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Bashir Goth is angry????

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The relationship between individualistic thinking and collective brainwashing and their effects on society is one independent and scientific introduction we have to first master before going on to conduct the original scientific research of the collective thinking of Somalis as communities and the individualistic views that are undermined by brainwashing, propaganda, historical, psychological and social effects.


This will be my introduction inshallah and then I shall highlight what makes SOL nomads think like they do and the things they write but if you actually examine it carefully and read between the lines one will see, after connecting the relevant dots + historical, social and psychological effects on the persons identity one will actually come to see and realise, that the opinions held by this people have the same 'origin' as they have been subjected to the same propaganda, socialisation and brainwashing but what happens if there's a break and people think independently to make room for their individualistic views and opinions to take place. As I said earlier we are never free of influences we are daily influenced whether it be a sibling of ours or work colleague or the society we live in. Opinions vary and they are shaped but most people are fed opinions they did not think over carefully themselves or never examined.


For them it is the truth, why would otherwise ones parents agree with this political viewpoint we're not talking religion here but Somali politics and the home shaped opinions and viewpoints some of us display here without ever questioning or examining them.


Well it's getting really complex so I shall leave it at that inshallah.




PS. Read my long post at the end of page two inshallah as this reflects and gives real justice to what I'm trying to do here.

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Fair enough Sakhar, I will look up your name at my next visit to see the product of your work on the subject matter then.

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Bashir Goth and Mr Togane have a point. It's time for us to analyze the somali problem. Just look at Moqdishu and how it was transformed from a healthy city to its current state during a time of only a couple of years, while the northern cities that were barren-land during siads regime, have grown without outside help, this alone speaks volume on where the somali problem lies, very clearly.


And for those who say that bashir goth should apologize to the moqdishu residents, all i have to say is pleeaze put the pipe down and sobber up, if anything its them who owe a major apology to the somali people who they've destroyed their name forever with their barbarism.

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Originally posted by roobleh:

quote: You're forever trying to find ways to prove a pointless point; like a dog chasing its own tale really. When it finally gets to bite it nobody else would feel the pain but itself!

Will you tell us why the above doesn't apply to you?

I have seen you responding to different threads and I am suspecting that you enjoy to defend opinions that are not the norm. I saw the one you tried to argue that homosexuality is "natural." But what for? Just to show people that you can win any debate no matter what.


Why don't you debate on the subject matter and give us your opinion whether burning corpses is justified. And please do not equate this with the rioting in Los Angles. There were no burning corpses in LA. And the issue that we need to discuss is the issue of burning the dead, subhanalah.


Please do not discredit an article cuz the author belongs to such clan or supports such state.


And it's very nice to make your acquaintance too, saaxib. smile.gif


Now, not sure if I need to reply to the first part of your post there! I think I shan't bother. If you have any comments to make on that subject then go and make it on the said thread.


This topic on the other hand, I am going to comment on. Hmmm! Since you (and others) didn't get it the first time, I'll have to do it the hard way and go round the long route (if you feel that I'm patronising you here, don't. I'm not).


Ok. Imagine we're in a theatre with three actors standing on the stage. The first actor starts to speak. The spotlights, naturally, will go on him! The other two actors, though still on the stage, will be relegated to the background. I'm hoping that you got the hint by now. If not, no worries, I'm not done yet.


Many people regarded the existence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia as a serious and shameful problem for the Somali nation. Others thought it was a solution and as the only way Somalia can get back on its feet. THIS was the story under the SPOTLIGHTS then.


The people of the capital killed, desecrated and dragged a few dead bodies about! They've done it as a result of the first story and to show their opposition to the Ethiopian presence in Somalia. Now this story was the one hogging the SPOTLIGHTS. 'Forget Ethiopian troops', the argument went, 'dishonouring the dead is savage and wrong' everyone cried. In short, this story took precedence and overshadowed the one about the presence of Ethiopians in Somalia (for the time being).


Now some unprincipled journalist and a phoney poet decided to comment on that last story! But. Instead of talking about the savage nature of those killings, or the reasons behind such killings! Instead of trying to rationalise such savagery (for better or worse), they decided to put the SPOTLIGHT on an entire clan! As a consequence, the reader of their pieces is left with two options: either to agree that the aforementioned clan is SAVAGE or disagree with this whole notion!


You and Duke are expecting me to talk about dead bodies being dragged around but neither Togne nor Goth put too much emphasis on that part of the story. Both are too busy painting one clan as some sort of SAVAGES. In fact, Goth is not even bothered. He dedicates a great chunk of his article to show how this savagery justifies the existence of Somaliland! That's where he tries to move the SPOTLIGHT. Try to keep up and don't miss the lights.



Since you rejected the LA riots on the simple point of the bodies being dragged in the street. How about I give you the Iraq (and Faluja) situation?

Such savagery, my friend, is not that rare as to be found only in the Somali capital and in one particular clan. This is what Goth is saying (though I don't think even he believes it).




Done it in the past. He won't print it. ;)

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Saaxiib, I promise that I wont go the long route but sum up my point of view briefly.


I do agree that singling out such clan as the only one that is capable of doing this savagery is wrong. However, such clan has done it again, and that to me is the "spotlight" for the story. What is the "spotlight" of the story is the action itself "burning the dead," but not the clan who have done it.


What we all need to do is to condemn such act as barbaric and unSomali without blaming the whole clan for this.


It is about time Somalia clan leaders see things eye to eye. But that is for such clans to decide whether they want peace or continues bloodshed.

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You can't condone with one hand and condemn with the other, saaxib. That's just being duplicitous. Here, both authors singled out one clan (by name) and both people plainly pointed out that they blame the whole clan! There was no mention of small elements within the clan or that they require any elders to apologise, etc. Goth (for obvious reasons) is actually saying: let them rot (or words to that effect). Are you ignoring this on purpose?

Take the blinkers off and you might just about make out the glaring light.

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i dont have time 2 read all this, can someone tell me y Bashir is angry.. now im angry. How dare they anger mr bisher :mad:

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I remember during the clashed between Puntland and Somaliland, prisoners of war were taken to Burco and then killed and had their pics posted on the internet. Whereas today the "savage" clan of Muqdisho released the prisoners they captured from the T.F.G. Know, we could twist to say one clan is more humane than the other. But this would insult the intelligence of any intelligent person. If this clan in particular were all savages, there would literaly be millions of corpses being dragged in Southern Somalia. Remind me how many coprses dargged in Somalia, in the last 17 years?



Bot Bashir Goth and Togane are political opportunists, they will clutch at any straw to make a cheap political score.For, example:


Togane during the war: Go away Tigray

Togane after the Ethiopian victory: Liberation of Muqdisho


Goth during the I.C.U: I.C.U deserve nobel peace prize


Goth After I.C.U: Thank God(Ethiopia) the i.c.u is gone.



Most of Bashir Goth articles seem to either about Wahabis destroying the Somali culture, Somaliland( the promised land) and know he has crossed the good old Somali line of Qabyalad.

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The acts of individuals are not representative of the whole group. Group guilt is not going to fly. The people of Xamar are for the most part like any other Somalis. There are a few sick elements who did this to gain some political light and hope.

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Sir, I am not ignoring the fact that Bashir Goth is blaming "such clan" for the horrible act. Remember, I mentioned how I disagreed with the author for this generalization. So, lets avoid boring ourselves by stating the obvious and not bogged down with minor details also. But, isn't it obvious that those who did it probably belong to "such clan." Okay, lets not go there!


I am interested to know your point of view about this barbaric act subjected to the dead bodies? Also, what effect does this have on Somalia such as Puntland deciding to leave the south and become an independent state? To me, those are the important issues, but somehow you are trying to evade this.


I hope our future arguments to be lively discussions and less like wrangling. smile.gifsmile.gif

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I remember during the clashed between Puntland and Somaliland, prisoners of war were taken to Burco and then killed and had their pics posted on the internet.

That will be horribe, but where is the prove. When you paste your credible link then I will believe it.


Goth during the I.C.U: I.C.U deserve nobel peace prize

Goth After I.C.U: Thank God(Ethiopia) the i.c.u is gone

Again, show me any article that Goth has stated that ICU deserves a NPP. He never liked them.


Please, lets not drag this discussion to such low levels. There is no clan that deserves to be trashed.


ps. I am not an alien any longer. So say yeeh for me! :D

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