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Mohamed Dheere joins Qaynyare Co in Dayniile..more provocation?

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Maxamed Dheere oo maanta ku soo biiray kulankii ka dhacay Dayniile iyo qodobbo ka soo baxay kulankaas

Posted to the Web Feb 25, 17:39



Muqdisho (PP) – Guddoomiyaha Siyaasadda Gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Max'ed Dheere) ayaa markii ugu horreysay maanta soo gaaray Degmada Dayniile ee Duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu halkaas uga qaybgalay kulan uga socday xubnihii dhawaan ku dhawaaqay Isbahaysiga la dagaalanka argagaxisada.


Maxamed Dheere oo ay galbinayaan in ka badan 20-gawarida dagaalka ah ayaa ka qaybgalay kulankii maanta ka socday Dayniile oo gabogabo ku dhawaa, waxaana uu Maxamed Dheere u diiday inuu wax war ah ka siiyo safarkiisa warbaahinta gudaha isagoo sheegay in kulankaan inuu ka qaybgalo keliya uu u yimid Dayniile ee uusan wax kale u iman.


Wasiirrada Hubeysan iyo Maxamed Dheere ayaa kulankii ay ka wada qaybgaleen wuxuu ahaa mid ay albaabbada u xiran yihiin, waxaana ay ka soo saareen markii dambe go'aanno dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin inay la dagaallami doonaan kuwa huwan magaca Maxkadamaha Islaamiga ah ee ka jira Muqdisho iyo sidoo kale inay meel walba ugu tagi doonaan kuwa ajaanibta ah ee dalka ka wada dhibaatooyinka ay ka midka yihiin dagaallada ay ku sheegeen in 18-kii bishaan lagu soo qaaday isbahaysigooda oo ahaa markii ugu horreysay ee ay ku dhawaaqeen.


Kulankii maanta ayaa ahaa mid xasaasi ahaa waxaana ay sheegeen xubnihii isugu yimid inay isku mowqif ka yihiin la dagaalanka argagaxisada, waxaana ay sheegeen inay tahay mid dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeedba kaga badbaadinayaan waxa ay ku sheegeen argagaxisada caadaysatay inay dalka ka huriyaan dhibaatooyinka kala duwan.


Warar hoose oo ay Puntlnadpost heshay ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed dheere uu 10-xubnood ku noqday xubnihii ku dhawaaqay la dagaalanka argagaxisada iyo soo celinta nabadda balse ma jiraan caddeyn uu arrintaas ka bixiyay Maxamed Dheere iyo mid ka mid ah wasiirrada hubeysan ama xubnihii ku dhawaaqay isbahaysigaas.


Maxamed Xuseen Jimcaale (Jantiile)

Wakiilka Puntlandpost – Mogadishu – Somalia

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Why do I sense the role of the Invisible Hand in this entire affair? Max'd Dheere returns from Nairobi, reportedly after talking with American intelligence officials, and immediately arrives in Dayniile - his first-ever visit - to join the anti-Maxkamadaha camp.


Nonetheless, another meaningless clan war that'll cause more death and destruction.

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^^^ You are right, something is pushing this issue forward. Representatives from both sides were close to an agreement last night and then this new event took place.


No more blood shed is required.

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Is there a split within the Maxkamadaha? If this is true, then the story gets even more complex, more dangerous.


p.s. C/rashid Ilqeyte - who's renown for his anti-Maxkamadaha stance - wasn't physically present at the Dayniile meet today. I wonder why.

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You folks are surprised this is a clan war now? "Maxmakadaha Islaamka" always was a cover clan name, and it officially is now since Maxkamada Xararyaale opted out, which was created by Qanyare's clan.


Now, both groups are getting reinforcements from their respective clan members/supporters. Seeraar already sent his militias, stationed at Garoonka Ciyaaraha; Indhacadde is sitting at Lafoole in Afgooye, waiting the first whistle of xabad. Qanyare already got a reinforcement from Ceelbuur.


Does this seem like a déjà vu, scripted film all over again? You bet. The early '90s version, re-updated this time with some old proponents mixed with newcomers flexing their newly adorned baroono muscles.


Always masaakiinta ayaa lose gareynaayo. Neither side will ever win in this war, just as the old movie, which played for four months constinuously, finely demonstrated.


I had an utmost respect for C/qaasin Salaad Xasan, but lately sidee odeyga wax ka noqotay ma ogi. Why is he silent? He has influencial voice, and Maxkamadaha iyo Indhacadde wuxuu ku yiraahdaba kama diidaan. Odeyga ma ogi see wax ka noqdeen. Korkiis hoobiye lagu kala gamaayo, and he still is tolerating. Ma inta ee minankiis Lambar Afar ku yaalo ugu soo dhaceyso ayuu sugoyaa?

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MMA, according to you, it was a clan war from day one even though Qanyare and his cohorts stated their goal to be fighting what they termed as terrorist organizations in Muqdisho, namely the islamic courts. Everyone knows the islamic courts are named as such because they are made of courts belonging to different clans. If they were united in their defence against Qanyare and his cohorts, and now some clans opted out, still, the facts on the ground don't change. It was Qanyare who put an organization together, sought union with the like-minded ignorants, and wrote a manifest about his intension. You lack the decency to even mention such plans on Qanyare's part but were wantonly interested and still are in defaming others. The blame squarely is laid at the feet of Qanyare and his new Organization whose intent is to fight their declared enemy. Any damage incurred out of this, death of civilians, loss of property and complete reversal of Muqdisho's progress in terms of community harmony will reflect on those who are on the payroll of outsiders, and who without anyone forcing them to declare a war, took upon themselves to prepare for a war and distress over a million people. Their sinster plan was put to practice by Bashir raage when he shaved a poor man's beard and told him to not come around Shibis and Boondheere because the man is supposedly who they want to fight against, terrorists.


Your refusal to blame the obvious antagonists in this saga speaks of your character. The likes of you, out of their hypocrisy, want to soil everything, twist facts to their sick mind and eventually see to it that nothing good is creditted to people they don't like be them wadaado or specific clans.


It is a must that anyone who is under the threat of Qanyare and his new Organization's guns to defend themselves. What else can people do when they are told they are the target? People are not going to fold their arms and sit till these men come and kill them.

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Xoogsade, waa lagu salaamay horta.


I will address this for you once and all, because waxaaga ku celcelis waaye.


Quote-kaan hoos ku qoran aan ku bilaabaa:


It was Qanyare who put an organization together, sought union with the like-minded ignorants, and wrote a manifest about his intension. You lack the decency to even mention such plans on Qanyare's part but were wantonly interested and still are in defaming others.

Max'ed Qanyare Afrax wuxuu yahay waala wada og yahay. Maba loo baahno in la sharxo. No sane person would defend him. Dwelling his bogus "terrorist" labels qof aamino oo fiyoow ayaa iska yar. Qabqable dagaal oo 15 sano ku dhex jiray wuu yahay. Dagaal ooge kasii daran ah. Sababta aan hawshooda aan u daba galin waxee tahay waxooda waa cad yihiin [as he himself said a week ago], oo waaba duli dadka ku ah. Marka waxee sameyeen wax aan ku daro mahaayo, oo waligeey aan mucaarad ku ahaa.


Intaas oo tahay, waxaan u adkeysan waaye in kuwa iyaga lamid ah oo wadaado isku sheeg ah in meeshaan laga dhigo dad 'saviour' Soomaalida u ah, oo loo soo diray, oo ka samatabixinaayo. Kuwaan diinta ku gambanaayo ayaan runtooda banaanka soo dhigaaye, weyna cadaatay waxee yihiin. Qanyare iyo xulufadiis waxee yihiinba waala wada og yahay, kuwaan shaati diinta ku gambanaayo oo jihaad iyo wax kale ha lala galo ah ayaa kasii darnaan karto maadaama ee dadkeena oo awalba iska aamin badnaa been cusub loo dhigaayo.


Teeda kale yaa bilaabay dagaalka? Adiga oo ku celcelineysid xulufada wadaadada kasoo horjeeda aa bilaabay aan arkay, ee isweydii yaa bilaabay? Dagaalka wadaada isku sheegaan aa bilaabay markee weerar ku qaadeen Kuliyadii Jaalle Siyaad uu Tarbuunka iyo Dayniile u dhaxeyso. Markaas ka bacdi ayaa la aas aasay ururkaas boguska ah ee la "dagaalanka argagaxisada."


Adiga waxaa igu heysataa wadaada isku sheegaan sababta aan u taageeri waaye miyaa? Aniga wadaado uma arko, Soomaalidiina maalmihii u horeeye la siray waa arkeen waxee yihiin. Iyaga iyo Indhacadde waa isku xuluf, sidee Muuse Suudi iyo Qanyare u yihiin. Hadaa u maleysid Indhacadde uu wadaad yahay, marka waxaan ka hadalno maleh. Hadee wadaadnimo dhab ka tahay, ilmo adeerkood Indhacadde ah ayee run u sheegi lahayeen, oo masaakiintaas xooga ku heysto oo waxee cunaan la' walina canshuur kasii qaadaayo. Kii kasoo horjeedana karbaash ku wado. Beenteey miyaa?


Mar ayaa i tiri Xamar goormaa kugu dambeysay, hadee dhici lahayd inay igu dambeysay 1991 waan ogaan lahaa inaad dismissal sameyn lahayd, oo dhihi lahayd waxba kama ogid maadaama aadan tagin. Laakiin indhaheey ayaan kusoo arkay waxa meesha ka dhacaayo.


Bashir raage when he shaved a poor man's beard and told him to not come around Shibis and Boondheere because the man is supposedly who they want to fight against, terrorists.

I have no business defending a questionable businessman and semi-warlord, but the fact is they denied.


PS, you can call me any names you want. Opportunist. Hypocrite. Sick-minded. Munaafiq. All this because I don't support or recognize what you call wadaado. Ogoow laakiin waxaas dhan qofka kasoo yeero ee wax ka dhahaan, instead of qofka lagu address gareeyo, particularly qof wadaad supportgareynaayo, ogoowna diinteena suuban aflagaado kuma jirto. [Mise seef laboodka maanta isdaba yaacaayo aa tahay. No wonder then. :D ]


Hadee dhabta jirto ku dhibeyso, so soori, adigee ku jirtaa. Truth will, and shall, always prevail --wadaad ku sheeg or not. Waxee yihiin iyagaa banaanka iskeenay, aniga makeenin.


I hope inaan si fiican isku fahanay toogtaan.



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Miskiin, I wrote a long article but deleted it. Mar kale and if I feel like writing to you. besides, waa is dhibtay maadaama aa tiri waxbaan kuso celceliyay. Logically, you have given me the same answers then that you are giving me now right? And I wasn't satisfied right? Nothing new.


I should hit the sack now as I am short on sleep. Raalli ahoow saxib, I think it would have been better inaan kuugu cudur daaro cilmi yaraantaada xagga diinta :D:D:D


Wax run oo aan ka caroodo maadan qorin laakiin I know sababta aan u dhibsanaayo wax yaalaha qaarkood. If you saw the long article I wrote to you, which was very personal, then you already know. And don't repost it as I evaluated my account and thought may be perhaps I shouldn't have said too much about my family or me.


Take Care Saxib.


PS: Aniga wadaad ma ihi laakiin abtiyaasheey oo aan muddo ka ag dhowaa aan ka arkay daacadnimo iyo u jajabnaan xagga ilaahay iyo diintiisa. I know you would label them wadaad ku sheeg. They were beautiful in demeanor and showed radiance on their faces despite the odds. Adi wadaad waxaa u taqaanaa koo arbacada intuu bun iyo cambuulo gurigeenna boondheere ka cuno haddana ayeeyaday waa ku habaaraa dhihi jiray haddey lacag ugu darin. Waranlahaa sheegeese.


Ciao miskiin.

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Wadaadnimada waxaa lagu lamaanshaa wanaag iyo yididdiillo san, balse hadii wanaagu tarmi waayo oo dhaciifnimo darteed waxtar yeelan waayo, wadaadku in laga takhaluso ayaa haboon. Wadaadku waa in marka ay awoodi u saamaxdo hergeliyaa wanaagu, si kastaba hergelintaa ha u adkaato e'.


Taa kadib, qabiilkii qayb ka mid ah ay is-qaanto, go'aansatona in aay diinta iyo xaqqa noloshooda ku dabbaalaan, waa in la wada garabjoogsado. Hiil iyo hoobna wixii loo awoodo loogu dheeqo. Qolyahan wadaaddada ah hadii qabiil ayeey u dhasheen lagu qoonsanayo, dambina looga dhigayo, iyadoo wanaaga ay nidirsadeen inkiraad looga baxayo; qof damacsadey inuu xumaanta ka shaqeeyo sidaa sameeya.

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Paragon, nin ragaa tahay saxib oo kala kasaayo wanaag iyo xumaan. Dadka badanaa meeshaan wax kusoo qoro qaarkood, tailor the news to their liking and twist everything to make it fit to ther misguided views. They rely mostly on news websites that are open for clan propaganda. At least one should read more than five news tribal websites to get some semblance of truth maadaama akhbaarta qolo walbo wax ku darto ama ka dhinto. Gaar ahaan markii dagaal ama khilaafaad wararka quseeyan.


Tusaale ahaan, My parents live three doors down to the dead Cabdiraxman yaxye and I know more about him than anyone whose parents aren't living that close to him. I can say about him more than necessary if I saw fit to speak of the dead.


Tusaale kale, nin baa wuxuu soo xigtay aqbaar sheegeesa in Morgan noloshiisa qal qal ku jirto Xamar isagoo laga yaabo inuu uga dan lahaa warka in dadka xamar deggan qof qabiil kale ka dhashay ku dhex noolaan karin. Now, my intension is not to defend Morgan's murderous past or really care if he died although I prefer him to be brought to justice if people want to through means of a somali court which punishes all somali killers. I know this is impossible since many government entities are criminals and have blood on their hands. They are loved by their clansmen. Anyways, to get to my point here, I was told he got more than half of his homes in Xamar and resold them, he got his farm back and resold it for 28,000 dollars. I was told this by someone who attended the funeral of Morgan's mother who died weeks ago in Xamar. I was shocked to say the least that the person who told me attended the funeral or actually new about Morgan. Marka saaxib, some of us know what goes on back in Muqdisho more than the clanish websites offer as news but choose to not tell everything they know or do not find reasonable to debate with everyone who writes something on SOL politics section.



Miskiin waa caddeestey warkiisa, end of discussion. Adaa si qurux badan u dhahay hadal xaq ah. Qof walbo niyadiisa, caqligiisa iyo cilmigiisuu soo bandhigaa markuu wax qoro although they may not be aware of it. Thanks saxib for your dispassioned comments.

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^Morgan's former properties in Muqdisho being relinquished to him was a news item a while back. So I don't think all the Somali news outlets are conniving and partisan but, in the absence of Somali journalistic ethics, it is the responsibility of the reader to filter the fair and balanced from the non-fair and non-balanced.


Anyhow, any person who accuses the courts of tribalism is downright lying and has other motives.


The courts were attacked because of tribalism and they defended themselves because of Islam.


Qolyahan wadaaddada ah hadii qabiil ayeey u dhasheen lagu qoonsanayo, dambina looga dhigayo, iyadoo wanaaga ay nidirsadeen inkiraad looga baxayo; qof damacsadey inuu xumaanta ka shaqeeyo sidaa sameeya.

Paragon, garashadaa dad bey ka moogtahay ama iska idha-tirahaya.

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Kashanre, I heard that recently, so it was news to me and somewhat shocking that the peson who told me, knew about all that and attended the funeral of his mother. I came to know that by pure accident and never expected the person who told me to know much about morgan let alone all the other details they knew. Waxaa la yiri, and I don't mean to insult anyone here, ilko abeeso hoosey ka xiriiraan :D:D



Take Care.

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Originally posted by Kashanre:

Anyhow, any person who accuses the courts of tribalism is downright lying and has other motives.

On the contrary anyone who says the courts are not tribalist is downright, straightforward and purely lying and is not honest to his 'Deen'.Guys common for watever purposes youy support the so called Islamic Courts just let it be those purposes but please in the name of Allah SWT dont put it forward as being the 'Right Path' cause for obvious reasons it is not.

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