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Geedi on the warpath...

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Ra’isal wasaaraha Xakumada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo sheegay in dagaal ka dhaca Soomaaliya uu yahay lama huraan .


December -6-2006 HornAfrik, Mogadishu


Ra’isal wasaaraha Xakumada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa sheegay in dagaal ka dhaca Soomaaliya uu yahay lama huraan isagoo ku tilmaamay kuwa haatan aaminsan in wadahadal wax lagu xalin karo kuwa qaldan.


Ra’isal wasaare Geeddi oo Toddobaadyadii la soo dhaafay booqasho ku kala bixinayey qeyba ka mid ah dalalka Africa ayaa ku eedeeyey maxkamadaha Islaamka inay sii murjinayaan xaaladda Sooamaliya islamarkaana ay doonayaan inay wax ku xaliyaan qoriga caaradiisa.


Ra’isal wasaaraha oo magaalada Adis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ugu warramayey wakaalada wararka AP ayaa intaas ku daray in dowladiisa ay diyaar u tahay sii wadida wadahadalada lagu xalinayo khilaafka Sooamaliya balse waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay inay aad u yar tahay natiijo laga gaaro wadahadalada u dhaxeeya maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo dowladda fedraalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.


Kooxa mintidiin xag jir ah oo sheeanaya maxkamadaha Islaamka ayaa la wareegay qeyba ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya waana dagaal ma hurto in laga hortago kooxahaas is balaarinta ka wado dalka Soomaaliya” ayuu yiri Ra’isal wasaare Geeddi oo xalay ka hadlay Telfishinka Dalka Itoobiya.


Qaraxyadii ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ayuu Ra’isal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi ku sheegay kuwa la soo xawilay islamarkaana uga yimid meel kale taas oo uu ula jeeday maxkamadaha Islaamka.


Dowladda fedraalka Soomaaliya oo taageerada ugu badan ka hesha dowladda Itoobiya ayaa ka codsatay beesha caalamka inay soo faragaliyaan arrimaha Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay indha gaar ah u yeeshaan dhaqdhaqaaqyada ay kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ka wadaan dalka Soomaaliya.


Ra’isal waaaraha Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo soo dhaweeyey qaraarka aan rasmiga aheyn ee dowladda Mareykanka ku dooneyso in cunaqabateynta hubka ee Soomaaliya looga qaado ayaa sidoo kale ugu baaqay dowladaha dariska la ah Soomaaliya inay ka shaqeeyaan sidii ciidamo ka hortaga kuwa maxkamadaha ugu diri lahaayeen Soomaaliya maadaama uu yiri in ujeedka maxkamadaha aanu aheyn Soomaaliya oo kaliya balse ay awoodooda ku sii fidinayaan dalalka la jaarka ah Soomaaliya.


“Waxaa soo dhamaaday xilli Roobaadkii gaadiidka dagaalkana wax ay si fudud u isticmaali doonaan wadooyinka”ayuu yiri Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo u muuqda mid u tafaxeydanaya dagaal ay dowladiisa kala hortagto maxkamadaha Islaamka kaas oo meesha ka saaraya rajadii laga qabay wadahadalo ku dhexmara maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo dowladda shirka loo balansan yahay 15-ka bishan inuu ka dhaco magaalada Khartuum ee dalka Suudan.

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(AP) -- Somalia's prime minister told The Associated Press that war in the Horn of Africa is unavoidable because radicals control the Islamic movement that in recent months has taken over much of his country.



Prime Minister Ali Gedi indicated war was imminent, but said his government will continue to take part in all peace efforts. In the interview late Monday, he added that his government was preparing to defend itself against attacks by the Council of Islamic Courts, as the movement that has taken over most of southern Somalia is known.


"We have already mobilized our forces, we have trained a few thousand troops, they are ready," Gedi said during a visit to Ethiopia's capital. Ethiopia has backed Gedi's government, angering the Islamic movement that sees it as interference from Somalia's traditional rival.


Somali's rainy season is coming to an end and roads will be passable again for military vehicles in the next two weeks, he added. But Gedi said his forces would not attack the Islamic courts.


The United States has said the Islamic movement has links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist group. Islamic leaders have repeatedly denied the accusation. (Watch why U.S. military fears Islamists in Somalia)


Gedi said the most radical leaders within the courts have taken control of the movement and they will not take peace talks seriously.


"They are the decision makers now," he added. "Those who believe that the situation in Somalia will be solved through dialogue and talks are wrong."


He said the Islamic forces included more than 3,000 foreign fighters, echoing similar statements made by a U.N. panel investigating violations of an arms embargo that has been in place since 1992, when the last effective central government in Somalia collapsed.


Gedi's internationally backed government is the 14th attempt to restore the rule of law in Somalia. But his parliament and Cabinet, made up of former warlords and civic leaders, has struggled to expand out of Baidoa, a key town 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu.


From within this power vacuum, a disparate group of Islamic leaders has banded together to create the Council of Islamic Courts, driving out warlords and installing clerical rule in the areas it now controls.


The international community has sponsored several rounds of peace talks to bring Gedi's government and the courts together. Gedi pointed out that after each round of talks, the Islamic courts returned to Mogadishu and dispatched troops to capture more territory, despite promises to stop their expansion.


Ethiopia has sent military advisers to Baidoa and has trained Somali troops to protect the government. On Friday, the United States introduced a U.N. resolution to partially lift the arms embargo on Somalia to allow for regional peacekeepers.


U.S. officials say that by providing the government with peacekeepers, the Islamic courts will have a greater incentive to pursue peace talks, rather than a military solution.


Gedi said his government needs international support to survive against what he calls the terrorist forces within the Islamic courts. He said the draft resolution should allow any country to provide troops to protect his government.


He said recent suicide bombings in Baidoa were contrary to Somali culture and proof that foreign fighters had come to Somalia.


The tactic of suicide bombing "was transferred to Somalia from elsewhere," Gedi said. "It will not stop in Somalia, it will spread out."


The United States has issued a travel advisory for Somalia's neighbors, Kenya and Ethiopia, warning that extremists in Somalia could launch suicide attacks in those countries.


Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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too bad he relized this when they took both diinsoor and buurhakaba duke. As leader, if you don't stop rebellion at first, its very difficult to control them. Through piece or war, Gheedi should have done that a while back.

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I don't think the government should go to Mogadisho for the search for a viable solution to Somalia. It can however secure the occupied territories of Merka and all these areas of the Deap South.


I believe their moral fortitude in defending a territory they so occupy with martial law will bolster any defensive determination they may have. It resembles pretty much Kismayo, which is a metropolitan city in which everyone who lives has much proportional rights as the other one, regardless of when you arrived there. For instance, there is no doubt that Kismayo has a potential that needs to be tapped and the only way to tap this bursting fountain of potential is to be fair and fortitude about it. This means, every clan should have his or her equal share of a whatever is in that chunky stew pot. Lower Shabele is no exception.


But as long as we have the warlord agent in the process, solution of the Lower Shabele or the whole Deap South will not be realized does sit well with me. We all know that these warlords like Indha Ade don't operate in a vacuum and they are true reflection of their clans. Who gives the manpower and money to these warlords? Who do they feed from when they want points to rally from? They deal the clan card from the bottom of the deck where they depend both ideas and what have you on and from us--the average "maryooley". Let us admit, these warlords are true reflections of the so called Islamist and until the government, TFG, wrest the responsibility-leash from them, we are in the same rudderless boat.

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Che, I doubt the Clan Courts will last in any real engagement, they have fought small battles so far. Though I am not fan of Geedi, and his war words are out of place.


NN, in the long run it matters not, what towns are taken if the war is lost. Preperation is key to winning and losing.


Camir, I belive there is a clear staregy to the TFG war plans, the main thrust will push into Lower Shabbele & Middle Shabbele.


The courts millitia are dispersed across a long front line, kinda like the Nazi's in operation Barbarosa.

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The hegemonic occupation of these regions has never been addressed consistently but sure things will change and people will realize their dreams of once again be the master of their territories just like Bay and Bakool did.

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But as long as we have the warlord agent in the process, solution of the Lower Shabele or the whole Deap South will not be realized does sit well with me. We all know that these warlords like Indha Ade don't operate in a vacuum and they are true reflection of their clans. Who gives the manpower and money to these warlords? Who do they feed from when they want points to rally from? They deal the clan card from the bottom of the deck where they depend both ideas and what have you on and from us--the average "maryooley". Let us admit, these warlords are true reflections of the so called Islamist and until the government, TFG, wrest the responsibility-leash from them, we are in the same rudderless boat.

The conflict is about control of the vital areas of the Lower Shabbele. Thus Xasan dahir, Cirfo and IndaCade will defend this area to death..


The weakness of the Clan Courts supporters is that, they deny this occupation and how the people of these regions view it. Once its lifted the local population will rise up in support of their liberators. Its a plot we have seen in many occasions.

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Caamir,the so called government doesn't have the option of going to Muqdisho,so who are you kidding my friend.


If they could,I am pretty sure they would have gone there a long time ago,but that is not possible is it?


Who said the people of Bay and Bakool are masters of their territories?I am sure Abdullahi Yusuf nor Gedi has the right to be there if we look things from your perspective,Qabiilist point of view.

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^^^Red, the Bay and Bakool district governors and local mayors were all chosen by the local clans in consultation. The TFG did not appoint a single person to rule over those areas.


Also rememeber that, Sharif Xasan, Shatigaduud, Xabsade, Adan Madobe, Kishbuur, Salim Ebrow to name just a few are all top officials of the state. This clan alone has 61 MP's within the parliment more than Somaliland and Puntland representatives.


They get allot out of the government.

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^money talks awoow,what has the TFG done for the people,dont' give me the politicians who cash in on behalf of the people they think to represent.


For example: you said Somaliland reps,do you think folks in Somaliland even know that these people exist,so basically they are getting paid,because they belong to such tribe,however the question is what have you done for ordinary citizens,none.

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