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AU Base attacked and a Briton kidnapped in Puntland

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Conditions on the ground do worsen by the minute.



Source: AP----


Feb 22, 2009

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Gunmen kidnapped a Pakistani man in a semiautonomous region of northern Somalia that is notorious for kidnappings and piracy, and insurgents attacked an African Union base in the capital Sunday, officials said.


The man was kidnapped from his car about 20 miles (30 kilometers) south of the port of Bossaso, said Muse Gelle, governor of the Bari region in Puntland. He was traveling to a farming project where he was working, Gelle said.


His name and employer were not immediately known.


Separately, insurgents in Somalia's restive capital, Mogadishu, fired mortar shells at the African Union peacekeeping base there, officials said. There was no immediate word on casualties, said Maj. Gen. Francis Okello, the AU's peacekeeping force commander.


The AU force in Mogadishu has a restricted mandate guarding key government installations and has not been involved in a lot of the violence in the capital during which thousands of civilians have been killed over the past two years. But hardline groups have viewed it as an occupying force.


Al-Shabab, an extremist Islamic group, has threatened to focus its attacks on AU troops now that Ethiopian troops, who had been on a two-year deployment, have left Mogadishu.



The U.S. State Department considers al-Shabab a terrorist organization linked to al-Qaida, something the group has denied. The departure of the Ethiopians has raised fears of a power vacuum at a time when Somalia is also facing rampant piracy off its coast. The country has not had a functioning government since 1991. ___


Associated Press writer Anita Powell contributed to this report from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Suuqa Bakaaraha oo lagu kala cararay iyo Madaafiic jawaabo u ah qaraxii ismiidaaminta oo ku soo dhacday


Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha ayaa goor dhow lagu kala cararay, iyadoona Madaafiic la sheegay inay jawaabo u ahaayeen qaraxyo ismiidaamin ah oo goor dhow lagu qaaday Ciidamada AMISOM ay ku soo dhaceen qeybo ka mid ah Suuqa.


Daryanka Madaafiicda ayaa ah mid aad looga maqlayo qeybo ka mid ah Magaalada, waxaana jawi kacsanaan laga dareemayaa Degmooyinka Hodan iyo H/wadaag.


Ganacsigii Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in irdaha loo laabay, kadib markii Madaafiic dhowr ah ay ku soo dhaceen suuqa, waxaana la ogeyn qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ay geysteen.


Saacad ka hor ayay aheyd markii qaraxyo ismiidaamin ah oo lagu fuliyay labo baabuur walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay ay galeen Xaruntii Jaamacada Ummada oo fariisin u ah Ciidamada AMISOM. gaar ahaan kuwa Brundi, kaasoo aan la ogeyn qasaaraha ay u geysteen Ciidamada.


Wararka ayaa sheegaya in markii uu qaraxa ismiidaaminta la maqlay Madaafiic Hoobiyeyaal ah oo lagu garaacay Xarunta Jaamacada Umadda, kaasoo isna aan si dhab ah loo ogeyn qasaaraha ay geysteen.


Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha kala soco wararkena dambe



Hooyga wararka Somaliyed

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Eleven peackeepers killed in Somalia attack-AU 22 Feb 2009 17:37:57 GMT

Source: Reuters

MOGADISHU, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Insurgent attacks in Somalia's capital Mogadishu killed 11 peacekeepers from Burundi on Sunday and seriously wounded 15, the African Union said.


"The Burundian contingent of the AU mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has been under intense mortar attacks since Feb. 17, 2009," the statement said.


"These attacks have reached today an unprecendented level, resulti

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