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Reer-Gedo carry our their threat in Kismayo.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

[QB] ^^The reason you and others opposed Courts was primarily based on your perception of them as an entity that would not satisfy
your political/clannish aspirations in Kismayo, no?


your a very interesting character adeer! here we have xiin who gave many excuses, benefit of doubt to the courts even with their highly questionalable characters and tactics, but alas he will easily accuse in this case the "clanish" aspirations of a certain group for opposing the courts....prephaps there was some truth to what Horn said about u adeer. ;) n if my memory serves me right yaa xiin somali ppl of all clans were with the courts against the warlords ect, but with good reason become suspious of them due to their deeds. however that is the past, lets look to the future.....


as for the city of kismaayo and somalia in general, inshallah khayr.....lets not blame ppl but somali ppl most be part of the solution and rebuild the country....

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Xiin how does dancing and the choirs sound? :D read between the lines awoowe, i dont like to assume however the comment of yours i quoted added to your always making excuses for the courts speaks for itself adeer......

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Khalaf, don't be like Axmad_Gurey, support your comments.


Kismaayo is said to be in the hands of Amxaaro. Amxaaro has prevailed. Let the celebration begin.

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^^^Jim does ut again, saxib the Tigray are not in control of Kismayu and the news source as you know is from Radio Shabbele, no one else has backed up this claim. the TFG has prevailed and the fake courts and their nonsence has evaporated.


Xiin knows this and is searching for any straw to clutch to, one doe not want to be exposed for being wrong.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

Xiin how does dancing and the choirs sound?
read between the lines awoowe, i dont like to assume however the comment of yours i quoted added to your always making excuses for the courts speaks for itself adeer......

Ah so you assume i support the Courts for tribal reasons miyaa? War illeer ibtilo! Dont disappoint me adeer tell me (not us any more) what's your suspect all about. I have a little time on my hands and i promise i would be generous enough to address your concerns! OK.


ps--that i was Court supporter is a well known thing in these boards. The fact that they lost means nothing as far as my support goes.

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"Ah so you assume i support the Courts for tribal reasons miyaa?"


^^^maya its not about tribe adeer....many ppl including me supported the courts for their ideolgy, principles, getting rid of warlords, ect but not compared to your blind holy support adeer....and easily acussing other somalis like u did here of "clanish" motivations.......while at the same time always overlooking the icu leadership made by one sub clan and their questionable warlords leaders among them.....


what um saying here since u cant read between the lines is u dance for the choir adeer.....



Edit: Jim sxb.....its entire Muslim ummah tells us something we dont know bro......but we dont need chaos n bloodsheed either....

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^^^ Khalaf, this guy, XIIN as always do the sheep bleaeting and we all know what he is made of (his shabby charecter). Glad you noticed that :D




To all die-hard-puntlander TFGs,

DO NOT underestimate the power and the influence reer Gedo do have in this region. Once reer gedo jump out of Yeey's band wagon, then thats it!! he wont sit Villa Baidoa that long I can tell you guys.


Joobiyinka region is for ******* & ******** and any non *******-clans in this region, however, ******** are welcome, but wont hold any higher postions axcept few, yes, I said few. They do have PL adeer and thats enough for them, isn't it.


So open your eyes and smell da coffe adeeryaalo. If Reer Gedo not been given the lead roles and the respect they deserved for bringing this up to where it is now, then expect nothing but gates of hell opened and nothing is going to work for adeer Yeey. So lets be realistic adeeryaalo and (iga gunta tan): Reer Gedo walk out, means the end of TFG in south and all hell breaks loose for the TFG. Conspirators' plot will fail because they stupidly seem to be making the fatal miscalculations. The game is on.....


[ February 21, 2007, 02:25 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Bravo saxib, keep supporting them, but give the winners a chance.

A fair comment but show me a genuine winners adeer! Seeking a reposing moment under the shade of the Tigre tanks does not necessarily mean, lest you mistaken, you won yaa Duke!


Khalaf, yours is recursively childish argument! What point are you trying to make? When one attempts to make a point one does it with clarity. We need not read between lines as you instructed to understand your charge.


Let me guide you here adeer which is it:


1-Xiin supports Courts, and blindly at that.

2-Xiin harbors clannish motives and accuses others his very ills.


Hanagu harraadin meesha, ama wax sheeg ama take back your silly comment.

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My tribe against yours? Allamaganoow wili maadan ka gudbin?


Duke did you say no more JVA in Kismaayo? It went AWOL with druglord indhacadde?


EDIT: Khalaf, I don't get it. Who's advocating for more bloodshed??

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Allamagan, no one underestimates reer Gedo and they are an important part of the TFG as are other clans.


Xiin, the TFG is the winner no doubts, it has control of the country and is putting together a real natioal army. The Somali issue is internationalised, with the AU, US, EU and the rest of the world given their support for the restoration of central government. Thus Ethiopia is just one outside player, no one doubts their contribution as well as kenya, Yemen and Uganda, these countries have helped a great deal.


Thus give the winners a chance saxib, the fake clan courts and their agenda has been destroyed as many predicted.

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