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Beledweyne: Ahlu Sunna Vs Al Shabaab = 40 dead no winner yet

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Somali groups fight over key central town

10 Jan 10, 2010 - 3:06:01 PM


Heavy fighting between Ahlu Sunna Wal-Jamaa and Hizbul Islam forces in Beledweyne town, the capital of Hiran region in central Somalia, have caused heavy casualties mostly on combatants.


Witnesses in Beledweyne said the fighting start after Ahlu Sunna militias attacked Hizbul Islam fighters in the town.


Adam Abdulle Awale, Hizbul Islam official told the reporters that his group attacked Ahlu Sunna militias based a place near east of the city and they want to recapture whole the city.


"Our troops attacked east of the town and now they are at the central of the city, the fighting still is going on, the government are not backing us." said the Ahlu Sunna official.


Reports suggest that the pro-government troops is getting support from clan militia nd Government forces.


Hiran governor for Hizbul Islam militias Sheikh Shurie Farah Sabrie told the reporters Ahlu Sunna militias attacked his group and they are defending their authority, adding that the clashes has spread to the entire town.


Journalists in Beledweyne told GO the fighting is heavy and the two groups are exchanging heavy weapons, with most the town’s business and transport coming into standstill.


The actual figure of the casualty is yet unknown however report suggest that several people are feared to be dead with wounded ones admitted in Beledweyne Hospital.


The clashes come after Ahlu-Sunnah, which controlled large swathes of central Somalia, vowed to capture Hiran region from the rebel forces.


Meanwhile, heavy fighting in the restive capital Mogadishu has killed more than three people and injured eight others.


The clashes erupted after government forces backed by African Union troops launched attacks on rebel-held district of Abdulaziz, leading to heavy exchanging of gunfire with Al-Shabaab fighters.


The bullet-riddled seaside city has been scene of heavy clashes between rival forces, which killed more than 30 people last week.


Somalia has been marred by years of civil unrest since 199 when warlords toppled the central government.



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WAR DEG DEG: Ahlu Sunah Waljamaacah oo mar kale la wareegay Beledweyn


Xoogaga Ahlu Sunah Waljamaacah ayaa daqiiqado ka hor la wareegay mar kale magaalada Beledweyn ee Gobolka Hiiraan, saacado kadib markii ay saaka ka baxeen, isla markaana weerar rogaal celis ku soo qaadeen Xisbul Islaam oo dib u qabsaday.


Wararka laga helayo magaalada ayaa sheegaya in wali la maqlayo rasaas culus, iyagoo magaalada dhankeeda Bari ay ku sugan yihiin Ahlu Sunah, waxaana dagaalkii saaka uu wax yar kadib ku soo faafay xaafadaha magaalada.


Sida ay sheegayaan wararka Ahlu Sunah Waljamaacah ayaa jiho cusub kaga soo galay magaalada, iyadoo dhinacii kale ay dagaal ku dhex marayeen iyaga iyo Xisbul Islaam.


Dagaalka oo hada u muuqda mid qaboobay ayaa wararku sheegayaan in xarumihii Maamulka ay ku sugan yihiin Ciidamada Ahlu Sunah oo ku hubeysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan.


Is bedelka dega dega ee ay gashay magaalada Beledweyn ayaa la ogeyn halka ay ku sii dambeyn doonto, waxaana xaalka magaalada uu yahay mid aan wali fadhin oo ay dhici karto in waqti kasta la isku gacan dhaafo.


La soco wixii ku soo kordha


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed

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Monday, January 11, 2010


Mogadishu (AFP) - Clashes between pro-government forces and Islamist rebels on Sunday over control of a town in central Somalia killed at least 14 people, officials and elders said.


Government-allied forces claimed to have taken the town after the fighting.


Heavily armed pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal Jammaa fighters and local clan militants launched an offensive against the rebel-controlled town of Beledweyn, 400km north-west of Mogadishu.


The offensive led to the heavy exchange of machine gun and anti-aircraft fire.


"Getting help from Ahlu Sunna Wal Jammaa fighters, our forces clashed with the enemy who controlled the city in the past several weeks," Yusuf Ahmed Hagar, a local clan militia commander, said by telephone.


"We lost four men and killed more than 10 of them during the clashes. We captured the town and the rebel militants fled."


A rebel commander in the region contacted by AFP denied his forces were defeated, but confirmed the clashes, saying more than 10 people were killed.


"The allied apostate militants attacked our bases in the city and we fought them fiercely," Sheik Hidig Mohamoud said.


"We are still controlling parts of the town and there are more than 10 people killed so far. Most of the dead are apostate militants."


Abdulahi Moalim Adan, a local elder, said the fighting divided the town and was among the heaviest in recent weeks.


"The town is divided in two parts controlled by the two sides," he said.


"The pro-government militants who attacked the city pushed the rebels back to the west. I saw the dead bodies of eight people, most of them civilians and friends told me there were several dead bodies outside the city."


Local resident Abdurahman Ali said the Islamists took positions near the bridge that divides the town and both sides exchanged gunfire.


Radical Somali Islamists, who have vowed to oust the government, have carried out relentless attacks since May, killing hundreds of civilians and displacing thousands of others.

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Baladweyn: Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee Baladweyn.

11. januar 2010


Baladweyn(AllPuntland)- APL ayaa heshay wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee magaalada Baladweyne, oo ay labadii maalmood ugu dambeysay ay ka socdeen dagaalo qaraar oo udhaxeeya Ahlu Suna Waljameecah, ciidamadii dawladda KMG ah iyo Maleeshiyo Beeleedyo isku dhinac ah & Xisbul Islaam iyo Al- Shabaab oo dagaalada ku soo biirtay saakadii hore.


Xarakooyinka diidan mawqifyada Ahlu Suna iyo dawladda KMG ah ayaa saakadii hore soo qaaday weeraro awood leh oo ay ku doonayeen in ay magaalada kaga saaraan ciidamo ka socda dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda oo maalintii sii horeysay galay magaalada.


Saraakiisha Caafimaadka ayaa sheegay in khasaaraha dagaaladu ay hada ka badan 30 qof oo dhimasho ah, isla markaasna ay jiraan dhaawacyo kala gedisan oo la geeyey goobaha caafimaadka oo ku shaqeynaya si dhib ah, maadaama ay xabadu xoog leh socdaan luguna dagaalamayo meelo aan ka baxsaneyn magaalada Baladweyne ee gobalka Hiiraan.


Dhinacyada ayaa kala sheeganaya in ay qolo kasta maamuleyso magaalada, balse warar hoose oo ay APL ka heshay dadka deegaanka ayaa usheegay in ay hada gacanta ku hayaan badanka magaalada Xarakada Al- Shabaab oo ka qabsatay ciidamo taabacsanaa Siyaasada dawladda KMG ah.


Saraakiisha ciidamada dawladda ayaa diiday sheegida wararkaasi, waxa ayna tibaaxeen in ay magaalada ayagu ahayaan xarumaha Maamulka, iyagoo sheegay in ay ku jiraan waxa ay ugu yeereen dagaal Al-Qaacida ay uga soo horjeedaan.


Xaqiiqada magaalada Baladweyne ayaa ah mid adag, waxaana magaalada ka dhaxaysa duleedkeeda dagaalo adag oo udhaxeeya dhinacyada kala duwan, waxaana shalay Magaalada weeraray ciidan ka tirsan Ahlu Suna Waljameecah, oo ay Xarakada Al- Shabaab & Ururka Xisbul Islaam uarkayaan kuwa diidan mawqifyadooda, dagaalna kala hor yimid.


Wararka Soomaaliya oo Update ah kala soco


F. C. Maxamed


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Ahlu Sunna iyo DFKM ah oo mar kale qabsaday Beledweyne.


January 11, 2010Magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxaa mar kale dib u qabsaday Ciidanka kala taabacsan Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca iyo DFKM ah ee Soomaaliya.


Dagaal maanta waaberigi ka dhacay Magaalada Beledweyne ayaa yimi ka dib marki Xoogaga Xisbul Islaam oo garab ka helaaya Xarakada Al-Shabaab ay weerar kusoo qaadeen Ciidanka Ahlu Sunna Waljameeca iyo kuwa DFKM ah oo iyagu shalay gelinka dambe ku guuleysteen in ay la wareegaan magaalada.


Waxaana dagaalka la isku adeegsaday hubka aadka u culus oo laga wada maqlay dhamaan magaalada,waxaana dadweynaha ay isla marki bilaabeen in ay isaga cararaan kuwaas oo ka cabsi qabay in ay saamayn kasoo gaarto dagaalka.


Waxyar ka dib ayaa waxaa istaagay dagaalkaas,waxaana barqadnimada maanta dib u bilaabmay dagaalka,waxaana Ciidanka Ahlu Sunna ay u surtagashay in ay la wareegaan Xarunta maamulka iyo Saldhiga Booliska magaalada Beledweyne.

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