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The foreign-created government shows its true face: More troops to Mogadishu

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Dowladda Uganda oo sheegtay in ciidamo dheeri ah ay u soo dirtay Soomaaliya.



Dowladda wadanka Uganda ayaa maanta sheegtay in ciidamo ay u soo dirtay Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo ka dhigaya ciidamada Muqdisho ka jooga wadankaasi 2-kun oo askari sida uu sheegay taliye sare oo ka tirsan ciidamada wadanka Uganda.




Aronda Nyakairima oo ah madaxa ciidamada wadanka Uganda ayaa warfidiyeenada maanta u sheegay in dowladda wadanka Uganda ay hal batelyan oo ciidamo dheeri ah ay u soo dirtay Soomaaliya Axadii si loo xoojiyo ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho kuwaasi oo uu ku sheegay sargaalku in ay gaarayaan 1700-askari oo horay ugu sugnaa Gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho.

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Meiji lay off the Federal government saxiib the heads of it are local men who want he best for South so adeer you don’t need to fear it.


I think bringing foreign troops is a bad idea as it would give opposing the government incentives to continue the struggle, even if they come they won’t be effective, locally trained forces (10,000 proposed in Djibouti) would be a better idea.

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^Thiery, I don't think this brother wants to see the government work at all! He wishes it to fail straight-away, and his reasons for posting these topics are peripheral to that wish. I don't think even fellow Somali (Djiboutian) troops would get a permission from him if he had the power to decide on Somali matters.

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Foreign-created government with different faces but the same modus operandi is not what is in the best interest of Somalia in general, and Mogadishu in particular.


More foreign troops not only aides the retorics of the religious warlords but turns Mogadishu city into a battleground in which again its people will suffer and civil society and the economy will be torn apart.


Perhaps that is what foreign actors want? To keep Mogadishu city as a war-zone so that the civil society wont be allowed to do their job and the dynamic economy of the city will be distrubted?


That would not be far-fetched considering the fact that Mogadishu city produced a vibrant civil society and economy that slowly but steadily became independent from political pretenders and became the envy of neighbouring countries.

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^^I understand your concerns saxiib, however again you don’t have to fear this government, not only can they coexist but the government can help Mogadishu society in its progress. The President, education Minster and Interior Minster are men from the city who have worked with the civil society of Mogadishu before and are willing to do it again.

If you want to defeat the extremist groups that roam around the city, then support the single entity that has the capacity in bringing alternatives to them.


Character change in governments play a crucial role in changes of society, the current leaders got rid of Ethiopia, if that’s not a gesture of goodwill from them then I don’t know what is.

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Time is besides Allah the best Judge.


As for the extremist groups, they can be defeated without AMISOM.


The foreign-created government can succeed with the people on their side not foreign actors.

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Tell me what to do, these niggaz( shabaabz) actin up in the hood( muqdisho)

Send mo' troops, dear Mr. President( sheikh shariff)

(Me and my homies( faraxz) is wonderin what's goin on.. holla!)

Tell me what to do, these niggaz( shababz) actin up in the hood( muqdisho)

Send mo' troops..



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You know what really gets to is the arrogance of these AU forces and whoever is behind them. You just look at their words and actions and can see how they really feel about Somalia. Forget that the Mujahideen have ordered them to leave and have threatened them and so on. Recently the whole country was in uproar at the mere request for more troops. This included the "Culamaa", tribal leaders, public, and soon afterwords the government officials also. The government apologized and claimed that they didn't want new troops. Next we move on to some words from one of the AU guys...


Lamamra expressed annoyance at news reports that Somali President Sheik Sharif Ahmed is under pressure to order the AMISOM troops home. Speaking on the sidelines of an AU consultative meeting on Somalia, the commissioner said such information is motivated by either ignorance or bad faith.


"Those statements are basically prompted either by genuine ignorance of what the AMISOM role is or by some pre-judged hostile position toward every friendly force that is likely to be there to make sure that Somalia is actually coming out of its crisis and moving forward to reconstitute its government institutions," he said. "So I would not be worried by the statements either way."


Pay special attention to the bold. These people really look towards the Muslims of Somalia with arrogance and a sense of contempt. Then on top of that they just send hundreds or maybe even thousands of new troops. Now didn't many government members just claim that they didn't want new troops...who is really in charge? This government is lying and betraying or they are complete puppets with no power or both. This is getting crazy but i tell you what, they are going to be surprised by the resistence they meet.

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These "new" foreign troops are just rumors to discredit the peace negotiations.


If you haven't noticed guys, nobody wants anything to do with Somalia. You actually think those poor guys from Burundi and Uganda WANT to be in Mogadishu? I'm sure they'd much rather go home.

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Shariif "Uganda iyo Brundi waxaan ka dalbanay inay na caawiyaan inta aan isaga filnaaneyo


"Qorshaha aan u gudbinay Uganda iyo Brundi waa inay na caawiyaan ilaa aan isaga filnaaneyno, waad la socotiin in Ciidamada AMISOM ay ka mid ahaayeen heshiiskii lagu soo saxiixday Jabuuti, marka anaga wadamadaasi waxaan u gubinay qorshaha dowladda oo ah in ciidamo ay dhisato, dadka inaga soo horjeedana aan la heshiino"ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Shariif oo si aan leex leexad laheyn u sheegay in Ciidamada AMISOM ay sii joogayaan Soomaaliya. m/fidsan.php?sid=112 01&tirsan=2


See also





This foreign-created regime is not different then the warlord factions: All lisen to their own desires and those of foreign powers instead of those they are supposed to govern.


If these different political pretenders do not care or lisen to Somali people's demands, why should the Somali people care or lisen to them?

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