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ONLF has it failed?

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Intresting article...



What do you think about it? Has the ONLF failed the somalis? It just seems to me that the ONLF have further divided the somalis in soomaligalbeed. Instead of taking a uniting name the jabhad took a a very very disputed name. It's even forbidden to mention it here... ****** NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT?



A fatal mistake by the organisation. That mistake led them to failure.

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Brothers, It's sad that this thread is not receiving any form of intrest, Remember that the somali regional state of ethiopia is twice the large of the state of somalia.



Dont any of you guys have comment on that article?

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Somalia today=survival of the fitest. Might makes right. Remember some Somali clans will choose to stay within Ethiopia than to be part of a clan state ruled by the ONLF.

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Awhile back when Yeey was coming to NYC, Somalis in the beantown held a gathering that i guess was meant to best decide how to welcome the "prez" to the states. Before anything could be done, a man decided that his only contribution to the meeting would be to point that most of pple there were from one tribe. He was telling the truth since majority of ppl were indeed of one tribe,but he failed to mention that nobody barred other Somalis from attending the meeting, and from having their voices heard. The other Somalis simply choosed to stay away for whatever reason. So my friend, ONLF might indeed be representing the interests of a certain qabiil, but that should haven't stopped other Somalis from working with ONLF since both are working towards the same goal. This is simply a case of Tuuk tuuk kale dhahaaya tuuk. You can't accuse ppl of the very thing you indulge.

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So my friend, ONLF might indeed be representing the interests of a certain qabiil, but that should haven't stopped other Somalis from working with ONLF since both are working towards the same goal. This is simply a case of Tuuk tuuk kale dhahaaya tuuk. You can't accuse ppl of the very thing you indulge.

Sxb, are you suggesting all other Somali clans in Somali galbeed to create their own clan-based militias like the O N L F or that of Somalia. Don't you think other Somali communities would have taken thier part to achieve this "same goal" if there was no O N L F but a united Somali group like that of Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF).

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