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HARGEISA, May 2 (Reuters) - The leader of the self-declared breakaway enclave of Somaliland ruled out reuniting with battle-scarred Somalia and said the interim government's claim of victory over insurgents in Mogadishu was premature.


President Dahir Rayale Kahin also expressed hopes of greater international recognition for Somaliland after Sweden said in February it would treat the enclave as a self-governing area with regard to development aid.


Kahin's comments to reporters late on Tuesday came days after the Somali government declared victory in Mogadishu after a war against Islamist gunmen, foreign jihadists and a group of disgruntled clansmen.


Mogadishu's worst fighting in 16 years has killed at least 1,300 people in recent weeks and sparked a massive exodus from the city with some fleeing to Somaliland's capital Hargeisa.


"It is too quick to say the TFG (transitional federal government) has captured Mogadishu or they are governing Mogadishu," Kahin said.


"Time will tell. They will not get far if they try to... rule the people by force," he added.


Kahin also warned Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf against any belligerent moves towards the Gulf of Aden enclave.


"Abdullahi Yusuf cannot come here. It is a day dream that Abdullahi Yusuf is coming and that he will govern Hargeisa."


A former British protectorate, Somaliland declared independence from Somalia in 1991 when clan warlords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, carving the Horn of Africa country into personal fiefdoms.


Somaliland officials say the territory has maintained relative peace and stability while Mogadishu has descended into violence and chaos.


"We cannot be one government anymore. We made our decision in 1991 not to be part of that failed union," Kahin said in his heavily fortified presidential compound.


No foreign governments have recognised Somaliland and there has long been a reluctance in Africa to support independence bids for fear of opening the floodgates to a host of secessionist claims.


But Kahin said hopes were boosted by Swedish moves.


"The Swedish have taken one step forward. They said we will treat Somaliland as a separate government entity," he said.


Katarina Zinn, a counsellor at the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi, said Stockholm's guidelines on aid to Somalia recognised Somaliland as a self-governing area for development issues.


"What we have said is that we will work in Somaliland with development, but we have not recognised Somaliland as an independent state," Zinn told Reuters.


Kahin said Somaliland had secured a deal with Germany to build a cement factory in the coastal city of Berbera, 130 km (81 miles) northeast of Hargeisa.


He said he hoped the creation of more jobs would boost the economy. Opposition figures have accused him of not doing enough to improve the livelihoods of people living in Somaliland.

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Khudbadii Madaxweyne Rayaale ee maanta





Bismillaahi Raxmaani Raxiim


“Assalaamu Calaykum Waraxmattullaahi Wabaraaktuh,”




Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin,


Haddaan Maanta idiinka waramo ujeedada hadalkayga, waxa weeyi, waxaan go;aan

ku gaadhay laga bilaabo maanta in aan bishiiba mar la hadlo Bulsha weynta

Somaliland oo warar badan oo beena oo la idiin sheego aan ummadda u

bayaamiyo, xusana Waxqabadka Dawladda iyo Xaaladda Dalka uu marayo, iyadoo

ay nasiib darro noqotay in dad badan oo salka ku haya Mucaaridnimo ay been

aan raad lahayn ay warbaahinta Maxaliga ah iyo Websites- ay ku sii daayaan.


Waxaan Ilaahay inooga baryayaa in uu balaayada hareeraheena ka dhacaysa

inaga nabadgeliyo, inoona siyaadiyo Nabadgelyadeena, Wadajirkeena iyo



Arrimaha ka socda jaarkeena, Xukuumaddu si taxadir leh bay ula socotaa, cid

kasti oo hawlaha hareeraheena ka socda lug ku lehna xidhiidh ayaan kala

leenahay. Wasiirka Arrimaha Debedda ayaana safar ugu maqan dibadda khuseeya

Arrimahan ka socda hareeraheena iyo wixii kale ee dano ah ee inagaga xidhan

Beesha Caalamka. Tan ku soo baxday Jooranaaladeena iyo Websites-ka ee laga

soo wariyey nin la sheegay in uu Fox News war siiyay, Wasiirka Arrimaha

Debedda ayaan faray inuu Masuuliyiinta Ethiopia ee dhigiisa ah uu kala hadlo

wixii ka jira, waxaan leeyahay si taxadar leh baynu ula soconaynaa arrimaha

ka socda hareeraheena, sabab dadka loo wareeriyo ma jirto, waxa igu maqaalo

ah in Rag ka mid ah Madaxda Xisbiga Kulmiye ugu waaweyn ay yidhaahdeen

arrimo ay dadka ku cabsi galinayaan, Waxaan leeyahay, Ragganimo kuma jirto

inaad dadkaaga cabsi galiso ee waa inaan u fikirno ayay ku jirtaa.

Waxa muuqata dad badan oo hunguri ka hayo maalin maalmaha ka mida in

hogaanka dalka ay qabtaan oo haddana caado ka dhigtay in ay caayaan Madaxda

oo ay dhalliil aan Sal lahayn hadba ninkii xilka ummadan u haya u soo

jeediyaan, dib u raaca taariikhdii mudadii Somaliland jirtay iyo wakhtigii

halganka lagu soo jirayba, waa kuwa illaa imika aamusi la, oo hadlaya, oo

aad wada taqaanaan, kuwaasi oo Madaxdii horena caayi jiray, anigana ii

caayaya, kuwa dambena aan filayo inay halkaasi uga sii miisi doonaan.


Maxamed Xaashoow, waxa la yaab leh Inuu dadku ku yaqaano oo aad u qiimeysan

tahay, laakiinse aad tahay Nin aan isagu waligii is baranayn. Bal soo sheeg

Nin aad ammaantay oo dalka xil u soo qabtay, hadday halgan ahayd iyo haddii

dalka la joogayba. Adiga iyo Gaboosena, Ururkan aad ku dhawaaqaysaan bal in

aad sharciyad u haysataan hubsada, waxaanse kuu sheegayaa ciddii ku

dhaqaaqda waxaan sharcigu jideynayn in ay mudan yihiin in sharciga lagu



Waxaan kuu sheegayaa, dadku adigoon hadlin bay ku yaqaanaan waxaad ku hadli

doontid, waxaan ku odhan lahaa cidna ha u tidhin ee adigu isku tudh.


Raggiina caadeystay in Dawlad kastoo jirta dadka aad ku dirtaan oo aad u

caydaan, idinkoo waliba marnaba aanay idinka maqnayn inaad dalka maalin

maalmaha ka mid ah aad madax ka noqotaan, sidee bay isugu kiin qabanaysaa in

aad dadka nacaybka ku fidisaan, haddana rajo madaxtinimo aad ka qabtaan.


Ummaddu shalay bay soo martay fawdo iyo nidaam la’aan, diyaarna uma aha inay

dib ugu noqoto. Hareeraheena Nidaam la’aani way taalaa, waxay dambarsiisayna

waa la ogyahay, ee fadlan waxaan idinkula talinayaa in aad ummadda fidmada

kala dhex baxdaan.


Waxa kaloo jirta in Golihii Wakiilada, anigoo qadarin badan u haya, ayaa

waxa muuqatay in aanay xilkoodii u gudanin sidii loo soo doortay,

shir-guddoonka, koox ka soo jeeda Xisbiga Kulmiye iyo shakhsiyaad kale oo ay

lugaha ku qaataan ayaa horseedaya majaro habawga ku dhacay Golaha

Wakiilada, oo waxay ku hadlayaanna aad runtii ka daawaataan TV-yada oo u

badan cay iyo aflagaado, taasi oo horseeday inay ku dhaqankii Xeerarka ay

baal marid cad ku sameeyaan.

Tusaale bal aan u soo qaato, Tuke oo shir jaraa’id ku sheegay, iyadoo badda

Cilmi baadhis Shidaal laga wado, ayuu ku sheegay in Sun lagu daadiyey, waa

ninkii dhammaa ee Ummaddu soo dooratay oo waliba sheegta in uu aqoon

leeyahay, ujeedadiisu dhab ahaan waxay tahay, in Xukuumaddani intay Xilka

hayso aan waxba la qaban, ficilkiisana taas ayaa saldhig u ah, Miyaanay

muuqan in uu yahay nin si dhab ah ula dagaalamaya ummaddii soo dooratay?


Waxa kaloo la yaab leh, Guddoomiye ku Xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiilada, oo

aad Idaacadda ka dhageysanayseen wixii uu ku hadaaqay oo ay ka muuqatay in

uu garan laayahay kursiga uu ku fadhiyo in aanu gayin in uu ku fadhiisto qof

caytama oo aan garanayn Masuuliyaddiisu waxay tahay, kana dhigtay kursigii

Masuuliyadd qaran ahaa in uu ugu ololeeyo Xisbiga Kulmiye, anigoo mar horena

uga digay, in uuna isku qaadan in uu yahay Af-hayeenkii Xisbiga Kulmiye ee

uu yahay Guddoomiye Xiggeenkii Golaha Wakiilada JSL, Isagoo markaana sheegay

hadal aan laaqi ahayn, oo uu ku leeyahay la shaqeyn maayo Xukuumadda oo

xidhiidhkii baan u gooyay, isaga oo aan awood u lahayn.


Waxaan Ummada ka jaahil saarayaa, arrin aad loo buunbuuniyey oo ku saabsan

Miisaaniyadda, oo laga dhigay Miisaaniyaddii Madaxweynaha ee aan ku

fullinayey hawlaha ay Ummadani ii igmatay ee Nabadgelyada, Siyaasadda Gudo,

Debed, hawlfullinta Shaqo iyo Shaqaaleba, haddaan idiin iftiimiyo markaan

xilka qabtay Miisaaniyadda Madaxweynuhu ee Nabadgelyada, Siyaasadda Gudo,

Debed, hawlfullinta Shaqo iyo Shaqaaleba waxay ahayd, Sl.shs. 3’250’524’000

( Saddex Bilyan, laba boqol iyo Konton Milyan iyo Shan boqol iyo afar iyio

labaatan kun oo shillings) oo u dhigmaysay 3.66% Miisaaniyadda Guud oo ahayd

Sl.shs. 88’852’000’000/- halka tan maanta ee Miisaaniyadda hawlfullinta

Nabadgelyada, Siyaasadda Gudo, Debed iyo hawlfullinta Shaqo iyo Shaqaale ee

Madaxweynuhu ay tahay Sl.shs. 2’600’419’200 oo u dhiganta 1.29%

Miisaaniyadda Guud ee Xukuumadda oo dhan Sl.shs 202’759’848’704. taasi oo

aan ku sameeyay is dhin dhan Sl.shs. 650’104’800/- ( Lix boqol iyo konton

Milyan, boqol iyo afar kun iyo Sideed boqol oo shillings).

Halkaasi waxa ka cad, inay tahay arrin been ah oo aan sal iyo raad toona

lahayn oo dadka lagu jaha wareerinayo, taasi oo looga dhigayo inay tahay

Mushaharka Madaxweynaha, Madaxweyne Kasta xilka loo igmaday wuxuu leeyahay

Miisaaniyad uu ku fuliyo, tanna waa taasi lagu fulinayo Hawlaha Qaranka, oo

ahayd mid horena u jirtay, imikana jirta, jirina doonta. Ee maaha wax cusub

oo ugub ah oo imika la sameeyay.


Marka aan ka hadlo arrimaha ay doodu ka taagan tahay ee Miisaaniyadda,

waxaan idiin sheegayaa in Miisaaniyaddu tahay Mashruuc sharci la mida

mashruuc sharciyeedyada kale, sidaa darteed aan xaqq u leeyahay, haddaan ku

qanci waayo in aan Golaha ku celiyo, sida uu awooda ii siinayo Qodobka 77aad

faqraddiisa 5aad ee Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliand.


Waxa waajib Dastuuriya kugu ahayd, Ku-simaha Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada

Cabdicasiis, in uu raaco jidka uu Dastuurku farayo oo uu Golaha horgeeyo

Go’aanka aan soo celiyey, Xaq iyo Xeerna uma laha in uu wax jawaab ah kasoo

bixiyo, isagoo magaciisa ku hadlaya. Sidaa darteed, warqaddiisu ma leh wax

Mastawqiyad sharci ah.


Cabdicasiisna waxaan leeyahay, iskamaad indho tirin Dastuurka ee waxaad

xitaa iska indho tirtay Golohaagii, waxay kuu igmadeen inaad u Guddoomiso

kaliya shirarkooda marka uu maqan yahay Guddoomiyaha rasmiga ah ee Golaha

Wakiiladu, waxaan ku odhan lahaa Cabdicasiisow, waxaan maqlay in aad Sheekh

ahayd, bal dib u akhriso Axaadiistii iyo Kutubtii aad baratay, bal in ay

kugu soo dabaasho ku dhaqan Akhlaaq iyo Asluub suuban oo aad kaga baaqsato

cayda iyo aflagaadada aad caadada ka dhigatay.


Xaaladda Gobolada Barri


Waxaan dhawaan u diray Madaxweyne Xigeenka iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayo kuwaasi

oo soo qiimeynaya Xaaladda dhabta ah ee halkaasi ka jirta, markay soo

noqdaanna dib-u qiimeyn ayaan ku ku sameyn doonaa hadduu alle idmo.


Arrinta Xoolaha


Xukuumad ahaan, muddo badan ayaanu ku hawlanayn cid maalgelisa meelo l ay

xooluhu hadhsadaan (Maxjar) iyo ruqsad caafimad (Certification) inoo suurta

gelisa in Xoolaheena dib-uga dhoofinno meelihii innaga xidhmay iyo meelo

cusub. nasiib wanaag tii baan helnay oo markaan dhab ula tashanay

Ganacsatadeena iyo Rugta Ganacisga waxa la isla gartay in Ganacsadahaa

Sucuudiga ah heshiis lala galo, isagoo waxyaabahaa aanu u baahanahay inoo

fulinaya. Waxaan Ganacsatadeena leeyahay cid kasta oo danaynaysa haka

faa’iidaystaan, hana la xidhiidhaan Ganacsatadeena loo wakiishay dhoofinta

xoolaha, qiimaha ganacsatada iyo rugta Ganacsigu kula heshiiyeenna waa

qiimo markii aanu waraysi kala samaynay dadkii Xoolaha Dhoofinayey ay

faa’iido ugu jirto ummada. Waxaan leeyahay khayr hadduu yimaado waa la soo

dhaweeyaa ee laguma qayliyo ee ka daaya qaylada.


Ugu Dambeyn


Dawladda Somaliland mugdi kagama jiro xidhiidhka mustaqbal ee Somaliland iyo

Somalia uu ku dambeyn doono, mawqifkayagu waxa weeyi inaan noqono laba dal

oo jaar ah oo is ixtiraama oo walaaltinimo ku wada noolaada, sida kuwa kale

ee aynu jaarka nahay, wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia yeelan doonaan

wuxuu noqon doonaa mid lagaga wada hadlo xidhiidhka jaarnimo iyo walaatinimo

ee noqon mayo mid lagaga wadahadlo la midaw Somaliyeed, waana Go’aanka ay

Somaliland qaadatay, kaasaanay mar walba ku taagnaan doontaa.


Waxaanse idiin sheegayaa Xukuumad ahaan in dalkan dedaalkiisa dibed iyo

gudaba aanu wadno. Wadina doono intii awoodi noo saamaxdo.


Ilaahay dariiqo Xaqqa ah ha innago rido, kuwa aan danta Ummada wadina alle

ha soo hanuuniyo .


Inta aan hannuunayna ilaahay ha ka qabto Ummada.


Wabillaahi Tawfiiq

“Wasalaamu Calaykum Waxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh”

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Riyaale is just talking to himself and to the bunch of the terrorist SNM gangs that are holding guns on his head. The payola he receives to keep singing in tune by beating the drums of the gang carries him away in pipe dream.

Unless the right environment is created and unless (as Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samater has been pointing out since the illegitimate conference in Burao in 1991) a lawful and licit (xalaal) debate is conducted in Hargeisa where the proponents for unity are given an equal chance to express their views as loudly as the supporters for the dismemberment of the Somali Republic without intimidation and harassment, there is no way the rest of Somalis will ever agree to the idea of “two brotherly sister states”. The only mandate Yey has is to bring back all parts of the Somali Republic under a federal jurisdiction.


Wixii ood soo jabsanaa ha soo jabsodo ;) . This is what everyone in SOL and in the other debating circles where Somalis gather in is avoiding to say. Siilaanyo is under house and office arrest . If one closely analyzes the actions and speeches of Silaanyo, one finds he understands the secession policies of the gang are nonstarter. Silaanyo, the head of Kulmiye Party, is the most educated one in the gang and he knows the “gooni isku taag” stuff is a pipe dream. He knows that the world led by the countries in the region will never agree to the dismemberment of Somalia. He has seen and as Somalis say “touched the bottom”. The gang knows this and never lets him travel outside Hargeisa. Even he cannot go to his hometown Burcao, the second largest city of the northern region. Every Somali who fellows the news knows that residents of Burao are pro unity. It is interesting to note that Siilaany’s Deputy Mr. Maxamuud C/llaahi Jaamac Sifir escaped from the claws of the SNM gang and defected to the Somali Reconciliation Conference where the current TFG was being formed in 2004.


I say to Riyaale and the gang headed by the watchdog Ahmed Yasin, do not lock up yourselves in a foxhole and throw away the keys. If you believe that you have the support of Somalis in the northwest region for separation, take the advice of Professor Samater and let a real political debate be the means by which you get what you desire. Walaahu Aclam

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^Is there any doubt that they have a support from the people of Somaliland, as far as majority wise?


Yes I do agree Riyale and his inner circle are corrupt bunch, but so would any Somalilander today agree upon that as well. However that doesn't put away their case or doesn't blur their vision of seperate nation named Somaliland.


Even if Riyale and all of his inner circle members decided to join Somalia all of sudden, gues who would stand in the way? the people would, no kidding.


BTW...Sifir is part of the TFG which you odn't support, so why take that as an example. If you call the 2004 Ebgheti as Somali reconcilation, then we have all seen its fruits. Somaliland yet is the one standing today. ;)

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Oh I get it. In Somaliland, the first ones to put a lead of bullets into the lungs of Riyale or any other policians would be their guards.


Fact: the election are just around the corner, probably the people would elected either Silanyo or Faysal Cali waraabe. IF they elect Faysal Cali waraabe, I think Somaliland would be known more of dog fighters wiht huge claws that will scratch the faces of anyone that gets near it, the dude is aggressive. Compare to Riyale who is laid back, passive.


Silanyo is more of politician and thinker, however he is still a hardliner when it comes to the Somaliland case.


Riyale will be gone soon, whoever the next leader will be will determine many things. And Unity isn't one of them. ;)

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Originally posted by Nayruus:


Riyaale is just talking to himself and to the bunch of the terrorist SNM gangs that are holding guns on his head.

Is not about Riyaale...That's what the public of SL want..They want OUT. Please don't give Riyaale this much credit.


Go and call all the residents of SL "Terrorist" like you called Reer Mogadisho. But don't assume its only Riyaale and his admininstration that are creating this fuss.

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Red..... If the warlord goverment is letigimised, technically Somalia has annexed good parts of old British protectorate.


P.S. You don't want Faisal as president. The man is an i-diot. Somaliland will be better with someone like Siilaanyo, a better man and leader in my opinion.

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mr. che,


maan fahmin abti. Ma TFG ayaad kawadaa macnihii mise Somaliland?


Yes, faysal is not the brightest one out there, Silanyo is alot better.


mr. me. lol


Be careful what you wish for.

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Badacase, I would vote for the guy. I want him to be the leader of the secessionists that much.


Siilaanyo would be a pragmatic, he would get the secessionists the best deal they could. Not that they would be thankfull.


Waraabe on the hand, would isolate them even further. He would start wars and he would be the end of the secessionists. The reason that the secessionists have lasted for so long is because they have been talking loudly but threading carefully. I would love to see Waraabe as the secessionist leader, he would be the final nail on their secessionist coffin.

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HARGEISA, May 2 (Reuters) - The leader of the self-declared breakaway enclave of Somaliland ruled out reuniting with battle-scarred Somalia

If only it were up to him.

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But Kahin said hopes were boosted by Swedish moves.


"The Swedish have taken one step forward. They said we will treat Somaliland as a separate government entity,"
he said.


Katarina Zinn, a counsellor at the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi, said
Stockholm's guidelines on aid to Somalia
recognised Somaliland as
a self-governing area for development issues.

Do you see how Mr. Riyale twists and distorts the Stockholm's guidelines in favor of his narrow moves to secure diplomatic recognition of "Somaliland", an entity that only controls three north western regions of Somalia?


Officials of this region are still repeating the same pattern of their tired lines with enthusiasm and vigor to show us that there is a positive signal of a new political trend.

Somaliland officials say the territory has maintained relative peace and stability while Mogadishu has descended into violence and chaos.

It repeats these lines as to imbed it within the longer term vision of Somalia that Mogadisho will remain choas and lawless, but on a practical approach to Somalia's post-civil war analysis, Puntland has achieved noticeable progress in its Recovery Process, peace, and development of civil society institutions that is now flourishing in the region.


Sweden has recognized the area for development issues. The German Agro Action group, an agency extremely subsidized by its government, once recognized Sanaag region as a self-governing area on development issues. Regions as far as Mudug used to get a distribution of AID from Las Khorey port. Berlin Seitang

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Don't cry that much guys ,,,,,,,,, the case is closed and A/Y knows that ...... whoever comes to be the next president will be more extreme than Rayaale ,,,,, this is the peoples issue not an individual's ,,,,,,,,

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