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Time for a vote of confidence on the TFG?

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As per the Interim Constitution, if no/not enough progress has been made within 2 and a half years on the establishment of the federal states, a vote of confidence on the TFG should take place. We are nearly at that time.


Question is how will the house vote?

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The constitution is amendable, and they probably will amend it because of "war times" and fighting "terrorism." In any case, a vote of confidence amounts to nothing; it's force that changes the realities on the ground.

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^^Well said Taliban, but I will add the opposition does not have that force.

Nrtherners interest and knowledge of all things TFG, is a sign of progress towards unity..

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Its been nearly two and half years and nothing has been gained/achieved. I will never place hope on a warlord govnt run by Addis.


I know you are 'inclined' to accept the TFG but deep down you know its infested with what is against 'unity'.


Taliban, i dont think what said can be done. There is no qualification on such issues.


April will be 2 and a half years insha allah.

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^^^Northerner you are deluding yourself again saxib. In two and a half years against all odds, the TFG is much stronger than it was in its inception.


Domesticly, it is in control of the country, apart from your clans regions every other city and town is in TFG hands, Mogadishu;s port and airport, Kismayu, Puntland and of course Bay & Bakool are all in TFG hands.


Internationally Unlike all otehr entities, the defeated courts, the secesionits it is the recognised governemnt of Somalia, the UN security council has supported this government, and its plans for the country.

The AU forces are another aspect of support.


Local government an security Every region has a local adminstration in place, districts police is being re introduced throught the country. Over 20,000 new forces are being trained with an aim of 40,000.


Much has been achieved since that day in 2004 when Yusuf was elected in a Basketbal court in Nairobi.Today his office is in Villa Somalia.

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^^^In your opinio saxib, but the TFG is empowering the people, all regions all clans by putting the country back on its feet.


The people of Somalia today, have hope, the nay sayers, "experts" have been proven wrong, thus eat humble pie.


So far the TFG has achieved wonders.

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The TFG is so incompetent people are welcoming back thier former tormentors like Maxamed Dheere who obviously provided a better governance to Jowhar and vicinty A/Y couldn't provide. Maxamed Dheere now declared he is the right man for Jowhar once again and Shabeellaha Dhexe. Residents welcomed his militia expecting security to improve with the arrival of the Warlord Dheere.



As for Muqdisho, The xabashi troops and the drug addicted clan militias they use as canon fodders and guides are confined to filling refuse with ports and former army barracks in Muqdisho. These dogs can't venture out even in day time outside their compounds and shell the resdients at night when burned.



There is no government recognized outside the minds of the bigotted clanists related to the crazy old man. The warlords who thought they would make big serving under Conman A/Y found out they are as useless and as hated as before.


TFG representatives in Muqdisho have their days numbered. A/Y doesn't feel comfortable living in that town knowing he would be killed at the first opportunity people get, the foreign mercineraries and the tigre juntas will leave sooner or later and Muqdisho residents will be free again inshallah.

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^^^Xoogsade, the warlords are not coming back, like Yusuf IndaCade and his clown courts are not coming back..

Remmeber the "warlords are rearming story"?

Here is Qaynyare speaking out against those lies, gone is the bravado of the old days..

Qaynyare on Dayniile.


waagacusub slant


“ Shabelle cadeyn baa laga rabaa ku saabsan inay warkaas faafisay Associated Press hadii kale waxbaan iska dhihi doonaa Idaacadda Yusuf Indhacadde”
[/i ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo u waramay Waagacusub .

Mr Xoogsade, calm down with the lies, if Mohamd Dheere was coming back, he would have spoken on the radios out loud, but this is not the old days. :D


The TFG has gotten rid of the warlords, all of them including the fake religious ones that used to occupy lareg tracts

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^ You would be the last to call someone a liar for people still carry your quotes about more Oromos and Eritreans being in Somalia than Ethiopians. Not to mention your outright denials and barrotting the TFG spokespeople like Jeelle and Co who endlessly claimed on radios that who is fighting against the somali muslims were TFG clan militias alone even with the evidence of dead Xabashi soldiers all over the websites.


The website Allceeldheer posted this story and untill we see or hear Moxamed Dheere refuting their story, the news will remain credible.



Calling someone a liar won't help your destitution and need for Allah's help so that you get a chance to go back to a normal human with deceny.


The TFG is led by the Biggest warlord and conman somalis ever known, A/Y, so saying the TFG got rid of the warlords is something people like you, a minority among somalis, say out of desperation in defending their criminal and murderer.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Taliban, i dont think what said can be done. There is no qualification on such issues.

You give some credibility or weight to the TFG's farcical constitution.

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