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General Duke

Tanzania to train up to 1000 Somali soldiers...

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Dawladda Tanzania oo sheegtay inay tababar siineyso ciidamada DFKMG

Last Updated::2007-02-05 15:42:34


Tanzania:- Dawladda Tanzania ayaa ku gacan seertay in ciidamo nabad ilaalin ah ay u soo dirto dalka Soomaaliya ayadoo taa badalkeeda ballan qaaday in taw abar ay u fidiso ciidamada DFKS.


Tallaabadan ayaa timid xilli ururka midowga Africa weli uu u xusul doob ugu jiro dhameystirka 8,000 oo askari oo loo dirayo dalka Soomaaliya si ay u saacidaan dawladda kmg .


Dawladda Tanzania ayaa sheegtay in 1,000 askari ay u tawabareyso dalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo tawabarka ku qaadan doodna Akademiyad milatari oo ku taal magaalada Manyara ee waqooyiga dalka Tanzaniya.


Dhinaca kale dawladda Tanzania ayaa casuumaad ufidisay Ra'iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo lagu wado todabaadkan in uu booqdo magaalada Dar es Salaam si wadahadal heer sare ah ula yeesho madaxda dalkaasi oo uu kala hadlayo sidii ay gacan u siin lahaayeen dawladdiisa.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Dawladda Tanzania ayaa sheegtay in 1,000 askari ay u tawabareyso dalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo tawabarka ku qaadan doodna Akademiyad milatari oo ku taal magaalada Manyara ee waqooyiga dalka Tanzaniya.

"tawabareyso"? "ku qaadan doodna"?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The training will take place in Tanzania..

'Cause Somalia isn't a safe country to train them?

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^^^No because they have better training facsilities than Somalia..

As you know there are thousands being trained in Manas, Daynunay as well as Bali Doogle. However the Tanzanians have said they will help in this way, so why not.

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