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Waraysi - Abdullahi Yusuf

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Wabaan anba dagaalami jiray...lakin anigu xag baan ku dagalami jiray......lolllllllllllll



Ethiopians aren't leaving much for Nur Cade's heroics......

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LOL, so telling the truth is ceeb? Listen people, the government is saying stop bombing before we do anything, the terrorist are saying get rid your allies before we stop bombing, anyone who beliefs that someone defending themselves will stop so the attacker can stop attacking him is a damn fool. Of all the demands they could be making, ask yourselves why this one. The answers is simple, they want to bomb more freely, so all you terrorist supporters, go to Mogadishu, i hear the ones there are tired and in need of break because they are surrendering to m.dheere and darwiish.

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Afkiis uu furaba daqsi iyo kale inay kasoo foofayaan la moodaa.


I have yet to read, listen or watch something tangible, oo caqligal ah uu waligiis yiri. All his interviews, public speakings waa caay, waa hanjabaad, waa yasid, waa faan [faan Xabashi ku faantan waliba], waa booto, waa isamaan, waa...


Magac madaxweyne uu sheeganaayo ayuu ceebeeye balaayo ceebeysay.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

LOL, so telling the truth is ceeb? Listen people, the government is saying stop bombing before we do anything, the terrorist are saying get rid your allies before we stop bombing, anyone who beliefs that someone defending themselves will stop so the attacker can stop attacking him is a damn fool. Of all the demands they could be making, ask yourselves why this one. The answers is simple, they want to bomb more freely, so all you terrorist supporters, go to Mogadishu, i hear the ones there are tired and in need of brake because they are surrendering to m.dheere and darwiish.

Do let us know when he manages to capture Lasanod, Kismaayo and destroys all the terrorists in Muqdisho. Do let us know when this era of prosperity, peace and our golden age under the emperor comes to an end!

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