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Hamas team to visit Moscow soon

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Hamas team to visit Moscow soon


Friday 10 February 2006, 19:20 Makka Time, 16:20 GMT


Putin: We must recognise Hamas came to power via elections


Alexander Kalugin, Russia's envoy to the Middle East, has said he expects a delegation from Hamas to visit Moscow later this month.



Speaking to Aljazeera on Friday, Kalugin said "the Russian side would urge Hamas to negotiate with Israel on the basis of previous agreements".


Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, made an unexpected move on Thursday in announcing he was planning to invite Hamas leaders to Moscow for talks in a bid to deter a fresh conflict in the region.


The movement won a landslide victory in Palestine's general elections in January.


"Today, we must recognise that Hamas came to power via legitimate, democratic elections in the Palestinian National Authority, which is why we must respect the choice of the Palestinian people," Putin said at a news conference in Madrid.


Recognition of Israel



Hamas won a landslide victory

in the January elections


Kalugin said earlier that Moscow was seeking to convince Hamas to recognise Israel and observe existing agreements between Palestine and Israel and the road map peace initiative proposed by the UN, the United States, the European Union and Russia - the international mediators in the peace process.


Responding to Putin's comments, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah from Gaza was quoted as saying that the group's members would be "delighted" to visit Russia if they were officially invited.


Meanwhile, Russian Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Friday that many countries would be forced to maintain relations with Hamas eventually.


Ivanov said: "Many leading countries - including the countries of the 'quartet' - will come into contact with Hamas sooner or later, some way or another."

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Nimanka Hamas waxay u baahan yihiin inay dhisaan dowlad ka kooban aqoonyhanno isla markaana awood iyo aqoonba u leh inay dadkeeda iyo dalkeeda wax u qabato. Wax yaabaha ugu way ee loo doortay waxaa ka mid ah inay balanqaadeeyn inay dowladihii horre ee falastiin nidaamkeedii wax ka badalayaan gaar ahaa xagga corruption-ka isla markaan ay dulka lagaheysto ay soo celinayaa. Mark howsha utaala mayara waxayna u baahantihiin ayagoon dagaalamid inay soo dhacsataan dhulkooda maamul heer sara ahna ay sameeyaan.


Dagaal waxba laguma helo, balse waxay u baahanyihiin diplomaasiyad inay ku raasadaan dulkooda dadkoodana ay u horseedaan nabad iyo barwaaqo isla markaan kabaxaan gumeysiga ay ku jireey tan iyo intii sanadood ay ku dagaalamayeeyn xoriyadda.



Nabad iyo Caano:.............

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^^Masha-Allah, wiilo, waan kugu raacsanahay walaashiis. Laakiin waxaa soomaalidu dhahdaa, meel hoo u baahan, hadal waxna kama taro. Taasina waa arinta haatan la gudboon falastiiniyiinta, oo ah iney xoog ku soo dhacsadaan dhulka muqadaska ah ee Islaamka.


Gaaladuba wadajir ayey wax ku doonayaan, anakana waa inaan wadajir xusulka la duubanaa xisbiga Xamaas, inta ay xaqa kusocdaan, dabcan.


wiil iyo caano, gabar iyo caano.... smile.gif

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