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1 July

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soomaaliyeey seexdoo

seexdoo haysku toosina eey

hadba kiina taag dareneey

qashoo cuna weligiineey



I thought heestaas in sidaas loo bedelay for the last 17 years ......

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I learned of July 1st on SOL, and many things about somalia, its regions ect on this joint. Marka thank you SOL :D .


May Allah Help our people. Amiin. Happy July 1st the Republic of Somalia! peace

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North, it is time we should learn Arabic, Ma istiri?



To learn about Somali history? Waar inaga daa!


I think some of our SOL nomads were like those kids when they were young and living in carabaha :D

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al yowm huwa yawn al xuriya al soomaaliyah fii sanat 1960 ,,, cindamaa raxala al isticmaar al iidaali minal balad.


al soomaaliyuun qaataluu min ajli al xuriyah wa faqaduu arwaaxan wa abnaa'an ,, kamaa waajahuu quwatan camyaa' minal isticmaar.


Wa akhiiran ,, haadaa huwa al yowm al maqsuud ,, al yowm aladii rufica al calam al soomaali fowqal ard ,,,,,,,,,




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:D You guys should have posted the pictures here. By the way, it was a good night. Thought, we kept standing the whole night. Northner :D lots of ppl should know, that you are a calm,polite,respect full man. Behind the screen ppl may look different lol Like me ;) . Anyhow, I always had the guess of my thought would be right about you. Anyhow, it was a good night. Dabshid Come back, and organise an SOL party. Jacaylbro, Happy Birthday to you too sxb!

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Haile Sellassie, the ageless personification of imperial

dignity, triumphantly returned to Ethiopia from exile. However,

events in the ****** took on another dimensions. Haile Sellassie

began a relentless campaign for the consolidation of personal

power and expansion of the Ethiopian State. He proclaimed, "I

have come to restore the independence of my country including

Eritrea and Southern Somalia whose people will henceforth dwell

under the shade of the Ethiopian flag."5 In a later memorandum

to the United Nations, his government proclaimed that prior to

the race of the European powers to divide up the Continent of

Africa, Ethiopia included an extensive coast line along the Red

Sea and Indian Ocean.6

The British, having betrayed the Somalis for reasons of

enhancing power, wealth, and influence, had yet another precedent

for doing it again. They immediately recognized the throne of

Haile Sellassie. In a statement on fragmentation of Somalia

nation to the House of Commons in early 1941 Anthony Eden, a

mediator on Ethiopia-Somalia problem, had the following to say:

"His Majesty Government would welcome the

reappearance of an Ethiopian State and recognize

the claim of Emperor Haile Sallassie to the throne...

His Majesty's Government reaffirm that they have

themselves no territorial in Abyssinia (Ethiopia). "7

During 1942, the Emperor continued the fight to restore full

sovereighty of Ethiopia in pursance to regain the pre-war

boundary between Ethiopia and the British Protectorate. An

agreement was then approved granting the British temporary

administrative authority in the ****** Region. The Emperor

pressed on with his ambitions to regain total control over the region.

Finally in 1948, the British withdraw but retaining residual

rights of supervision over Somali clans pasturing in the region.

This marked the ****** Region as part of Ethiopia.

Somalia nationalism raced unsucessfully to catch up with the

irretrievable flow of events. Its leading institution, the

Somalia Youth Club (SYC) was formed in Mogadishu (Somalia's

capital) with thirteen members, including several prominent

religious leaders representing all of the main clan groups.

They were united by a desire to transcend clan rivalries and to

forge a political nation which would embodied the Islamic values.

Events moved more erratically in the British Somalialand in 1955

as the SYC grew stronger in their demands over the right of trans-

border grazing lands in the ****** region.

Conflict evolved around the issue of who should be regarded

as an Ethiopian subject in the region. Somalis in the

protectorate had apparently clung to the hope of ultimate

diplomatic action to recreate a unified Somalia or at least to

strengthen the safeguards of cross border migration. Since there

were no positive response from the British, the Somalis

immediately staged mass demonstrations throughout the

protectorate demanding recovery of the lost land, and for the

first time, demanded the right to become independent.

The failure by the British to resolve the transborder

grazing lands doomed their prestige and hence the authority of

protectorate administration. The unequivocal loss of the grazing

lands destroyed the three pillars of colonial bluff: it created

an issue transcending clan lines, it directly affected the lives

of individual Somalis, and it revealed the emptiness of the

protector's promises.9

The British were left with two options, either fight or

leave. In Kenya, they had fought for awhile Somalia as being

poor as the day they had arrived. Therefore, they decided to


On 26 June 1960, the British Somalialand became an

independent state. Four days later, the Italian Somalialand

achieved its independent, and the two were united by a hastly

concluded treaty. The accords established a unitary republic

with northern and southern regions. On the flag of the new state

there was a five pointed star. The British had organized and

trained the leaders of the Somalia SYC to realize the dream of

greater Somalia. Consequently, generation of Somalis are being

borne with the conception of greater Somalia claiming parts of

Ethiopia, Kenya, and Djibouti.

The Republic of Somalia with muit-party politics had a

potential to lure the Western influence. However, her obsession

with greater Somalia proved an obstacle considering her

neighboring countries were also subjects of Western influence.

Failing to lure a consolidated support from the West, especially

its former colonial masters. Somalia condemned Great Britain for

not handing over to her the Northern Frontier Region of Kenya.

In March 1962, she broke off diplomatic relationship with

Britain. It must be remembered that British first floated and

nurtured the idea of "Greater Somalia". The relationship even got

worse when Prime Minister Mohammed Ibrahim Egal made a public

statement to the effect that "Reclaiming our land and their

people..." was in fact in accordance with Somali proverb of

"Stand with one leg ready for war and the other ready for

peace."10 It was Somali's leg of war that eventually become a

point of discord between Somalia and the West. Early in 1961,

after failing to obtain military aid to staff its 20,000 man

Army, Somalia turned to the East.

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Waar waa odaygii hunguri ee la waayay ,,, welcome back bro ,,,


gabdhihii waa kuu darsadeen ,,,,,, meeshan waa kuu baahnayd ,,, :D

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JC, Carabigaas waa kii waqtigii Asxaabada,lool,


I think some of our SOL nomads were like those kids when they were young and living in carabaha

looooooooooooool, true


Welcome back Hunguri,

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JC, Carabigaas waa kii waqtigii Asxaabada,lool,


looooooooooooooool ,,, sow carabi uun maaha xiliguu doono ha noqdee :D ,,, wuxuun ma idhi ?? :D


Waar iska daa dadkuba saxaabadii bay i moodi lahaayeen show hadaan hadlo ,,, :D

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Happy 1st July to all SOLers,

Eventhough there is nothing to celebrate.

But one day, one day insha'Allah we gonna

make it, break the ice and be united once

again under 1 flag, 1 republic, 1 people

and 1 love. insha'Allah!





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