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The PM on Peacekeeping Troops

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Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo sheegay in aysan dooneyn in ay sameeyaan wax dhibaato u keenaya Shacabka Soomaaliyeed




Isniin, March 23, 2009(HOL): Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay guriga uu Muqdisho ka degan yahay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Xukuumaddiisa ka cudur-daaraneyso wel-wel ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka qaadeen hadal uu sii daayay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar, kaasi oo ahaa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay dalabatay in Ciidamada jooga Soomaaliya lagu kordhiyo seddex battalion oo hor leh.

Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Soomaaliya aysan qorshaha ugu jirin in ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibaato u keenaya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar uu isna qabanayo shir jaraa’id oo uu uga hadlayo hadalkii uu sii daayay ee ay cabashada badan ka keeneen Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.

Waxgarad, Culumaa’udiin, Aqoonyahanno, Siyaasiyiin, Abwaanno Soomaaliyeed oo ku dhaqan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa si weyn uga hadlay hadalkii laga soo xigtay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, iyado dadkaasina ay ka codsadeen Dowladda Soomaaliyeed in ay hadalkaas ka laabato, isla markaana ay cudurdaar ka bixiso.

Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar ayaa la eegayaa sida uu u fasiro hadalkii ay ka soo xigteen Wakaaladaha Wararka Reer Galbeedka ee ahaa in uu codsaday in seddex battalion oo dheeraad ah lagu kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee hadda ku sugan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Is no the man to his right Cawaale Kulane? I have seen that individual on Al Jazeera before, arguing in favor of the Ethiopian troops. I think it was a debate that Ahmed Samatar from Minnesota took part of and another individual. Ma ninkaa baa garab istaagan the prime minister while he is speaking against foreign troops?

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^And they are bringing foreign troops now, even if that will be Ethiopians, so what's the difference... The only difference here is while Yey was vocal and loud with his message, Shariif and Mr Sharmaarke are doing it all quitely... its factual more troops are coming, its was even funny that Wasiirka Amniga Cumar Xaashi had suggested that "Hadda Ciidamada Ethiopia way kusoo gali karaan amarka Dowlada" :D , simply wonderful staff....

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^^^Emperor I asked someone to explain to me who made this mistake, was it the FM who was ignorent on all of this and spoke out? Or is there no strategy.

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^I know you made a good point, Juje is not making his argument clear, we know the President and the Prime minister talk good but what's their stand on the issue of foreign troops and what is their stance on the demand of the Somali Ulema's withdrawal of AU forces within 120 days, these are not really clear.


Juje, Mr. Sharkamaarke released a statement today saying that "Waxa dhibaato ukeenayo shacabka masamayno" which is all good but what exactly is that, the statement was general and vague, he not clearly made any reference to the controvertial issue of AU's presence or the ones that are coming, and the Ulema's demand.


Making general statements and talking good is good but will not make progress or move things forward quickly in the short term and will definetely present them a dilema in the long run, most of the Somali people are really sceptical of this government moves and dicisions because their message is not very clear while the latest contradition and confusion among the cabinet members is adding to the pulics suspision and mistrust making the situation even worse...

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I have respect both men Mr Cumar c/rashid alic shermake iyo wasiirka arimaha dibeda mr Omar, aniga sida ila muuqata ,wax dhib ahi ma jiro arrintana waa la xalin si dhaqsi ahi.

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The recent political gaffes or perhaps mismatched communication of the current Somali government and the cabinet has demonstrated the need for coherent and clear policies. In this age of communication most modern governments whether in developed or developing countries have a robust policy formulation units whose primary role is to structure policies—more importantly convey coherently these policies and make sure the ministries dishing out the same message to the public. This is what is needed- spare me the drivel about the government is not in that stage and it can’t afford seasoned individuals to carry this out!.


I think the government’s success will partly dependent upon how it conveys it’s political message.




PS: Perhaps I should drop a note to the Premier’s chief of staff.

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^^ You need to let go of the delusion that there is an actual independent free-standing Somali government in existence today. The sooner you can come to that realisation, the better.


What you have is a puppet government propped up and protected by Ethiopia, the AU, and the Antarnashanal Kamoonity, that owes it's very existence, and hence alleigence, to foriegn ineterets.


Putting lipstick(Shaykh Hotel) on a Pig(the TFG) never has worked in the past. It will not work now. The Somalia people are not s.t.u.p.i.d. Even tho peaceniks think they can hoodwink the shacab with perfunctory promises of Shareeca law and 'peace and stability'


Ina Yey and Gheedi thought that Shacab-ka Soomaaliyeed were s.t.u.p.i.d and were operating under that assessment, where are they today ?


He who does not learn from the mistakes of history is doomed to repeat it. Drop that note to the fake 'chief of staff'. Tell him it's from me, Kash-Moni Al-Soomaali. Tell him I consider him to be a proper piece of shit and that I hope that he, his boss, and his colleagues get their just deserts in this world before the next.

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My dear brother your thoughts would have been considered if you have refrained from uncouth words which will only compel one to ignore your plausible opinions.


I am of the opinion of the Ulems- the Ulema has asked us (the caama) to give these guys 3 months! As a Caami, I shall. Now we can argue whether this Gov gacanta lagu rimiyey or whether it came through the womb through halal process- my considered opinion on the matter is known!. Adiga if you want to make others see you logic, you owe it to yourself to articulate your thoughts in practicably reasonable manner- the above cay isnt!.


That is my brotherly advice!

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^^ brotherly advice duly noted, Sophist. My 'rhetorical flourishes' are just my way of expressing things in a colourful manner, or my current state of mind. I mean no offense to anybody, except when actually I do, and then, I usually state it outright. I think it's best if we focus on the substance, rather than the style in which things are delivered.(although I acknowledge it can be distracting at times)


I am of the opinion of the Ulems- the Ulema has asked us (the caama) to give these guys 3 months! As a Caami, I shall.

Not a bad starting point. So inshallah, after 3 months, if nothing has changed and even more foriegn troops are on the ground, I expect you and the other "we-will-wait-and-se e" brothers to recognise this dowlad-ku-sheeg for what it is: a illegitimate puppet entity that is wholly funded, sponsored, and directed by foriegn interests, namely that of Ethiopia, the African Union(headquarters are in Addis Abba), the European Union, and the State Department. All of these entities have a vested interest in seeing a weak, fragmented, and submissive Somalia that knows it's place and has no 'upppity' inclinations. The latest ICG report wants Somalis to and I quote:


Renounce irredentist claims over the Oga.den made in the past and reassure Ethiopia of commitment to the principles of good neighbourliness.

If the message is not coming across loud and clear or if you're waiting for instructions from the Culimaa(who probably don't speak english and wouldn't know what to make of the report), let me translate. You're basically being told: "Be a good boy. Don't make waves. Keep your head down. Accept Ethiopia as the dominant figure of the Horn of Africa. Do that, and you shall recieve our blessings. Do that not, and we shall forsake you and find other pliant clients like Pissland and S.mellyland"


Just yesterday 1,800 new African mercenaries disembarked from Mogadisho Airport, bringing them up to a total of 4,500 soldiers. But your position is "wait-and-see" based on the reccomendations of the Culimaa. Ok, bro. No problem. 3 months will arrive in no time. Let's see what the morrow brings: The courage to change one's erroneous convictions......or more excuses.


One last thing, Somalida waxay dahaan, Khaanzeer weligees ma taahiroobo. A pig can never attain tahaarah because he is inherently and intrinsically najaasah. I wonder how an educated brother like you can pin his hopes on a najaasah entity that is composed of some of the sickest traitors, warlords, killers, and rapists Somalia has ever seen. You may call this emotive language. You may also call it the truth. Imagine yourself working side-by-side with Cabdi Qaybdiid. Imagine shaking the hand of a murderous war criminal, wadaad-hunter, and women-killer. Except that now, he is a Mudane Wazeer, Honourable Minister. Imagine sharing offices with the same men who spearheaded the Ethiopian invasion of 2006 and who still report back to Addis Abba with nightly reports. And there you find yourself, rationalising that 'the world is complicated' and this is 'the lesser of two evils' and 'all i am doing is helping the TFG in my area of expertise, finance'. Is it worth it ? All the accolades and adulation in this world in return for selling your soul to anyone willing to pay ? Is it worth it ?


But I guess you have to wait on the Culimaa for that as well. No problem. I'll check back with you in 3 months time inshallah.

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Juje, Mr. Sharkamaarke released a statement today saying that "Waxa dhibaato ukeenayo shacabka masamayno" which is all good but what exactly is that, the statement was general and vague, he not clearly made any reference to the controvertial issue of AU's presence or the ones that are coming, and the Ulema's demand.

Exactly, Emperor. You can call it a pleasing 'sound-bite'. Whatever needs doing to stabilize the country will be done, even if that means bringing new troops.

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Kashafa, adeer dont check back with us in the next six months. Xaajadu waa iska caddahay. Marmarsiiyyo aad dhiig ku daadisid ma weyneysid. Culumo ma lihid. Dam-dam baad rabtaa inaad reerka ku rogto. Waa lagu fahmay.


Somalia has a government. It's weak and fragile. It’s not independent. It’s not free from outside interference. But rest assured, it will gradually (slowly but surely) transition into a powerful authority. Today’s inadequacies will be vastly improved and overcome. It will take time though. Al-isticjaal is devil’s sport. Patience and perseverance are primary means for sustainable victory. Somalia and its people will never run out of stamina awoowe. Somalia has no room for your fake absolutism. This phony puritan ideology is quite dangerous. It’s meant to create instability that’s conducive for Somalia’s enemy to dominate and keep us down. We refuse to be an empty space awoowe as others would like to depict us. It’s ironic your objectives of perpetual war regardless of the cost perfectly converges with Ethiopia’s and other indifferent force’s objectives to keep Somalia a testing ground for containment policies.


Foreign forces are not needed. If they come they will not come out of love and conviction. They will only come out of convenience to satisfy prior arrangements. It’s a setback to see them coming when they supposed to leave. That much I admit. But to say Somali blood needs be spelt simply because few regiments of OAU troops arrived is mindless. Mindless. It’s as though Kashafa enjoys Somali tragedy and the uprooting of the innocent. Subxaana Laah.


We will talk this out. Those who find fighting more effective than talking will be insha Allaah ineffective as they have before.

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^^ I'm not suprised, Xiin. Dodging all of my salient points and deftly side-stepping the tough questions I posed is only to be expected from a snake-oil salesman like yourself. It is also not suprising to hear defeatism springing from a student of Abdulqaadir Gacamay.


Let me direct you to Professor Michael Weinstein(who I have more respect for in his search for the truth, as opposed to every last wretched peacenik sell-out) in his latest posting:


As a compromise formation precipitated from the cross-pressures of base and donors, Sh. Sharif’s Islamic Reformism is
the weakest
of the ideological contenders by virtue of its
transparent use
of political Islam as a means to the end of
saving the T.F.G.
and its resulting vagueness

What have I been saying all along ? Just like your situation on the ground, your arguments on these boards are characterised by two self-evident traits: a) Weakness and paucity b) shameless hypocrisy that is laughable in it's transparency.


You are a defeated quantity, my friend. And your posts here represent the frantic flailings of a man who is slowly waking to the realisation that the cause he sold out everything for is defeated. I say slowly because it will take time to sink in. Just like it to took time for Duke to accept the humiliation and emasculation of his hero, Cabdullahi Amxaar; it will also take time for you to accept the defeat and humiliation of Shaykh Hotel.


And just as Duke has come around, so will you too. You'll get over the bitterness of defeat and the stench of failure. Failure of your ideas, failure of the peace caravan, and the failure of the men(Shaykh Hotel, Nur Cade) you blindly put your trust in, instead of putting it in Allah(SWT) and the Xaq.


We are the future, adeer. Young, principled, strong, educated, and fearless. Honour is our birthright and Gobonimo our claimed legacy. We have the Deen, the Dal, and the Dad on our side. Everywhere we go, every town we liberate, the shacab stream forth in joy and celebration. Merchants hail the coming of lower taxation and 100% amn wa amaan(safety and security). Women rest assured that rape and exploitation are things of the past. We are Somalia, abti, and Somalia is us.


You, on the other hand, are the bloated corpse of the past. Middle-aged if not older, scared shitless due to a lifetime of servility, first under the Siad Barre goverment where you grew up, then in the refugee camps of Kenya, and finally as a refugee in the West grappling with a identity crisis that has lead you to question and finally spurn Shareeca law, accept Ethiopia as a "Big Brother" and 'beloved neighbor', and accept the hegemony of the Antarnashanal Kaamoonity and it's orders.


In short, what you are proposing for Umada Soomaliyeed oo Xalaasha to do is to become what you have gradually been becoming all your life: A slave, Cabdul-dirham wa diinaar. Cabdul-Xabashah. Cabdul-Warlords. Cabdul-Qabyaalad. Cabdul-Anaka. Cabdul-Tol'ka. Cabdul-StatusQuo.


Aniga oo ku hadlaayo magaca Umada Soomaliyeed meel walbo ay joogta, deed'na matalaayo, waxaa ku dahaa Nabiyullahi Ibrahim wuxuu ku dahay qowm'kiisa marka ay diideen inaay qaatan Amar-ka Ilaahay. Wuxuu dahay aniga'na dahaayaa: Kafarnaa bikum, wa badaa baynanaa wa baynakum al'cadaawata wal baq'daa xa'taa tu'minuu billahi waxdah.


We shall see who wins this war and who gets to decide the direction Somalia will take in the 21st century.

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^^Adeer, or abti as you prefer, ha igu xanaaqin.


My approach is simple. When I see an actionable misstatement of material fact, I feel the duty to disclose it ya Kashka. And this is no different. And you and the professor you quoted are ignorant about the basic facts of Somali conflict. I on the other hand am its student. There is this thing called theoretical possibility. And there is a tangible reality on the ground.


Sharif and the entity he heads is a practical matter. It’s the product of a political compromise. It has two-year contract to make things better, and chart a new beginning. You and your puritan stuff represent a distant shout, however. The challenge is real for Sharif, but it’s not insurmountable awoowe. Tell the professor that his defeatist talk is not new. We’ve heard it before…

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