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Somaliland Voters Registration Process

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Hargasa (SDWO 18/09/08) Qalabkii Diiwaangelinta Codbixiyeyaasha ayaa shalay dalka soo gaadhay. Guddoomiyaha Komishanka Doorashooyinka Somaliland Maxamed Ismaaciil Kabaweyne oo ku sugan Madaarka Cigal shalay subaxnimadii markii ay soo cagadhigatay diyaaradii qalabka siday, ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay inuu qalabkaasi yahay qalabkii u dambeeyey ee ay sugayeen, waxaanu xusay inay diyaar u yihiin qabashada Diiwaangelinta.


Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay inay joogaan koox khubaro ah oo loogu talo galay inay qalabkaasi ku tababaraan shaqaalaha gacanta ku haynaya ee ku qabanaya hawsha Diiwaangelinta.


Qalabkan oo laga keenay Magaalada Hyderabad ee dalka Hindiya, waxa uu ka kooban yahay 380 computers kamaradaha sawirka, qalabka faraha lagu baadho iyo qalabka lagu kaydiyo iyo macluumaadka kale ee la xidhiidha hawsha diiwaangelinta codbixiyaha, isla markaana waxa qalabaka la socday oo wehelinayaa qaabka iyo hanaanka loogu shaqeynayo [software].


Qalabkaasi oo wajigiisii hore dalka hore u soo gaadhay, waxa uu iugu jiray Kombiyuutaro, Kamarado iyo agab kale oo ah kuwa lagu fuliyo hawlaha diiwaangelinta.


Axsaabta dalka iyo Ciidamada Booliska, ayaa qalabkaasi goobjoog ka ahaa markii dalka la keenay, waxaanay u soo galbiyeen xarunta guud ee gudida doorashooyinka, halkaasi oo lagu xafidi doono inta ay hawshu ka bilaabmayso.


Dhinaca kale isla shalay gudida doorashooyinku waxay isla shalay gobolada u kala direen shaqaale iyo gaadiid qaaday kumanaan foomam ah, kuwaas oo loogu talogalay inay dadku sii buuxiyaan si ay u sahlanaato hawsha diiwaangelinta oo si rasmiya u bilaabmi doonta bisha October.


Waxa hore waddanka u soo gaadhay qalabka codbixiyeyaasha oo ah mashiino iyo qalab xafiisyada iyo waraaqaha laga sameeyo kaadhadhka codbixiyeyaasha iyo waraaqaha aqoonsiga iyo qab kale oo loogu talo galay Doorashada

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Diiwaan Galinta Wajigeedii Koowaad Oo Maanta Ka Bilowday S/land



Borama-(Lug)-Waxaa maanta guud ahaan ka bilowday Jamhuuriyada S/land diwaan galinta codbixiyayaasha, taasi iyada oo laga amaba qaadayo waxaa saaka ka bilowday diiwaan galinta wajigeeda koowaad gobolka Awdal,


xubnaha ugu Horayntii halkaas iska diwaan galiyey waxa ay ahaayeen gudiga diwaan galinta oo halkaas isku qoray oo qaatay formaka loogu talo galay in uu buuxiyo qofka la diiwan galiyo.


Waxaa ku xigay iyaga oo isla goobta isku diwaan galiyey suxufiyiinta oo halkaas iyaguna goob joog ka ahaa, sida oo kale waxaa iyaguna goob joog ka ahaa NGOs ka qaar ka mid aha oo loo qaatay in ay wacyi galinta sameeyaan.


Intaa ka dib waxaa halkaas ka hadlay Faarax Cilmi Maxamuud oo ah gudoomiyaha gudiga diiwan galinta gobolka Awdal waxaanu sheegay in ay maanta si rasmi ah u bilaabeen diiwaan galintii aanay ogaysiinayaan dhamaanba dadka ku dhaqan gobolka Awdal in ay soo doontaan formaka isdiiwaan galinta waxaanu kale oo uu sheegay in ay tahay marxalada koowaad taas oo looga baahan yahay qof kasta oo qaangaadh ah in uu tas u diyaar garoobo, qaybtani wax ay soconaysaa 25 maalmood, waxaan dadka la farayaa ayuu yidhi in ay fooramku hada diyar yihiin oo ay u soo doontaan goobaha diiwaan galinta, waana arin wadaninimo oo laga rabo qof kasta oo muwaadin ah oo raba in uu codeeyo in uu is diiwaan galiyaa.


Waxaa isna halkaas ka hadlay MAxamed Cumar Iidaan oo ka socda gudiga doorashooyinka qaranka waxaanu u soo jeediyey dhamaanba dadka ku dhaqan degmooyinka gobolka Awdal in ay u diyaar garoobaan shan io labaatankaas cisho diwiwaan galinta marxaladeeda koowaad.


Waxaan isna dhawr su’aalood ka waydiinay Mucab Xirsi Cali oo ah gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka AWdal oo ka waramay sida waxaanu sheegay in ay tahay sadex waji tan koowaad in ay tahay tan maanta bilaabantay , ta labaadna waa marka dadka lagu diiwaan galin doono oo dadka la galin doon datadooda kumbuuyter iyo ta sadexaad oo ah saxitaan ama wixii hadhay lagu dari doono tan maantuna waxa ay fududaynaysaa halkii qofku bilow ka soo bilaabi lahaa ayaa waxa uu yeeshay qofkii number register iyo macluumaadkii kale ee looga baahna markaa maalinta datada lagu xeraynayo kumbuyuuterka kuma qadanayso waqti badan.

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hadhwanaag 2008-09-17 (Hadhwanaagnews) Laascaanood(HWN):- 30 xubnood oo ka kala socday qeybaha kala duwan bulshada, maamulka Gobolka laascaanood iyo masuuliyiin ka socday hay’adaha Caalamiga ah ayaa maanta aqoon is-weydaarsi socday muddo Sadex Cisho ah loogu soo geba-gabeeyey xarunta Jaamacada Nugaal ee Magaalada Laascaanood ee Gobolka Sool.


Aqoon isweydaarsigan oo ay soo qabanqaabiyeen hay’adaha kala ah Fopag iyo Oxfam Novib


Siminaarkan oo ahaa kii ugu horeeyay noociisa ah ee ka dhaca Magaalada laas-caanood ayaa waxay u-jeedadiisu ahayd, isla markaana lagaga hadlayey barashada hawlaha wayci-gelinta iyo diiwaan-gelinta nidaamka doorashooyinka, gaar ahaana diwaangelinta cod-bixiyaayaasha ee la afilayo inay badhtamaha bisha October ee fooda inagu soo haysaa ee sanadka 2009 guud ahaanba ka dhici-doona jamhuuriyada Somaliland


Aqoon-isweydaarsigaasi waxa ka soo qaybgalay ilaa 30 xubnood oo isugu jiray qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, maamulka Gobolka Sool iyo waliba xubno ka socday hay'adaha caalamiga ah.


Mudadii uu socday siminaarkaasi ayaa lagu lafaguray, isamarkaana doodo ay isku waydaar-sadeen Xubnihii ka soo qaygalay kulankaasi dhexdooda, kuwaasi oo ku aadan habka ugu fudud ee ay doorashadu uga wada hirgali lahayd guuda ahaan gobolka sool.


Iyadoo ay gud ahaanba somaliland ay ka bilaami doonaan hawlaha ololaha doorashada ayaa siminaarkan waxaa uu qayb ka ahaa mid la doonayoin guud ahaan gobolada lagu qabto oo looga goleeyahay sidii loo tababarilahaa dadkii fulin lahaa hawsha wacyi galinta.

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Now that all the required equipment for the Voter registration system has arrived in the country. The ball is on the National Electoral Committee(NEC) court now.


The upcoming elections is a very important and crusial one that requires a lot of patience and a lot of determination from all the stakeholders be it the NEC, the political parties or the general public at large.


I have no doubts that the people will stand up to the task as they have always done peacefully and orderly but what I think is the loose canon in this case is the UDUB government. If the Udub government tries to temper the voter registration process or the election itself, that will have a potential to destablise the country.


The people's patience is running very thin and they will no honour another delay or postponement of the elections no matter what.

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Sure the elections are going to be so tough this time. People have some experience from the last elections and they know how to play cards. The politicians will bring surprises in order to gain votes from the public.


The new Electoral Commission is new to the field and people worry about them being unexperienced in this field but i hope they will learn from the previous members as well as what is happening in Africa. So far they've got many trainings.


UCID is not under the discussion but the ball is between KULMIYE and UDUB. So far, KULMIYE Played some of his cards (if not most) but people are waiting what is hidden in UDUB's drawers. Are they going to play the same old cards or they have something new to show to the public ?


Either way it is going to be heated this time ......

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^^ I was in a coffee shop last week and I overheard a couple of older men saying that people holding European passports will not be allowed to take part in the Somaliland elections! Is it true and where does that leave the leaders (and members) of the three parties? :D

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I don't think it is true ,,, ppl create rumors out of everything nowadays. I also heard from some of them that the fingerprint machines are linked to Europe means anyone who try to migrate will be exposed ,,,,,, :D


As long as the person is registered for the voting then he/she will take part ,,,, those who have the European passports should make sure to come and register first ,,,,,, ;)

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NEC Receives Voter Registration Equipment


The Chairman of National Electoral Commission, NEC, Mr. Mohamed Ismail Kabaweyne, told reporters yesterday that all the electronic equipment needed for the Somaliland voter registration program have now arrived in Hargeisa. A plane load containing computers, cameras, digital fingerprinting equipment and other electronic accessories landed at Egal International Airport and was promptly offloaded under the direction of the Chairman.


The Somaliland voter registration program is scheduled to start October 14 according to the schedule announced by NEC. Four hundred mobile stations each equipped with all the necessary equipment are planned to fan out through each region for five days. Every voter age Somaliland citizen will be given a voter registration card and a national identity card.


The biometric-based electronic registration system is considered a sophisticated model that few countries in Africa use. Some have questioned whether this system will actually work in the Somaliland environment, but NEC and representatives of donor community insist that it is a tested system and that they have every confidence it will work in Somaliland.

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Komishanka Doorshooyinka Qaranka oo Shan Xafiiska oo Ay ugu Tao-geleen Diiwan-gelinta ka Furtay Maanta magaalada Hargeysa



Hargeysa(Qarannews)- Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka somaliland ayaa maanta si rasmi ah uga furtay shan xafiis magaalada hargeysa kuwaas oo ay ugu talo galeen in ay ku fuliyaan hawlaha diiwangelinta ee 14/10/08 ka bilaabmaysa dalka oo dhan.


Munaasibadii lagu furaayay xafiiskii ugu horeeyey shanta degmo ee ay caasimadu ka kooban tahay oo lagu qaybtay xafiiska degmada Ibraahim kood-buur ee magaalada Hargeysa waxaa ka soo qayb galay gudoomiye ku xigeenka komishanka doorashooyinka qaranka Md Cali Maxamed Cabdele (Biikalo), Gudoomiyaha gudida diiwangelin ee komishanka doorashooyinka Md Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur iyo masuuliyiin ka kale socday Sadexda Xisbi Qararan iyo wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha. Hadal uu ugu horeyn halkaa ka jeediyey gudoomiiye ku xigeenka komishanka doorashooyinku waxaa uu ku sheegay in ay tahay diiwan gelintu islamarkaana maadaama oo ay tahay wax ku cusub dalka in loo baahan yahay si loogu guulaysto hawsha in laga wada hawl gelo ka midho dhalinteeda shacab, xisbi , komishan iyo xukumadba wxaana uu halkaa kaga dhawaaqay gudoomiye ku xigeenka komishanku in maanta si rasmi ah ay uga furteen shanta degmo ee caasimadu ka kooban tahay shan xafiis oo ay ugu talo galeen in ay ku fuliyaan hawlaha diiwan gelinta ee foodda inagu soo haysa, sida oo kale waxaa isna munaasibadan lagu fureyey xafiisyada komishanka ee caasimada ka hadlay gudoomiyaha gudida diiwangelinta ee komishanka doorashooyinka qaranka md Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur, waxa uu aad uga sheekeeyey gudoomiyuhu faa?idada ay leedahay diiwangelintu taas oo ku tilmaamay in ay doorashooyinkeena ay ka dhigi doonto wax cad oo aan lagu murmin, islamarkaana waxa uu shacab reer somaliland guud ahaan u soo jeediyey in maalinta lagu dhawaaqo bilawga diiwan-gelinta ay si wadaniyadi ku dheehantahay iskugu soo baxaan oo ay is diiwan geliyaan waxa kale oo uu xusay Md Ismaaciil Muuse Nuur in ay diiwangelinta ay garab socodto kaadhka aqoonsiga muwaadiniinta Somaliland taas oo ah uu yidhi waxa lagu farxo in maanta aynu higsanayno wax ay kaga duwan yihiin dadkeenu dadyowga afsomaliga ku hadla ee iskaga nool dalkeena

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G.Komishanka Doorashooyinka oo Faahfaahin ka Bixiyey halka Ay Marayaan Hawlaha u Diyaargarowga Diiwaangelinta


Hargeysa(Qarannews)- Gudoomiyaha Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland, Md Maxamed Ismaaciil Maxamed (Kaba-wayne) ayaa shaaca ka qaaday maanta in si rasmi ah ay u soo wada gaadheen xarunta komishanka doorashooyinka qalabkii loogu talo galay fulinta hawasha diiwan gelinta cod-bixiyeyaasha doorashooyinka , islamarkaana ay sidii loogu talogalay ay u socota hawsha u diyaargarowga diiwan gelinta.


Gudoomiyaha komishanku waxaa uu sheegay in hada xarunta komishanka doorashooyinka qaranka ee magaalada hargeysa yaalaan dhamaan wixii qalab ah ee loogu talo galay hawsha diiwan gelinta, qalabkaas oo uu ku sheegay in ay ka kooban yihiin 380, Computer iyo 380 Generater oo ah kuwo loogu talo galay ay dabka siiyaan kompurtaraddaas, sida oo kale waxaa uu xusay in uu yaalo xarunta komishanka doorashooyinka Server data base, loogu talo galay in lagu kaydiyo dhamaan wixii macluumaad ah ee komishanku leeyahay iyo hawlaha diiwan-gelinta cod-bixiyeyaasha doorashooyinka


Waxaa uu xusay gudoomiyuhu in qalabkani faa?do badan u leeyahay dalka Somaliland islamarkaana uu u horseedi karo doorshooyin xor ah oo xalaal ah, waxaa uu gudoomiyuhu ka dhawaajiyey in lagu qaadayo faraha iyo sawirada dadka muwaadiniinta ah ee reer Somaliland, taasina ay ka horjoogsan doonto in qofku laba jeer footeeyo ama codeeyo


Sida oo kale waxa uu ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka Somaliland, Md Maxamed Ismaaciil Maxamed (Kaba-wayne) warar sheegaya in marka dadka faraha laga qaado ay taasi ka hor istaagi doonto in ay u bixi karaan safaro dibedda ah. Waxaana uu gudoomiyuhu amuurtan oo ku tilmaamay wax la la yaabo islamarkaana aanay waxba ka jirin wararkaas waxaana uu u soo jeediyey dadkaa wararkaas la wareegaya suuqyada in ay ka waantoobaan oo ay iska jiraan wixii wax u dhimaya horumarka dalka, isaga oo carabka ku adkeeyey in aanay jirin xitaa cid ka soo dalbatay arintan waxa uu intaas ku daray soo uu sheegay in aanay sinaba u dhaafi Karin macluumaadku xarunka komishanka doorashooyinka qaranka Somaliland.


Gudoomiyuhu waxaa kale oo uu sharaxaad ka bixiyey hawlaha imtixaanka qaadista shaqaalaha ay komishan ahaan ay u qaateen in ay ka hawl galaan goobaha diiwan-gelinta dalka, waxa uu sheegay in ay 360 qof ay hore uga qaateen sadexda jaamacadood ee Hargeysa, Burco, Boorama iyo 50 Qof oo ay ka qaateen kuliyada bada ee Berbera isaga oo xusay intii soo hadhay ee ay ugu talo galeen in dadwaynaha kale la soo dhex dhigana ay hada xarunta komishanka doorashooyinka uu uga socdo imtixaankii ay cidii ku guulaysatana ay qaadan doonaan.


Dhan kalana ardaydaas imtixaanka laga qaadayey oo macabsho iyo buuq saaka ka hor samayey ayaa waxaa la hadlay gudoomiye ku xigeenka komishan ka doorashooyinka Somaliland Md Cali Maxamed Cabdelle, ayaa u sheegay dhalinyaradaas in ay is-dajiyaan oo imtixaanka si dhakhso ah looga qaadi doono cidii laga qaadayna loo sheegi doon natiijadda waxana uu ku booriyey dhalinyartaas in ay yihiin madaxdii mustaqbalka dalka ee bari maadaama oo ay sidaas tahayna ay ilaa shadaan dalkooda iyo horumarkiisba

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NEC Voter Registration




Hargeysa(Observer)-As of act. 14.2008. NEC will begin voter registration (VR) activities aimed at identifying all eligible voting-age citizens within the country. The voter registration program will last for two months.


The necessity and circumstances that brought about the need for VR system are due to the fact that:


· There is no reliable way of identifying who is eligible to vote and who is not;


· Some individuals may have voted multiple times;


· Non-citizens might have participated in the voting during elections.


Evidence suggests that there is an urgent need for a better and reliable system that will determine the identity of individuals prior to their voting.


Accordingly. The parliament has en-acted the Registration Act which recommends that a reliable voter registration system be established at once.


To realize this goal,NEC, wich has been mandated to establish such program, is currently in the process of putting in place such voter registration system, wich, at its completion, is expected to eliminate inherent flaws within the system.


NEC, an independent national organization, is managed by seven commissioners with considerable experience in management of public institutions. The seven commissioners have established Registration Task force whose mandate is to implement the registration activity. The chairman of task force is Ismail Muse Nur, one of the seven commissioners.


The commissioners have at their disposal talented and experienced staff members who are charged with the responsibility of putting in place a reliable and efficient voter registration system.


The main objectives of the Registration Act are:


· To establish a system that will identify citizens eligible for voting;


· To eliminate the possibility of abuses and fraud during elections including double-voting, vote rigging, and the fact that non-citizens may vote;and


· To ensure that only eligible citizens vote during elections.


To ensure that only eligible citizens vote during elections.


NEC, as a national organization, is a non-discriminating and non-biased organization wich is committed to treating all parties on an equal basis.


NEC, has conducted three elections and is about to add its fold the fourth operation: the voter registration system- an issue considered by many to be a historic step forward.


To increase the reliability of the system, certain protective features such as finger-printing, individual photographs and voting card with hidden magnetic strips and a unique number will be incorporated into database thus minimizing or eliminating the occurrence of the most likely illegal acts as those mentioned above.


The biometric system wich NEC is implementing is revolutionary in itself for only few developing countries have so far successfully used it.


In essence, the registration activitiesis not only concerned about developing a reliable and efficient mechanism to identify citizens who are of voting-age in doing so, legal loophels and other conditions that currently plague the nation will be eliminated.


NEC is committed to safeguarding all personal data collected throughout the registration process, and will not disclose personal information to any other countery, or any other unauthorized organization or individual.


Voter Registration Process:


The Ministery of Interior and Appeal Court are responsible for determining who is eligible and who is not. The eligibility issue is mainly based on the factor of "citizenship" meaning that only citizens will be registered.


NEC will have in each center two officers whose duties are to register those recognized by the officials of the MOI as citizens of Somaliland. Subsequently, NEC officers will issue voting and citizenship cards to those who complete their registration successfully.


In addition, there are another three (3) observers from the political parties. Its hoped that by the time such venture is concluded, the country will not only know who can vote and who can not, but it will also indirectly benefit from the establishment of the registration system since a database for such system can be utilized for many other planning purpose. The registration system is therefore a strategic tool which will help solve many other problems.


Voter Education Program;


The voter registration program also comes with another important known as the voter education program which is headed by comm. H assan Mohamed omar


Designed to educate society benefits of the registration system ,the voter education program intends to utilize all available means of communication including


Media; voter education information will be sent to local media (radio,tv.and newspapers)so as to educate pubilc about the intricacies of the voter registration system .such information include description of voter registration process itself,common questions that may arise as well as answers to such question ,short messages designed to capture the attention of registrants


Hand-out materials ; this includes brochures, leaflets, t-shirts and stickers all of which were designed to educate voters about the voter registration system .


Billboards which will be erected in cities, towns, and if possible village.


NGOs; civil society organization will be mobilized to educate society about the voting registration system including rules governing such process, dates for registration, the benefits of the registration system and the necessity of the registration system itself in other words, the program is designed to have maximum impact vis-à-vis voter education and is meant to equip people with adequate knowledge regarding rules and regulation for registration activity


The main issues that the voter education system is about to teach include, but not limited to;




· Voting procedures


·Registration criteria


·The benefits of voter registration system


·Why double voting needs to be eliminated


·Impact of double-voting


·Charges that apply to double-voting offence


·Location of registration centers


By the time the registration system is concluded, majority of voting-age population will have two cards: a citizenship card and a voting card as well which will testify to their eligibility as voters.

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