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Ethiopia Supports Military Supply to Somali Warlord

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Ethiopia Supports Military Supply to Somali Warlord


The Shabelle Times (Mogadishu)


May 24, 2006

Posted to the web May 25, 2006



Trucks loaded with military supplies contributed to the Somalia Anti Terror Alliance have reached at Jowhar, the tiny middle Shabelle regional city some 90kms north of Mogadishu.


Armed vehicles sent by Hiiraan and middle shabelle authorities have escorted the convoy reportedly from Ethiopia.


Sources in the region confirmed all five lorries are loaded with different types of ammunition as well as other military equipment.


The escorting team also included the governor of Hiiran region Yusuf Mohamed Hagar Daboged while the trucks with the military supplies have originally brought from Feer-Feer district of Ethiopia, sources added.


Heavy mortar shells, machine gun ammunitions and other explosive materials included the supply and it has been unloaded at Jowhar police station.


This violates United Nations arms embargo on Somalia though it's not the first time such military supplies brought from Ethiopia reached Somalia particularly middle Shabelle Region.

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