahid Ahmed Maxamed Silanyo. Waxan anigu ku talin laha in waraaq danbe oo KULMIYE soo saara oo yidhahda waanu diidanahay goaankas aanay macno samaynayn. Sidoo kale waxan u arkaa in KULMIYE goaankas aqbalaa in aanay macno samaynahyn. Waxan qabaa in loo baahan yahay farsamo kale iyo hab kale oo sharci darrada, qaran dumisnimada iyo xoog shegashada Dahir Rayale looga hor tago. Sida ugu haboon waxa weeye in aqoonsiga iyo u adeegista xukun maroorsiga Dahir Rayale uu xisbiga KULMIYE, gaar ahaan, Mujahid Silanyo kala noqdo.


HAdaan si kale u dhigo, Mujahid Silanyo waa aabihi qarankan Somaliland. In badan waxa laga yaaba marka ay isku

saaxad soo istaagaan Dahir Rayale iyo Cawil in qiimeynba la samayn waayo oo la arko siyaasiyin hirdamaysa. Laakin

xaqiiqadu waxa weeye, berrina la ogaan dona, inta danaysa arrimaha geeska Afrikana ogtahay, in Silanyo yahay aabihi iyo waliba astaantii (symbol) qarankan Somaliland. Sidaas darteed waxan soo jeedinaya, maadaama oo farsamoyinki hore ee u adeegayay hagar daamoyinka Dahir Rayale ay tahay in wax laga bedelo, waa in Muj Silanyo ku dhaqaqa talaboyinka ka duwan talaaboyinki hore loga bartay. Taasina waa in Muj Silanyo kala noqdaa aqoonsiga iyo wada shaqaynta Dahir Rayale iyo xukuumadiisa, qaabka iyo farsamada taas loo marayaana anay noqon qaabki hore u xoogeynayay Dahir Rayale.


Hadaan si kale u dhigo, ma haboona maanta in KULMIYE baaq danbe soo saaro oo yidhaah DIIDNAY iyo IINYO. Ma haboona in KULMIYE aqbalo goaankas guurtida. Waxa haboon in Silanyo oo ah guddomiyaha KULMIYE iyo astaanta qarankan Somaliland in uu aayar oo dhalatay isaga oo aan haa iyo maya toona odhan Airportka ka Hargeysa ka dhoofo isaga oo u socdo dhinaca ingiriiska oo dabadeed laba mid xaal noqdo. Kow, in meeshu isla qasanto o waalato oo qas iyo jahwareer siyaasaded yimaado. Laba in Dahir Rayale iyo casaabadiisa in bulsahda caalamka iyo gobolada jaarku cidhiidhi ku gelin yan inuu noqdo Diktaator dhacay. Waddo kale oo taa ka ahayn ma furna ayaan filaya.


Dahir A Jama


London, UK

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Goluhu Ciidan Ma Dal-Ban, Waana Khalad Inay Gudaha Soo Galaan”-Gudoomiyaha Guurtida


“Ciddii Ciidanka Keentay Baa Ka Jawaabi, Laakiin Waxay U Egtahay In Loo Keenay Arimaha Ka Socda Guurtida ”—Guddoomiyaha Wakiilada


Hargeysa March 26, 2009 (Haatuf)- Mooshin ku saabsan muddo-kordhin la doonayo in xukuumadda madaxweyne Rayaale xilka loogu kordhiyey ayaa shalay la soo hordhigay fadhiga golaha guurtida, waxaana madasha laga akhriyey waraaq qoraal ah oo uu madaxweyne Rayaale golaha guurtida kaga codsanayo inay muddo-kordhin sameyaan. Haseyeeshee qoraalkii mooshinkaa ayaa loo qaybiyey mudanayaasha, waxayna shirgudoonku mudanayaasha ku war-geliyeen inay laba maalmood soo dersaan, ka dibna dooddiisa la gudo-galo, waxaase maalintii shalay dhismaha xarunta baarlamaanka ka jiray jawi dareen leh oo ay dadku su’aalo badan iska waydiiyeen, kana muujiyeen dareen walaac leh, ka dib markii ay ciidamo tiro badan oo bilays ahi isa soo dhoobeen hareeraha iyo gudaha dhismaha xarunta labada gole ee baarlamaanka (guurtida & wakiilada).


Dhismaha xarunta baarlamaanka ayaa arooryadii hore ee shalay lagu war-helay cutubyo ciidanka bilayska ah oo hoganaya agagaarka iyo gudaha dhismaha baarlamaanka, waxayna ciidamada halkaa yimi horjoogsadeen baabuurtii mudanayaasha labada gole ee guurtida iyo wakiilada, iyagoo u sheegay inaanay baabuurtoodu geli Karin gudaha dhismaha baarlamaanka, taas oo aan hore u dhici jirin, noqotayna arin ku cusub dhaqanka hawl-maalmeedka baarlamaanka, waxayna taasi dareen sas iyo cadho leh gelisay inta badan mudanayaashii labada gole ee xarunta ka soo xaadiray, waxaana la iswaydiiyey cidda bixisay amarka ciidamada lagu keenay xarunta baarlamaanka iyo sababta ciidamada loo soo dhoobay gudaha dhismaha baarlamaanka, iyadoo ay gudoomiyayaasha labada gole ee baarlamaanku saxaafadda u cadeeyeen inaanay wax ciidamo ah dal-baninin, isla markaana aanay jirin sabab ciidamo loo soo dhoobo xarunta baarlamaanka.


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No blame for the Guurti? :D . Everything is about Riyaale with huh? You're giving Riyaale too much power dukey. His not the boogeyman..wipe the sweat of your head. Blame the elders from Erigavo, Burco, Hargeisa for this.

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Its a great question, why is the election postponed again for the third time?


AfricaOwn: Adeer the so callede leders have some of the blame but its Riyaale who is being disrespectful to the secessionists.. :D

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Somaliland president receives another term extension

28 Mar 28, 2009 - 3:10:36 PM



HARGEISA, Somalia Mar 28 (Garowe Online) - The leader of Somalia's breakaway state of Somaliland received a term extension Saturday, in a vote that is likely to deepen the region's ongoing election crisis, Radio Garowe reports.


Somaliland's upper house of parliament, the House of Guurti, held an extraordinary session in the regional capital Hargeisa, with 79 MPs present including Guurti Chairman Saleban "Gal" Mohamud.



The House of Guurti/Mar 28

Some 20 Guurti MPs offered heated speeches, introducing two opposite motions.


The first motion indicated that the administration of President Dahir Riyale's term in office expires on April 6, arguing that there is "no emergency" such as war, drought or other natural disaster to warrant another delay of the much-expected presidential election.


This motion's supporters accused President Riyale of failing to hold elections on time, while calling for the establishment of a caretaker government to rule Somaliland until the election.



Outside the Somaliland Parliament/Mar 28

The second motion stated that the Somaliland election commission could not organize the election on time, citing the Oct. 2008 suicide bombings in Hargeisa that targeted the office of President Riyale among others.


Further, the pro-Riyale lawmakers in the House of Guurti argued that there is an ongoing drought in some regions of Somaliland, saying that the current government should receive a term extension to overcome such challenges.


Mr. Saleban Gal, the Guurti Chairman, then said the lawmakers would vote on the political future of Riyale's government.



Outside the Somaliland Parliament/Mar 28

"Of the present lawmakers, 42 MPs voted to extend the term for the President and the Vice President, 35 MPs rejected the vote, 1 MP abstained and I did not vote," the Guurti Chairman announced


As the chairman declared the vote results, his two deputies – Sheikh Ahmed Sheikh Nur and Said Abdullahi – sat next to him.


The new election date was set for October 29, 2009, giving the Riyale administration time to complete the voter-registration process.


Somaliland opposition parties Kulmiye and UCID have not formally responded to President Riyale's term extension.


But Mr. Ahmed Silanyo, the Kulmiye party's presidential candidate and the opposition leader, has vowed not to recognize Riyale's government after April 6.


Security was extra tight in and around the parliament building in Hargeisa, as police and military units kept close watch as the House of Guurti held its most important vote to date.


In 2008, Guurti MPs voted in favor of extending Riyale's constitutional five-year term in office by one additional year, with opposition parties accepting the term extension on grounds that the presidential election be held on March 29, 2009.


Somaliland unilaterally declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, vowing to establish a peaceful and democratic government.


Critics say Somaliland's democratic image has been severely tarnished by election delays and the overall lack of press freedom, including a ban on independent radio stations.


The separatist republic has not been recognized internationally.


Source: Garowe Online

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This delay or the presidential term extension for the second time would only complicate Riyale's chances of winning the upcoming election, I believe.


But again, the Burco sub-clans, and the city as the stronghold of Kulmiye party, have never embraced fully the state and its power to institute its printed papers as the only official currency in the region. Reer Burco have often relied on the Somali shilling and used the Bossaso port. For this time, they are tired of Riyale's conflict of interest and his backers and they explicitly express that the power be handed over to Siilaanyo from Bur'o whom they credit him as the founder of "Somaliland."

However, Ethiopia might be involved and the Guurti Assembly are now too corrupted to independently execute its area of responsibility.

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burco uses both somaliland money and the walanweyn money now let me tell you something nationhood of somaliland kuma xidhna qoff ganacasii wax kala soo dagga dakadaka somaliya siida boossaso .


burco is where somaliland started in 1991 sxb

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