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DUBAI : Raysalwasaare Geedi oo horjoogsaday Lacag uu maamulka Puntland uu soo daabici lahaa

Posted to the Web Jan 08, 16:42



Dubai:-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Dubai ee dalka Emaradka ayaa sheegaya in uu Raysalwasaaraha DFKS Cali Maxamed Geedi uu gaashaanka ku dhuftay Lacag SH.SO ah oo maamulka Puntland uu ku samayn lahaa warshado ku yaala dalka Indunusia.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (gaagaab) ayaa la sheegay in uu qorshaynayay in uu soo daabaco Lacag dhan 300 Bilyan oo $ 22 Milyan.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland Maxamed Cali Yuusuf (Gaagaab) oo iminka ku sugan magaalada Dubai ayaa waxaa la sheegay in uu M.waynaha Somaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf uu ka codsaday in uu kala hadlo Raysalwasaarihiisa si uu uga qaado xayiraadan uu saaray.


Lacagtan oo ah mid aad u badan ayay waxay u dhiganta miisaaniyada Puntland ee Golaha Wakiiladu ansixiyeen ee ah 4.1 Bilyan Sh.So.


Waxaa xusid mudan in shaqaalaha kala duwan ee Puntland uu muddo 4 billood ah uusan qaadan wax mushaara habayaraatee taa soo sababtay tayo-xumo ku timid maamulka oo dhan.


Hadal-haynta Lacagtan ayaa saamayn wayn ku yeelatay sarifka Lacagta doolarka ee suuqyada Puntland $100 oo huray deegaamada Puntland lagu sarifanayay 1,400,000 Sh.So ayaa iminka wuxuu marayaa 1,360.000 oo kaliya.


C/raxmaan Maxamed Aadan

Boosaaso ,

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^ How can a stinking veterinarian (and a Banadiri at that) tell the blue-blooded Buntlanders what to do? What is this world coming to?

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LePoint, you do see the irony in all of this, don't you? Sooner, rather than later, it will all come crashing down. Will it make me happy? No. Can I prevent it? No. Will I say I told you so then? No.

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^^^Why is this a big deal? If this is an indication the TFG will colapse then you have a thing coming.


This is better than, reer hebal attack this town or that. A dispute is natural and this highlights that the TFG is not a Puntland vehicle, as Mr C-Castro would have us belive.

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Originally posted by Castro:

^ How can a stinking veterinarian (and a Banadiri at that) tell the blue-blooded Buntlanders what to do? What is this world coming to?

The jury is out on that Castro. Walaahi that made me laugh. Would Puntlanders accept such insult now that the godfather is in Villa Somalia? smile.gif

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^Adeer - this is a possible attempt at building something from the rubble. If this attempt comes crashing down - we will hardly sink to a new level - just an accumlation of more rubble. Hardly anything new in Somalia. But this attempt at building is the most noteworthy since the collapse. Thus my hope.

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^ Therein lies the problem. I disagree this is the "most noteworthy" attempt at rebuilding. In fact, this is not rebuilding at all. This is a continuation of the status quo. A collapsed state being fed upon by NGO's, the West and Ethiopia using a puppet regime. We had a most noteworthy attempt a few months ago and that has been first infiltrated then disbanded. Classic imperial modus operandi.


There's nothing in recent or past history that indicates this puppet regime can rebuild anything. Of course, speculations about the future are open to everyone.

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^Adeer - everything is relative. At this point in Somali history - the corrupt, mismanaged countries of Kenya and Ethiopia have some semblance of government that we in Somalia are lacking in much of the country. If we can get to their level that will be a step up. I don't expect an immaculate epiphany in Somali governance but I do expect a step up from our current situation.


As to the ICU - they hardly needed to be infiltrated and disbanded. They self-imploded with their jihad on TFG and Ethiopia.

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Imploded? How very convenient to have your enemy implode. I don't buy it atheer. Enemies don't implode, they get defeated in a myriad of ways. Ma calayna, they're history now. At least in the "Courts" form for even if they return, they won't be practicing any judicial duties.


Originally posted by ThePoint:

Adeer - everything is relative. At this point in Somali history - the corrupt, mismanaged countries of Kenya and Ethiopia have some semblance of government that we in Somalia are lacking in much of the country. If we can get to their level that will be a step up.

Indeed it would be several steps up. But look who's doing the lifting for us? An orgy of warlords, occupiers, imperialists and plain old criminals. Hardly a group to inspire confidence and cheer.

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^They are serving their self-interest if they aspire to Kenya and Ethiopia's govt level. More power, more 'aid' money and a page in history.


As to implosion or defeat:


self defeat through over reaching = self implosion

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^No - but we need to acknowledge it is a step up - and I'm certainly not gonna disparage anyone who aspires to that. BTW - did you not say it is a step up or did I misread?

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LePoint, why do you insist on separating the aspiration for a better Somalia from rejecting those who are telling us they'll take us there. The two ideas can co-exist but you insist they're mutually exclusive. I don't believe the messengers bringing us this message. And giving them the benefit of the doubt is not an option for if Somalis do, they'll be held hostage to these natural-born-killers for decades to come.


What is wrong with you? :D

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