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General Duke

Move capital from Mogadishu if Sharif is defeated

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Yes, Duke, we get it. You've already telegraphed why you and yours are advocating for the defeat of Sharif. It's noted and put in the record books.


Now, please spare us the repetition. It's hard enough trying to find real news and interesting analysis within all the posts without having to scroll through 100 of your repetitive talking points .


Your position is known by all. No need to repeat it every 5 seconds. Just makes you look like a childish bore...


Brotherly advice ...

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I'm not bothered at all. Duke is true blue Puntland man. I understand that. I understand the struggle to gain leverage for that objective. There's nothing wrong with that. The only time I intercede is when he posts fabrications to which I try to present the facts (as I know them, since I'm just a mere human ;) ).


But the endless repetitions of talking points gets boring and takes up much needed bandwidth. These talking points should be sent to global institutions not this 'Board'.


I must admit he's made some painful observations about the Sharif gov't in the last few days, though :D But his continuous gloating only serves to win more enemies for Puntland (since he's the self-appointed spokesman).


Now, please, answer in a civil manner if you're going to respond. I'm still recovering from Xiin's continuous name-calling :D

As if I'm to blame for the crushing of his latest dream :(

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Mintid why are you so bothered with his posts I thought you didnt have anything to do with anything called Somalia let alone its capital?

Oh, and one more thing Mr. Wacdaraha -


After I get my recognition, I plan on expanding into my Southern neighbor. It's dangerous to have open, ungoverned spaces around. Syria into Lebanon, Rwanda into Congo-Zaire, etc.


You know what I mean ;)

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^^A nice pleasent town not far from Bossaso.


Or Garowe, or Dhahar, Badhan, LA or any other town in Puntland. The government would get space to pass laws.

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