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N Korea threatens to ‘wipe out’ US

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N Korea threatens to ‘wipe out’ US





SEOUL: North Korea on Sunday threatened to “mercilessly wipe out†US forces in case of war during a national meeting to mark leader Kim Jong-Il’s 42 years’ work at the ruling party. The threat, in a ruling party report carried by the Korean Central News Agency, came as North Korea was reportedly preparing to test-fire a long-range missile despite strong protests from the United States and its allies.


A missile launch by North Korea would inflame a region already tense over the North’s continuing nuclear weapons development. The North is believed to be planning a test of its most advanced missile yet, the Taepodong 2, which could reach parts of the United States with a light payload.


The US expects North Korea to renew its moratorium on long-range missile tests and return to six-party talks aimed at ending its nuclear ambitions, the White House said on Sunday. Reports of an imminent North Korean missile test has drawn warnings from the US, Japan and South Korea, but Japanese officials were quoted as saying Sunday that a test was unlikely.


Japan warned North Korea of “a harsh response†from Tokyo and Washington if it went ahead with the launch of a long-range missile.

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