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An other Question for Brother Nur?..

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Question Bro, let me first state the Hadith:


"It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Faith has over seventy branches or over sixty branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that there is no god but Allah, and the humblest of which is the, removal of what is injurious from the path: and modesty is the branch of faith."By Muslim.



We know Eemaan has over sixty or seventy different branches from reading this Hadith.

1) shaahaada “La ilaha il Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah†is the first Branch of Eemaan.


--Modest is one of them.

--Patient is an other one from what I have heard from the Culama.


60)/70.)As stated from the Hadith Above removing harmful object from the path is also one branch, and from what I heard from the Culama, it’s the last Branch.


So, my Question is do you know any book that I could look up for all the different branches of Eemaan.?





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Bismillah Alhamdulillah was salatu wa salamu cala rasulilla wa cala calihi wa saxbihi wa man tabixal huda


CAveman Inshallahu tacalah this helps: this book can be ordered at



Essential Questions and Answers Concerning the Foundations of Eemaan (Faith) & Obstacles in the Path of Eemaan by the 'Allaamah, Imaam 'Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa'dee


"The author of this book, Questions and Answers Concerning the Foundations of Faith and the Obstacles in its Path, is the virtuous Shaykh, the scholar of Fiqh, Tafseer, and Usool, the masterful author, the great scholar of Qaseem in his era, 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa'dee."





this book can be found here


~~May Allaah have mercy upon you. Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High. It is not something left to the intellect and opinions of men. Knowledge it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger and understood by Salaf, so do not follow anything based upon your desires and deviate away from the Religion and leave Islaam.

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Caveman bro


The iman topic is one of the most mportant topics that is least discussed. Many of the Hadeeths referring to iman do not mean the same thing, in the case of this Hadeeth, interestingly, The Messenger of Allah SWT included actions to words of Shahaadah. So, when the Prophet SAWS described iman numerically is it a definite set f numbers or merely a reference of plurality and diversity?


Again, if we exhaust the said numbers does that mean that we have completed iman altogether?


To answer these questions and more, let us look at the meaning of Iman from past articles:



This article was also prompted by a similar question that I have answered in plain English, My way is always keep things as simple as possible, because the majority of people are indeed simple, not scholarly, again enjoy the simplicity of Aqeedah, brainteasers are not my cup of Caano Geel, so enjooy reading:



Levels of Faith.


A viewer named Johnny Jake asked me on another thread if there are different levels of being a Muslim:



Here is the answer I posted 4 Years ago:


Bismillah, wa bihi nastaciin



Islam literally means submission to a higher authority.


As such, one gives up his power over his life at will, taking direction of how to live from that higher source.


To be a Muslim, just like graduating from college, there is minimum requirements. Once these minimum requirements are met, a person is a muslim.


Islam is composed of a word to utter and actions to perform


The word to utter is further divided into two categories.


A. The word of the heart, which is belief in what has been revealed.


B. The word of the mouth, which is uttering the manifestation of the singularity of the authority that created the universe and everything in it, and following the course of the messenger who delivered this mesage.


Deeds are further divided in to two parts.


A. Deeds of the heart, which is the intention that drives our actions.


B. Physical deeds, like prayers, fasting etc.


If a person does not utter the word of the heart, meaning he does not believe, he is not a Muslim


If a person does not utter the word of the mouth, eventough he believes in his heart, he is not Muslim, he is like Sheitan, or Abi talib , the uncle of the prophet SAWS.


If a person's heart does not do the deeds of the heart, meaning he has no intention to do something, that person, is not a Mulsim, The prophet said " (Inamaal aamalu bil niyaat) the validity of deeds are conditional to having the right intention(NIYA). That is why manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, because the accused did not intend to kill, no (NIYA).


If a person does not do physical deeds, Like salaat, fasting etc. then, we look into what motivates that person to do or not to do what he is been ordered or prohibited from.


If he does not do what has been ordered to do, that person is usually driven by disbelief, arrogance, or he is Mentally Challenged (SAFAAHA). All of which make him not a Muslim, except for a Mentally Challenged person, which wholly or partially makes him unaccountable to his deeds ( SAFEEH)


If he does something prohibited, he is more likely driven by strong desire or Lust, arrogance, disbelief or being Mentally Challenged( SAFAAHA). All but Lust will make him a non-Muslim,


Doing something prohibited because of lust and uncontrollable desire, is called a (MACSIYA) a SIN and it does not make a person by itself a non-Muslim. Accumulation of sins lead to disbelief in the long run though, just like sand pepples form mountains, A Muslim, therefore, does not trivilize sins, but looks up to the importance of the authority that he/she is disobeying.



Wa Salaamu Alaa man ittabaca al hudaa.





2000 Nurtel Communications

Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign

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