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Id Amin dies

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Koleey Ilaahey ha u danbi dhaafo, wax kalo aan dhahno maleh. Wuxuu sameeyi, wixii xun ama fiican asaga iyo Rabigiis aa isla og.


However, the guy was really eccentric, I mean, just look what he had one:



Some white guys are carrying him on his throne in this undated photo. orangebiggrin.gif If you look closer at it, you'd see a Swede holding an umbrella for him. shocked.gif



A bunch of white men kneeling before him. icon_lol.gif:D


A thanking short speech to the Queen in a luncheon hosted on his name in London on his state visit to Great Britain:


"Mr Queen, Sir, Horrible Ministers, invented guests, ladies under gentlemen. I thank the Queen very plenty for what he has done to me. I tell you, I have eaten so much that I am now fed up with malicious meal.

Before I continue, I would kindly ask you to open the windows so that the climate may get in plenty. But before I go back I must invert Mr Queen to my country and I can assure you, Mr Queen that when you come, I shall revenge to you. You will eat a full cow and I will work very difficult to make sure that you will come back with a very full stomach.


For now I am sorry that I have just made a short call on you. The next time I will make a long one possible for a full moon. Thank you for letting me undress you in front of all the disgusting people."




What he preferred to be called:


"His Excellency President for Life Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular."


To Nixon after cuts in US aid to Uganda:


"My dear brother, it is quite true that you have enough problems on your plate, and it is surprising you have the zeal to add fresh ones. At this moment you are uncomfortably sandwiched in that uncomfortable affair (Watergate), I ask almighty God to solve your problems. We Ugandans hope that the great United States of America does not continue to use its enormous resources, especially its military might, to destroy human life on earth."


Wrote to Queen in 1975:


"My dear Queen. I would like you to arrange for me to visit Scotland, Ireland and Wales to meet the heads of revolutionary movements fighting against your imperialist oppression."


Reportedly a telex sent to the Queen:


"Dear Liz, if you want to know a real man, come to Kampala."


Call him whatever you want, but one thing is clear: The guy was funny, at least according to my sense of humour.




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Miskiin macruuf aqyaar LOL Good pictures!


That dude was funny. I read about him making a speech in london in which he said:


"Thank you for the queer of england for her hostility. Before I go to Kampala I would pass away in Nairobi where I would kick the basket"

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lol MMA---lug iyo gacan aan u taagay my african brother.

Despite his shortcomings he was one stronge leader...sad thing is the world is often afraid of strong minded and strong willed leaders.

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The guy was a carnibal!


But as i heard----he repented and went to hajj aswell as he reads the quran daily!(b4 he died) hopefuly ilaahey qafuur raxiim waaye he may have forgiven him--alla waclam!


may allah rest his soul in janatal firdowsa!

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Perseverance does pay off. He didn’t only put together his own strategy, when that was the least expected of him but he waited for the right opportunity to carry it out.


Ilaah ha u naxariisto

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