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Ethiopian soldier claimed the first Somali life

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Originally posted by Sophist:

kuwo misiyooni dhaleen oo hooyooyidkoodna gaalada ufuuli jireen ayaa loo yaqaaney marwooyin in xamar cadeey!!!!!

wa dheshey widayo...wala isku hos gelina hadalka yah..?

Horta benta mahiin Xamar misiyoni bux aad iyo aad..hal aa mesha ku jirto lakiin minaad ka jawabi kartiid...anaga reer Xamar wa siney gabdheheni galada weyna naga gursadeen...ceeb mahiin taas, o bulsho meel wada degta wey is dhex galan...lakiin idinka sual weyn a idin dul saran...galada wey idin dhex galeen lakiin gabdhihi idin kama gursan wa cajiib. Waxaa sual ah marka widayo hadeysan gabdhihi idin ka gursan yey idin ka gursadeen marka? wa sual da' weyno madaxa dalineysa..!

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Originally posted by me:

quote:Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

So, when are you going there? Home dat's.


Alle-Ubaahne ha isku haleen. Afkalay ka nool yahay.

Cid laysku haleenayo ma jirto. Nin walbaa wa in uu tiisa isku haleeyo. Inshalah mar dhow ayaa la wada noqonayaa. Hada waa la diyaar garoobayaa. waana la eegayaa meeshii sheekada lagala qabsan lahaa.

yo Me let me get out old skool:



Perhaps I was blind to the facts, stabbed in the back

I couldn't trust my own homies just a bunch a dirty rats

Will I, succeed, paranoid from the weed(somalinimo :D )

And hocus pocus try to focus but I can't see

And in my mind I'ma blind man doin time

Look to my future cause my past, is all behind me

Is it a crime, to fight, for what is mine?

Everybody's dyin tell me what's the use of tryin

I've been Trapped since birth, cautious, cause I'm cursed

And fantasies of my family, and it hurts

And they say it's the white man(ethiopia) I should fear

But, it's my own kind doin all the killin here ;) I can't lie, ain't no love for the other side......but yeah its my own kind doing all the killing here.



May Allah Award the mumineen with jannah!! Amiin

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War heedhe I was being sarcastic! Laakiin waxaad mooda qeybta maskaxda uqaabilsan fahanka noocan ah iney daxaleysatey!


Anyhow, i await your xirxiritaankaaga.

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

L Xalane
I don't deserve to be in the nationality you claim to be in the same time![/QB]

No sir u don't.A somalian and unsomalian cannot be in the same category,however,there is still some hope for u,Support somalism and refrain from misuse of religion,whether be supporting a fake court under the banner of islam or abusing ur religious privileges.Once again,Qalafo is in Ethiopia.



Doqon, don't miscalculate the power of now united Somalis who are determined to defend their religion and country by all means doible.

Good advice boy,don't misculculate the powers of the Government which is very much determined to regain what was already lost,thanks to the simple minded like urself. smile.gif . Think about it ..

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Juuje wrote!!! "wa dheshey widayo...wala isku hos gelina hadalka yah..?

Horta benta mahiin Xamar misiyoni bux aad iyo aad..hal aa mesha ku jirto lakiin minaad ka jawabi kartiid...anaga reer Xamar wa siney gabdheheni galada weyna naga gursadeen...ceeb mahiin taas, o bulsho meel wada degta wey is dhex galan...lakiin idinka sual weyn a idin dul saran...galada wey idin dhex galeen lakiin gabdhihi idin kama gursan wa cajiib. Waxaa sual ah marka widayo hadeysan gabdhihi idin ka gursan yey idin ka gursadeen marka? wa sual da' weyno madaxa dalineysa""


Do you seriously think I will dignify this vomit with response?

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by Sophist:

kuwo misiyooni dhaleen oo hooyooyidkoodna gaalada ufuuli jireen ayaa loo yaqaaney marwooyin in xamar cadeey!!!!!

wa dheshey widayo...wala isku hos gelina hadalka yah..?

Horta benta mahiin Xamar misiyoni bux aad iyo aad..hal aa mesha ku jirto lakiin minaad ka jawabi kartiid...anaga reer Xamar wa siney gabdheheni galada weyna naga gursadeen...
ceeb mahiin taas
, o bulsho meel wada degta wey is dhex galan...lakiin idinka sual weyn a idin dul saran...galada wey idin dhex galeen lakiin gabdhihi idin kama gursan wa cajiib. Waxaa sual ah marka widayo hadeysan gabdhihi idin ka gursan yey idin ka gursadeen marka? wa sual da' weyno madaxa dalineysa..!
War duf kubaxee, ma waxaad wanaag ku sheegeysaa gaal buuryo qab ah in gabar Muslim ah loo guuriyo! :mad: :mad:


Wallee inaad qashiin tahay oo aan damiir diineed iyo mid Soomaalinimo intaba lagu dhibcin!


He really terrorized my day with such a repugnant statement! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Alle-Ubaahne, hadaad Sophist aqoon dheer ah u lahaan lahayd, waxaa kuu caddaan lahayd in uu ka mid yahay ragga inta ugu Soomaalisan, uguna Gobsan kana soo jeedo ab iyo isir lagu bartey xornimo wadaniyeed. Balse waad is kaftan gafteen ayey u muuqataa. Hadana macne ma leh illeen raggi waa kii isfamhaa gooreey ahaataba e'.


Lieutenant, sire, you do offend me :D with your somalian/unsomalian reference to us, Somalis. Sire, have the common courtesy to write our proud name smile.gif with a CAPITAL 's' and not a small cap. As it is, my soul is wounded, and my heart (with its nationalistic beats) is hammering in the chest, overcome by the urge to call for old time Duel between I and you, who has offended the honour of my nation by refering it as somalian.


Come outside and don't forget your sword. Mind, I have my gun powdered and run to fire smile.gif . You stand no change, I must add.

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Khalaf you and many others overhere. Have many shirts and many hats. You switch like a faggot, pardon my afxumo. I have one shirt, its blue, wuuna igu gaboobay, shaadh kalena hadii aan soo iibsado buluug buu ahaanayaa.


I am well know with ina laba pac iyo gabayadiisa.

As you might know Only God Can Judge me now is one of my favorites. Anyhow just be thankful that Somalinimo iyo surwaal gaabnimo maanta inay isku meel ka soo wada jeedaan.


Cadawga guud aan maanta iska wada celino, teena maalin kale ayaan ka wada shiri doonaaye.

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Originally posted by Paragon:


Lieutenant, sire, you do offend me with your somalian/unsomalian reference to us, Somalis. Sire, have the common courtesy to written our proud name
with a CAPITAL 's' and not a small cap. As it is, my soul is wounded, and my heart (with its nationalistic beats) is hammering in my chest, feeling the urge to call for old time Duel between I and you who offended the honour of my nation by refering it as somalian.


Come outside, side and don't forget your sword. Mind, I have my gun powdered and run to fire
., You stand no change, I must add.

Geez,the Capital thing must have been a human error bro,and the somalian i was refering to was me,myself i mean,and the unsomalian was being refered to adeerkeen,odayga isfiilatada qabo yacni oo xanaaqa badan. :D


Eh,I got no chance bro,a sword and a gun don't go together.Waraa caqliloow aa tahay,u must have a big head. :D

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^^^ Lool Lieutenant. Waa maqashey Dawacadii Libaaxa wax u kala qeybisey, soo maha sxb? smile.gif Aniga wixii fiican leen reebtaa wixii (sida swords iyo waran) oo out of use ah aan dadka kale u qeybiyaa markasaan dhahaa 'car yaa ila dirira, wir!' oo weliba u foorfooriyaa :D anigoo G3 ama HK ama AK47 triggerka hayo. Caqli mahino waxaas?

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Originally posted by me:

Khalaf you and many others overhere. Have many shirts and many hats. You switch like a faggot, pardon my afxumo. I have one shirt, its blue, wuuna igu gaboobay, shaadh kalena hadii aan soo iibsado buluug buu ahaanayaa.


I am well know with ina laba pac iyo gabayadiisa.

As you might know
Only God Can Judge me now
is one of my favorites. Anyhow just be thankful that Somalinimo iyo surwaal gaabnimo maanta inay isku meel ka soo wada jeedaan.


Cadawga guud aan maanta iska wada celino, teena maalin kale ayaan ka wada shiri doonaaye.

^^^yeah sxb dont ask me for pardon i am human being i cant grant u dat....when someone calls u name u knock um out but that aint possible thus ask Allah my brave brother. No one is switching sxb I have always said Allah knows best, and slowly i am realizing the truth dat its all about politics and power....u believe in somalinimo, I believe in Islamnimo and I know where that true jihad is waging, it aint in somalia.



Talk is cheap ninyahow, playing touch infront of computer scream is what sissys my ayeeyo always said nin raag ah doesnt talk but takes action in what he believes....go ahead playa seek your destney spare me your empty slogans.

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Khalaf :D where is the Jihad then?


You are sleeping my friend, Jihad is in Somalia. The Jihad is for Somalinimo and Islamnimo combined. If you only truelly opened your eyes. The Saudi's that have sponsored your thinking are sipping their 'casiir' while our people suffer.


Fukk the A-rabs may they suffer forever like we have suffered. No one is our friend here, its just the 20 million of us. To hell with this world,if we can't have it no one will, where is that red button?

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Originally posted by me:

where is the Jihad then?

You are sleeping my friend, Jihad is in Somalia. The Jihad is for Somalinimo and Islamnimo combined. If you only truelly opened your eyes. The Saudi's that have sponsored your thinking are sipping their 'casiir' while our people suffer.

Fukk the A-rabs may they suffer forever like we have suffered. No one is our friend here, its just the 20 million of us. To hell with this world,if we can't have it no one will, where is that red button? [/QB]

waraa man um sick and tired walaahi somalis blaming the arabs for dis and dat. This mess was created by none other then us. We have killed each other, we have burned and destroyed our country. And still to this day somalis still mistrust each other and will aid their enemy to fight their brother. I dont know the somalinimo u speak of pac said its my own kind doing all the killing here.



I believe in Islamnimo can unite us. gathering info (yes i say I heard there are lot of Dukes around :D ) this is about politics and clan power their arguments are strong.


Sorry ninyahow somali is small piece to me, I know the ummahs denisty lies in sham, and thats the difference between yall and me: Bosnia/Iraq/Afganistan is the same to me as Somalia, we the muslims are one nation its the colonizers who drew these borders.


U will be let down my brother if u believe in somalinimo, we are africans afterall :D:D joke :D

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