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Xasan Dheere: Ma Jiraan Wax Ciidan Oo Kismaayo Ka Baxay

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Posted by Paragon:

Maxaad sheegtey? Sibuu hadalkaagu isugu yara yaacsan yahaye hadalka caddee. What has been 'done' and who do you mean to ask 'why do you do that'? Are you talking to N/AA or me?

Sowie Paragon, that was for N/AA and spokesperson Hassan Dheere... who can't make up his mind..


Calaacalkii ayaa kadhamaaday ninkaas... remember few days back wuxuu lahaa "Hadaan diidayno dowlada waxaan dhihi layn marabno..." and now another Hadaan dagaal rabno meeshaas aan aadi lahayn same excuse... very typical, much like his Warlord Hiiraale who now seems to be suspended his beloved Kismayo, I guess...

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Originally posted by Paragon:


Dhanka kale, afhayeenka ayaa sheegay inuu xiriir la soo sameeyey Raisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo raali gelin ka bixiyey hadaladii uu ka sheegay saxaafadda, hadalkiisan si khalad ah loo fasirtay. Afhayeenka ayaa waxaa kale uu sheegay in Raisul Wasaaraha uu sheegay inay dowladdu ay wadi doonto dadaalka ay wadaan oo ay doonayaan in wax looga qabto colaadaha ka aloosan.


So Gheedi apologized after all? It took long enough!




That is my preliminary source from Kismaayo itself. In fact, no one in Kismaayo had heard a word of the incident when I called. It was after I read some reports and called again to see what is going on that they investigated and found out that an ambush ordered by Afgaduud had occured.


Afgaduud Kismaayo danbe waa uga xaaraan waa Al Qaacida iyo Isbahaysigii Dooxada Jubba gabaad waligii haka dhigtee!

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^^ Che, Kismaayana waxaan ku nacey wararka ka imaado ama khuseeyo oo dhanba waa very sensitive, waa meel aan ka yaabey, xattaa warar mukhtaracaat baa la iska sameesan mararka qaarkood si looga careysiiyo qola kale

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Did Ugaaska spoke about this incident yet and called on to 'kuwii laga adkaaday' for peace negotiation. :D


I demand the TFG to officially give away the island to my adeeryaalo. Life is not fair walaahi. Gedo is not as much fun as an island. PL has Xaafuun and some other ones all to themselves. GD com'on man. Iga gaarsii fariinta.

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I have a solution for Somali’s ****** clan wars. They just do not make sense. The root cause of them is initiated by psychologically sick men who have no skills to control their anger and emotions. Since we do not have psychiatrists to treat them at the right time, we should train boxing coaches and buy enough boxing rings and punching bags for each clan. Whenever there is imminent dispute between certain individuals of two different clans, let us train them a couple of hours for boxing match and then put them in a ring so that they may release their anger on each other until one of them knocks out the other.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

quote: Afgaduud Kismaayo danbe waa uga xaaraan

That sounds very intolerant!
The man, it seems, came to avenge Morgan, so it is only fair he goes the way Morgan went! If he renounces his trouble-mongering behavior I am sure no one will bat an eye to his being in Kismaayo. However, in his attack on the reer Gedo hotels and businesses he killed young men whose families will not settle for anything but revenge.

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Paragon, lol! :D:Dicon_razz.gif


Oo miyaadan war heyn? Goormaa lagu yidhi war Afgaduudow lays cafiye magaalada soo gal? Isaga diiday waxuuna la diiduu haystaa! icon_razz.gif

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^Lol, N/AA. Waan ogahay in horey mar laysu cafiyey, balse wuu ka waantoobi waayey xumihii uu horey u falay- sidaas ayeey u muuqata.


N/AA, Kaftanba hayga ahaatee, hada Kismaayo idinkaa iska leh smile.gif ?

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Kismaayo ummada Soomaaliyeed ee nabada jecel baa leh, waxii Afgaduud cayriyene waa loo dhamaa saxaafada qola ha buunbuunisee. ;)


Gacmadadheere la hadal beelaha dhan meesha dago, wallow ahaadaane reeraha Xaramka, reeraha Jilib iyo Jamaame dee sidu xaalku yahaane loo sheegey.

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^Alleylehe nin ragah iga dheh. Waa magaallo Soomaaliyeed. Aniga beer iyo booskaan dhaxalka ku helay hadii la ii deynayo, xaalkeygu waa hakuna manena (Somalis say) smile.gif . Yaambada goormaan horey u soo qaataa?

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Originally posted by jimcaale




Did Ugaaska spoke about this incident yet and called on to 'kuwii laga adkaaday' for peace negotiation.


I demand the TFG to officially give away the island to my adeeryaalo. Life is not fair walaahi. Gedo is not as much fun as an island. PL has Xaafuun and some other ones all to themselves. GD com'on man. Iga gaarsii fariinta.

Jimcaale walaahi this is Brilliant idea :D let My ppl reer Gedo Keep Kudhaa for God's sek

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Kismayo Sxb baryo danbe kajiri mayso cry fool and blame Afgaduud or Morgan matter not, there is a very clear message that has currently been sent out to Kismayo, disarm and take orders or face the conqsequences...


Thats why AFgaduud made hismself heard loud and clear publicly by saying "They(Kismayo group) are organised gangs and remnants of Al-Itihad" Now this is a clear message which indicate the positin he takes on this... but added that he's respecting the TFG ministers effort and just wait for the outcome... Look on the other side's messages, everytime they speak utter words like "Hadaan rabno saas waxaan samayn lahayn saas..." lol No clear message neither do they want to disarm nor fight but perhaps want to remain in this status qoe, it's just Impossible...


All in All, N/AA there is one fact, your group will never be power brokers in Kismayo, never have been anything before but just Junior member of the Hadda oo calaacalku batayna iskaba daa..


Fairly speaking Kismayo as a city and Jubbaland as a whole would be under the control influence of its locals i.e. Puntlanders and reer Dhoobley as it is the case right now, reer Gedo are welcome as a decent behaving citizens and not in anyway or form as big title holders, now if one is to suggest that would happen by force, then the competition is on, the stage is yours.....


I simply give up

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Paragon hay oran wax kalaad iga sugeyse? Ninyaho xaal isii, tani gogol yaa laysugu imaan! :D Hadalkeyga kulul ha eegin haraagaha Morgan markaan doodayno (absolutely no clan connotation btw, I mean the real remnants ;) ) ee ninyaho fakirkaan Kismaayo ka haysto waa fakirkaan Xamar iyo meel walbaaba ee dalka ka mid ahi aan ka haysto. smile.gif


Gogosha un kaso xaadir yaan kaaga tagi, ta meesha ka dhacday waa in layga gar siiyaa. :Dicon_razz.gif


Emporer and Wiil_Duco-


Waa hagaag adeeryaal!

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