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Reer-Gedo carry our their threat in Kismayo.

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Allamagan,like the sick old men of the Forum,U gonna die a coward's death and singing this reer Gedo tune will avail u no good.Those folks are in the administration,like any other folks and juboyinka hoose belong to whoever they belonged to and thats nothing u can do about it,and if u think ur folks are the reason why the President is in villa somalia,well,ur folks could aswell protect the old General and wouldn't have vacated villa somalia,thats if reer Gedo had the muscles or the skills,or the whatever it takes.So again,ur small times tune is embarassing!

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"Hanagu harraadin meesha, ama wax sheeg ama take back your silly comment."


Adeer i will take that charge back but until u show me and the gallery where u were a critic of the courts leadership and tactics, ect it stays...comparing them to TFG is not revelant until then nabad gelyo.


:D @ Allamagan think bigger

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^^Your believe is wrong. I don't know what's up! Be counted adeer and give a try to tell us what you meant by your silly comment!

I had to come back for this. Poor Xiin flustering in the face of a young lad's innocent observations. Why Xiin? Why must you spot after being shown your reflection or does it sting even more when the mirror is not carried by the usual handler? :D



Good Oodweyne summed your recent behavior up rather nicely:


For it’s true that I am in this moment(after I have read your little digs), force to look in a few months ago, and recalled how you pulled a fast one on us; when you have decided in a mid-course of the on-going race-rally(between the TFG and the then UICs) to changed political shirt, as it were on the go; and then turn up, on the same spot(as if nothing has happened); whilst you were sporting altogether different shirt from the one that you were wearing when the political match itself have started originally.




The answer as to why you switched ships, however, lies in a response I gave to ina Libaax Sankataabte:


Despite whatever Xiin might entertain the crowd here with, I know full well he threw away his TFG flag the day Abdulahi Yusuf legitimized Barre's control over the Jubbas and gave support to the building of Jubbaland. He was Baashi before his less than sincere neutrality was exposed. Caradiisu waa wax laysla wada ogyahay wax sidaas macne u lehna maaha. As for you, indulge me ina adeer, what is so xaaraan that was agreed upon do you know of?



As I have said Xiin;


Perhaps I wish to break you from this unfortunate habit of dancing for the audience?



Raganimo intaad iska daydid, bal taada gudo. :D

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^^Weak ones always ride on the tail of my arguments. Why harbor such a deep cuqdad against a mere forumer adeer.


Allamagan’s threats though not credible are understandable :D ! The promise has once again been broken.


Waryee Khalaf baro sida loo doodo adeer. Weligaa dockayeer lama noqdo saaxiib. Waa ceeb wallaahi!


Generale, based on your assumptions things will be better in the near future. Based on my observations on the other hand things will spiral out of control if some radical policy shift is not implemented by the world to deprive Tigre from the political support they thus far enjoyed and support genuine peace and reconciliation process in Somalia.


We will see where it all ends IA.

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Dont dodge this adeer xiin, i believe i have clearly showed u what i think.....


:D @ Horn! war ninyahow what is N/AA bal? u talk about raaagnimo but left, ran away....went to the shawdows! wa shaash.

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Captain Xalane, adeer, I aint no coward and you know my records and recall when I came for help when you really were in a mess back in the days, so do NOT talk cowardism here, it is not in my gen. Adeer, I am talking the reality on the ground and you talking habar-talking. You are labouring under the illusion that this project will succeed when you intentionaly try to ignore the facts on the ground and the geopolitcs of this region. Adeer we drive a hard bargain here, nothing is free you ignore it you killed yourself.

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Originally posted by N/AA:

Raganimo intaad iska daydid, bal taada gudo.

Quoting ordinary refutations as a source and using Oodweyne's opinion,a small times *********** secessionist is all u could come up with?Dude,grow some beard then come back here!


[ February 21, 2007, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Xiin, things are already going well, nothing spirriling out of control, the Mogadishu case is a simple one even to you. It was the hot bed of anti -TFG activity, it has gone from a place the opposition could muster 130 technicals and thousands to capture Kismayu a few months back, to a few mortars thrown in the middle of the night at civilian areas.


That fact alone should give you some reason to ponder. Wishful thinking is no good here..

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Xalane, history repeating itself and you learn nothing from it, huh?



Adeer, go to the mosque and make dua for yourself.

Cuqdad ku kore.

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

^^^ Adeer, I aint no coward and you know my records and recall when I came for help when you really were in a mess back in the days

None of my cousins was ever in a mess!Get ur facts straight,not all PRO-Government folks are the family of the President,thats a blind belief that u and many of u hold.Speaking of helping out whoever was in trouble,am familiar with those wars and am familiar with how things happened.Using the muscles of Cabdiqasim's Family and their weaponry gave u that brief victory.As of ur efficiency,u wouldn't have run if u were that brave,when the old General needed ur help and u are quite familiar with his saying,'' *********** maiga carareen, *********** ma ibadbadisay'',dude,those are known facts and again,ur small time tunes are embarassing and look closer,Xalane doesn't do Small times Qabiil talk,but to prove u wrong i will.Again,like i told the other little man,Grow some beard and then come back here.


[ February 21, 2007, 02:30 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Kismaayo will be pacified. There need not be anymore bloodshed or vie for power. It is our dream that Somalia passes this moment of naming people based on tribal quotas as opposed to personal ability. Taa aan u duceeyno intaan xanjabaad iyo dagaal u fadhin lahayd. Adigu kuma haysto, wa taan kuligeen u baahanahay inaanu garanaa.




It is raganimo to know your weakness adeerow. Fadhi-ku-dirir is an obstacle to a man deep in thought in understanding and promoting the best course for his people!

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Who was it that said, where Xiin sits, you are sure to find Jimcaale! :D


Intaa waa iga kaftan, lakin Jimcaalow, marba sida loo joogo kaftanku xigmad buu yeeshaa. ;)icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by N/AA:



It is raganimo to know your weakness adeerow. Fadhi-ku-dirir is an obstacle to a man deep in thought in understanding and promoting the best course for his people! [/QB]

yaa Horn, with the nice sounding words aside, u left because you were irriated sxb.....n u still lerk in the shadows :D ......ninyahow jokes aside u should leave cause u want too not cause u aint happy with some peeps....mida kale SOL needs the cool headed intelligent political theorists ina abti....drop the N/AA due to your protest Horn was part of SOL....n drop in anytime when gedo iyo kismaayo is mentioned.......Allamagan cant battle by himself nooh tho Axmed Gurey will have his back :D .......but they cant argue on issues w/out mentioning their beef wit da "mahbars" :D



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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

..... if u think ur folks are the reason why the President is in villa somalia,well,ur folks could aswell protect the old General and wouldn't have vacated villa somalia,thats if reer Gedo had the muscles or the skills,or the whatever it takes.So again,ur small times tune is embarassing!

Adeer, if Gedo people (both those from central somalia, Gedo & Jubooyinka) were hostile to TFG then Yeey wouldn't make that easily all his way to Villa Baidao. So wake up mandhow, Itio tanks niya ku indha tiray?


Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

ur folks could aswell protect the old General and wouldn't have vacated villa somalia,thats if reer Gedo had the muscles or the skills,or the whatever it takes.So again,ur small times tune is embarassing!

Well, unlike Yey, when the general (RIP) was leaving Villa Somalia, colleteral damage was not something he would have wanted to use. So, talk present not the past.

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