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Xasan Dheere: Ma Jiraan Wax Ciidan Oo Kismaayo Ka Baxay

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Xasan Dheere:Haddii Aan Rabno Inaanu Weerarno Ina Afgaduud Iyo Koojaar Ka Raadin Mayno Jasiiradda Kudhaa Ee Goobaha Ay Joogaan Iyo BuuloGaduud Ayaan U Tagi Lahayn, Ee Ma Jiraan Wax Ciidan Oo Kismaayo Ka Baxay Xilli Ay Marti Noo Yihiin Wafdiga DFKMG


Apr 30,2007

by Kismaayo-GEDO-NN



Afhayeenka beesha [GEDO] ee magaalada Kismaayo Xasan Maxamed Cali-Cawl (Xasan Dheere) ayaa si kulul ugu jawaabay warar ay qoreen qaar ka mid ah saxaafadda oo sheegaya in ciidamo ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ayaa weerar ku qaadeen jasiirado la yiraahdo Kudhaa ee ku yaalla xeebta gobalka Jubbada Hoose.


Afhayeenka oo wareysi kooban lagula yeeshay xarunta Shirkole Offishaale ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku tilmaamay wararkaasi kuwa been abuur ah oo waxba ka jirin, wax ciidamadooda ahna aysan ka bixin magaalada Kismaayo, inta uu ka warhayana in muddo ah in degaanadaasi ay dagaalo ku dhexmarayeen beelaha [DHOOBLEEY] iyo [Puntland] oo ay isku haysteen dhuxul ay ka dhoofsanayeen jasiiradaasi, wax annaga ah aan shaqo ku lahayn ayuu yiri afhayeenku.


Afhayeenka ayaa ku tilmaamay wararkaasi been abuurka kuwa lagu faafinayo saxaafadda inay qeyb ka yihiin dagaalada ka aloosan magaalada Kismaayo ayna Soomali oo dhan wado ogsaan tahay. "Adeer hadii aan rabno inaan weerarno ina Afgaduud iyo Koojaar ka raadin mayno jasiiradda Kudhaa ee goobaha ay joogaan iyo BuuloGaduud ayaan u tagi lahayn, ee ma jiraan wax ciidan oo Kismaayo ka baxay xilli ay marti noo yihiin wafdiga dowladda federaalka.


Xasan Dheere ayaa waxaa kale uu jawaab ka bixiyey wareysigii uu bixiyey Cabdirizaq Afgaduud oo uu ku tilmaamay inay alqaacida iyo itixaad ay ka soo saareen magaalada Kismaayo ayaa sheegay "Ina Afgaduud iyo koojaar ayagaa la hayb ah Xasan-Turki iyo alqaacido, ee ma ahan in ciidamadii dowladda oo weliba qaarkood asaga la safnaa markuu dagaalka dhacayey uu maanta ku tilmaamo argagixiso iyo alqaacido, runtii waa ayaandarro iyo masuuliyad xumo, wafdiga dowladda iyo masuuliyiinta kale ee kale socoto wadamada Itoobiya iyo Ugandha waa ay ogyihiin, xaqiiqdana waa ogyihiin.".


Dhanka kale, afhayeenka ayaa sheegay inuu xiriir la soo sameeyey Raisul Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo raali gelin ka bixiyey hadaladii uu ka sheegay saxaafadda, hadalkiisan si khalad ah loo fasirtay. Afhayeenka ayaa waxaa kale uu sheegay in Raisul Wasaaraha uu sheegay inay dowladdu ay wadi doonto dadaalka ay wadaan oo ay doonayaan in wax looga qabto colaadaha ka aloosan.


GEDO-NN-Kismaayo News Desk

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So why all the Puntland websites all over sudden are reporting this bitter war that has been going on since last night? If this war is true why any other website not reporting it?



Dagaal wiil ku madhashee wiilbaa ku dhinta. Ilaahay hakala qaboojiyo haday wax kajiraan warkaas

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^This is a none Puntland website reporting the incident...


Labo beelood oo ku dagalamay Jaziirada Madhawa ee gobolka Jubbada Hoose.


Kismaayo, Isniin, April 30, 2007 Simba Radio


Dagaal u dhaxeeya laba maleeshiyo Beeleed oo geystay khasaare naf iyo maal isugu jira ayaa maanta iyo shalay ka dhacay ka dhacay Jaziirada Madhawa ee Gobolka Jubbada Hoose.


Dagaalkaan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Jaziirada Madhow oo u dhaxeeya labo maleeshiyo beeleed ayaa waxaa ku dhintay in ka badan 12 qof iiyadoo ay ku dhaawacmeen 7 qof.


Dagaalkaan ayaa la sheegay inuu salka ku hayo xiisado colaadeed oo waayadii ugu dambeeyay ka aloosnaa Jaziirada Madhawa.


Dagaalka ayaa la sheegay inuu dhacay kadib markii maleeshiyaadka jaziirada Madhawa ay ciidamadii joogay dekada macmalka deegaanka Buurgaabo ku qabsadeen canshuurta dekadaasi laga qaadi jiray taasoo sababtay inuu dagaalkaan dhaco.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxgaradka iyo siyaasiyiinta dega Jaziiradaha koonfureed ayaa wada abaabul xoogan oo lagu dhameynayo dagaalka Jaziirada Madhawa ka socda.


Leyla Sheekh Aadan





Simba Media Center, Muqdisho Somalia


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Simba is a late addition. I remember visiting it and not finding anything there. What you would read from here on is the 'picking on the first source and circulating it'.



Only Puntlander websites are circulating this news of war. No other website is doing so. Lol, I can't tell you why! It beats me :D .

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^Sxb you telling me now Simbanews is owned by a Puntlander? Are you?


So is this only Puntlanders are reporting the incident, and what if they report it?


You are making another big mistake by pressuming thing like always, Simbanews has reported the incident, thou being a late edition is one classic excuse... I see that equal they didn't report it at all, is it?


AGain Madhawa is an Island in remote area South East of Kismayo most of the residents are of Bajunis and Puntlanders by clan, if any large scale war happens there similar to this one that resulted the death of 12 people, could it be possible that the first contacts and information transfer residents may make would be through a Puntlander locally or globally...


Sxb remember few weeks back the incident of Dhahar were mostly reported by website with notable domain names of that Area... care to tell me why? My dear Paragon be creative and let me now why?


Hadda waan ka soo saari karnaa SOL archive

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^^Simba is the first of the 'second wave of reporting' in this case. For that purpose, it doesn't have to be a Puntlander site.


PS: They can report it. They can even make up stories. Or even better they can report exact news as it has happened on the ground. The crucial thing is what they report must be confirmed by the other side of the story. If that doesn't happen, it remains speculative reporting.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Sxb you telling me now Simbanews is owned by a Puntlander? Are you?


So is this only Puntlanders are reporting the incident, and what if they report it?

Simpa news is reporting differently - nothing to do with the last incident that happened in Kismayo.


So I ask why Puntland websites are inciting a clan war? Miyaysan beenta ka xishoonin?

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A handful of men from the Gedo clan already present in that area were ambushed. It is why the Puntland sources are over doing themselves in propaganda. Probably they assumed they can claim they repelled an attack from the Gedo clan as well as show the Gedo clan to be against the peace.


Why would the Gedo clan carry out attack when they are hosting the TFG envoy and have come to an agreement based on peace and reconciliation?


Also, it is interesting the level of attention and insight the Puntland sources are devoting to his when they were virtually quit about the more news-breaking events that occurred in Kismaayo itself recently.

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^One must wonder why? and why would you do that? Absolutely inexplicable, better yet you ask yourself the same question as to why you do that?

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Originally posted by Paragon:

^^So N/AA,


Simbanews is close to the truth?

I am too busy to find out what the complete story is but there have also been tensions in that area for a while now after a clan militia led by Afgaduud were defeated by reer Dhoobley a month ago.


He masked it in the name of "terrorism" but it was control for charcoal exportation. Suffice to say he never went back there again.

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^^^I see. Afgaranwaa baayacmushtareed! Very plausible. At the same time, other explanations might seem plausible too. We'll see what the fuss is all about later.




Maxaad sheegtey? Sibuu hadalkaagu isugu yara yaacsan yahaye hadalka caddee. What has been 'done' and who do you mean to ask 'why do you do that'? Are you talking to N/AA or me?

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"A handful of men from the Gedo clan already present in that area were ambushed."


There you have it. Horn has given us the hint right there. It is about a clan war again.


Now, that we know what is going on, what will the TFG do to settle this clan war in Kismayo and bring peace to these warring clan communities? This madness can't go on forever. Dadkaan walaalaha ah ee bugta iska qasaya waxay u baahan yihiin nabad.


Gacmo-dheere must feel disrespected. lol He is in Kismayo now and I am sure he will find out who attacked who.

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