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Somalia: Ethiopian factor surfaces in Puntland oil dispute

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In the political calculus prevailing in Somalia today, if one wants to clinch to whatever feeble power there is in his desire, all is required from him is to prove his admin’s compliance with Ethiopia’s directives. And in that verse, one would be excessively foolish, if one counts Cadde out on the basis of corruption or his other domestic blunders.


Same could be said about Riyaale.

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Good Points Naxar, Like I said before. I am telling you exactly what people on the ground there are thinking. They are sick and tired of these people from the west rushing back and running for public office. It's a fact on the ground there I advise you to go see for yourself. President Cade came in 2002 to fight Abdullahi yusuf, and won very narrowly by a few votes in 2005 in the elections against Hashi. He didn't rush there in 1998 when the state was formed, or in 2002 when Jama Ali Jama came into office. He came after that you know it and I do. He made a name for himself and did something unheard of and fought Abdullahi Yusuf(no one does that), what did Jama Ali Jama do? Because of his actions the people were forced to respect him and forgot about the time he spent outside the country.(he personally almost lost his life). He would never have had a chance of winning had he not fought Abdullahi Yusuf, NO CHANCE AT ALL.

You are right he won because Faroole gave his votes to president Cade and this was because of his hatered of Hashi. But when Gagaabe got the the minister of Finance position under the current admin, (the same position faroole had under Abdullahi Yusuf, which faroole had expected to retain), this resulted in him changing his tone taking over parliament and being humiliated and sending his nephews to their death and ever since has tried to undermine the admin every chance he can.

Finally, there still a lot of time before the elections and all I am asking people is one thing, WHO IS A PERSON YOU THINK WILL TAKE OVER? What's their names? If you can't name that, then President Cade will win again, people in Puntland wont allow what happened in 1991 to happen again so dont expect some war like so many wish for. Getting rid of Afweyne and having no one to take over taught them a valuable lesson. In Puntland they avoid war at all costs, they tried to negotiate, they'll keep President Cade in Power if there is no viable alternative like right now, you'll see.

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Range Resources shares suspended on ASX pending announcement regarding Puntland


25 March 2008


AFX International Focus


LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Range Resources Ltd said its shares have suspended on the Australian Securities Exchange pending the release of an announcement relating to clarification from Puntland on its relationship with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia.



This follows the recent approval by the Puntland parliament of new Puntland mineral and petroleum exploration and development legislation under which Range Resources' Puntland exploration rights would be broadly protected.


Source AFX News

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^Thanks for the link, me. It's very informative. Somalitalk, Garowe, Biyokulule iyo Nugaal and other sites have been covering this issue in a greater depth. Very appreciated.


Thanks Caamir.

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Range Resources, the oil explorer in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region of Somalia, rose 4¾p to 15p after authorities there said that it would share royalties with the Somali Government.
The Somali Energy Minister issued an open letter at the weekend saying that Puntland had no rights to hand out exploration licences.


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Explorers count cost of volatile governments

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Robert Lindsay


As Camec and White Nile have discovered to their cost, holding the rights to explore in countries with volatile governments does not always count as much of a guarantee.


Range Resources, an oil explorer in a breakaway northeastern region of Somalia known as Puntland, floated on AIM in October at 22p. Yesterday it plunged 4¼p to 10¼p after its Australian-listed shares were suspended pending a statement from the government of Puntland “clarifying its relationship” with the Somali Government in Mogadishu. Puntland, which has been autonomous since 1998, insists that exploration rights belonging to African Oil, Range’s partner, are protected, but it is not clear whether the transitional federal government of Somalia agrees.


Camec, the explorer founded by Phil Edmonds, the former England cricketer, rose 1¼p to 50p as it completed a deal to form a joint venture in the Democratic Republic of Congo with Dan Gertler, the entrepreneur. However, Mr Edmonds’s other venture – White Nile – eased 2½p to 35¼p after it said that there was still no progress on establishing exploration rights in Sudan. Instead, it is taking a 49 per cent stake in Camec Kenya in return for funding half its costs.


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Range resources are all joke, entrusting their $$ with an incompetent admin?


Somalia needs a strong and handy central government for these types of work to be feasible? They are abstract enthusiasts, aren't they? or they the Aussi rangers want to market this internationally covered beautiful story of money and oil in an uncharted territory?

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Originally posted by Isseh:

Hmm, history IS repeating itself mate. In a semilar colonial manner, local leaders/elders are selling themselves to the highest bidder, and I wouldn't be surprised if what you ponder actually turns out to be the case. But I must question: external interventionism, should you expect anything positive from it? I don't know about such arrangements, but every fibre in my body equally detests and distrusts Ethiopia/US as cheparones. I just can not hear their names and not get psyched up!

No I don't expect any positive effect from external interventionism. Unfortunately It is they who are fueling the whole Somali flame. They aren't even genuinely supporting the TFG,and thus far my hopes of this government is quite fading not because I dislike a bad government but the lack of genuine international support that can provide the needed money to national reconciliation, replacement of Ethiopian troops with UN peacekeeping troops, and building the fragile institutions of the TFG.

With all these in place, can we then think of tapping our natural resources.

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Caamir, maxaa ka jira wararka sheegaya Ethiopia SSC timi? Haduu warkan run yahay wallee sheekadu waa cakkiran tahay.

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If you listen to what Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah is saying at the end of this talk, he actually mentions that the former Somali state had made exploration contracts with big oil companies, and that current Admins in Somalia are falsely giving away contracts to 'fake' company based in dodgy parts of the world.


PS: Also in the middle, there is a Maakhirian sister putting him on the spot about Somaliland's attempts to invade Sanaag smile.gif . She's fiesty too lol.

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Jen. Cadde Muuse oo laga yaabo inuu Ethiopia ka dalbado ciidamo suga amaanka shidaal qodista..


Ethiopia- March 31, 2008

Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Jen. Cadde Muuse Xirsi ayaa Dalka Ethiopia la filayaa inuu u tegey wada hadalo uu la leeyahay Maamulka Addis Ababa, kaas oo ku aadan shidaal qodista deegaanada Puntland dhowaan laga hergelinayo...


Cadde Muuse ayaa dadaal ugu jira socodsiinta shidaal laga baaro Deegaanada Puntland, taasoo caqabado ay kala hor imaanayaan maamulkiisa iyo dadka deegaanada.


Jen Cadde oo saaxib dhow la ah Dowladda Ethiopia ayaa ka dalbaday Madaxda Ethiopianka in ay ugu yaboohaan Ciidamo gaar ah oo ka qeyb qaata sugida ammaanka deegaanada laga fulinayo shidaal qodista.


Ilo ku dhow dhow ah xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa sheegaya in dhowr maalmood uu ku sugnaan doono Magaalada Addis Ababa, waxaana wada hadalo uu arrimahaas kala yeelan doonaa Dowladda Ethiopia.


Puntland oo culeys adag ka heysta dhinaca Somaliland iyo kooxaha kale ee kacdoonada ka wada dalka Soomaaliya ayaa bilaabaya bartamaha sanadkan shidaal qodis laga fuliyo deegaanadeeda, xilli Dowladda Soomaaliya ku gacan seyrtay qorshaha Baarlamaanka Puntland ku ansixiyay batroolka.


Saraakiil ka socota Shirkad caan ah oo lagu magacaabo African Oil ayaa ku sugan Magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana shirkadaas dhowana heshiis la galay Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ku aadan shidaal ay ka baarto Deegaanada Puntland.








Xargaga Online

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