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UIC Vacate Kismayo?

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An interesting turn of events. It seems the Courts have stretched their capacity and are now losing on all fronts. Their last hope seems to be to re-group now in Xamar and strategize.



Maamulkii Maxkamadaha Jubbooyinka Oo Ka Baxay Kismaayo Iyo Magaaladii Oo Maanta Uusan Ka Jirin Wax Maamul Ah


Dec 26,2006


by Baardheere-GEDO-NN


Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya inay gebi ahaan ay ka baxeen maamulkii maxkamadaha ee gobollada jubbooyinka oo xarun u aheyd magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo la sheegay in masuuliyiintii ugu sareeysay ee maamulkaasi ay u baxeen dhanka RAS KAMBOONI ee gobalka Jubbada Hoose.


Masuuliyiintaan isaga baxay magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay la baxeen ilaa 20 gaadiidka dagaalka iyo ciidamadii ku harsanaa magaalada oo ay u kaxaysteen degaanka RAS KAMBOONI. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in magaaladu aysan ku sugnayn raggii maamulka hayey oo magaalada ay ku sugan yihiin oo kaliya afartan meeyo ciidamo ka haray midowga maxkamadaha oo ku sugan agagaarka saldhigga booliska magaalada iyo garoonka diyaaradaha.


Wararka la is dhexmarayo magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegaya inay dhowaan halkaasi soo gaaraan ciidamo ka socdo dowladda federaalka Soomaliya oo la sheegay in racoodii ugu horeeyey ay soo gaareen degaano ka tirsan gobalka Jubbada Dhexe.


Faaruqinta ay faaruqiyeen maamulkii maxkamadaha ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku soo aaday xilli ay ciidamadii midowga maxkamadaha ee gobalka BAY ay gebi ahaan ka baxeen goobahii ay muddo ku dhow 8 cisho ay dagaalo kula jireen ciidamo isugu jiro Itoobiyaan iyo kuwa dowladda federaalka Soomaliya.



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I wouldn't call that loosing sens they retreated in orderly manor, they didnt lose any battle they where actually the ones pushing the xabshis in baidabo on two fronts. And suddenly one night they vacated Burhakaba, Diinsoor, Cadaado, Baladweyn.. even the people in this citys didnt notice. And inshallah you will see why they made this sudden change of tactics and the xabashis will taste some good medicine.

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I have to stay militarly the court made good decision here. this tactics has it is own risk, moral issue and lost of the public support. But survival point of few and long run strategy this very good tactics. It is very much now if moqdisho will stand with them or the former warlods. Now they can hide inside at same time infiltrate the enemy back line but they must hold two weeks. Kismaanyo will soon fall. The court have good chance to defend Jowhar and first time stop other side.

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Originally posted by Duufaan:

I have to stay militarly the court made good decision here. this tactics has it is own risk, moral issue and lost of the public support. But survival point of few and long run strategy this very good tactics. It is very much now if moqdisho will stand with them or the former warlods. Now they can hide inside at same time infiltrate the enemy back line but they must hold two weeks. Kismaanyo will soon fall. The court have good chance to defend Jowhar and first time stop other side.

If TFG decides Jowhar has strategic importance, everything will be thrown at ICU and they don't stand a chance.

Eritrea and OLF are already crying because ICU over used them and to add insult to injury Kismayo , which the ICU took it for the sole reason of Eritrea/OLF and Alqaeda secluded operations base has fallen.


Failure always brings blame game.

The talk between them must be now: You mejnun told us to do this, no you mejnun said you will do this...some angry pakistani shoots some demoralized supremo...thats how it goes.

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