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Ethiopian soldier claimed the first Somali life

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Askari Itoobiyaan ah oo nin Soomaali ah ku dilay Xerada Daynuunay..


Warar aan ka ilo ilo wargal ah ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Askari Itoobiyaan ah uu xerada Manaas ku dhex dilay nin Soomaali ah habeen hore.


Ciidamada Itoobiya oo si aad ah ilaalo isaga haya ayaa ninka la dilayo, waxa uu ka yimid banaanka, isaga oo damcay in uu galo xerada, markiiba rasaas ayaan lagu furay goobtii ayuuna ku geeryooday.


Dhacdadaas oo la qariyey ayaa waxaa kaloo noo xaqiijiyey dad diiday in magacooda la xuso, waxaana haatan socda baaritaan la xiriir dilkaasi.


Ciidamada Itoobiya oo si aad ah ugu sii qulqulaya Magaalada Baydhabo agagaar-keeda ayaa haddana ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka oo markii horey ku jiray furinta ayaa haatan dib loo celiyay kaddib markii looga shakiyey inay xiriir la sameeyaan Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah, waxaana arrintaani ka carooday qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha sar sare ee Dowladda Federaalka oo qaarkood sheegay inay isaga tagi doonaan shaqada.


Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan nawaaxiga Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa halkaasi waxay ka wadaan dhaqdhaqaaq aad u xoogaan iyagoo ka cabsi qaba in uu dagaal kaga yimaado Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah..


Source: Somalitalk

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Yeps so it begings. Lets wait for the dabadhilifs reaction and how they try to hide this and make it seem like the innocent man that got killed was a 'terrorist'.

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My relatives who have an informed ear in Somali politics told me this guy was a known TERRORIST! God bles him!!! :confused:

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

We will smoke them out of our country, IA.


Let's all concentrate the enemy, not their stoogies, for now.

The enemy and those who work with them are the same. We can't choose our enemies they have choosen us. The targets should however be legitamate targets. Killing civilians or innocent people will only harm the Somali cause. The enemies stooges are a legitamate target.


We need an either you are for us or against us mentality.

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Originally posted by Sophist:

My relatives who have an informed ear in Somali politics told me this guy was a known TERRORIST! God bles him!!! :confused:

Ninyahow edeb xumo badnidaa! Ma qof uu gaal dilay oo dhulkiisii lagu dilay baad leedahay wuxuu ahaa argagixiye?!!


Waxaan u maleynayaa in qolo mareykan ah aad xidid tihiin oo ay waxyaabahaas kaasoo dhaadhacsiiyeen, sababtoo ah ayagaa inta dad Muslimiin ah dalkooda ku duulo hadana oran jiray waa argagixiso aan dilnay!


May you die many times as a good terrorist, Aameen!

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

So, when are you going there? Home dat's.


Alle-Ubaahne ha isku haleen. Afkalay ka nool yahay.

War ninyahow ma waxaad igu qaldeysaa General Duke, wiilkii ina adeerkaa ahaa ee caadeystay inuu afka kaliyah wax ka sheego.


War aniga waxaan ahay nin sheekada afka looga fiican yahay oo adinka ku fiican iyo inuu ficilo geysto. Waliba arintaan oo kale waa mid runtii aan aaminsanahay in waxwalba oo maal iyo naf ah loo huro.


Hadaanan maanta difaacin diinteyda iyo dalkeyga, goormaan difaaci doonaa saaxiib?


Wallee ima taqaanid awoowe, waadse arki doontaa wacdaraha aan ka dhigo markaan seefteyda iyo warankeyga la soo galo goobta dagaalka, I'A.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

So, when are you going there? Home dat's.


Alle-Ubaahne ha isku haleen. Afkalay ka nool yahay.

Cid laysku haleenayo ma jirto. Nin walbaa wa in uu tiisa isku haleeyo. Inshalah mar dhow ayaa la wada noqonayaa. Hada waa la diyaar garoobayaa. waana la eegayaa meeshii sheekada lagala qabsan lahaa.

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Originally posted by me:

Yeps so it begings. Lets wait for the dabadhilifs reaction and how they try to hide this and make it seem like the innocent man that got killed was a 'terrorist'.

Dude i don't consider myself as a dabodilif or whatever but soldiers die.Whether killed by an enemy or by his men don't matter at all.When killed by his enemies,he falls in battle and when he is killed by his allies or fellow comrades,then its a friendly fire.So it doesn't matter at all for Soldiers die..


P.s. The whole killing thing is another Propaganda.

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Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

quote:Originally posted by me:

Yeps so it begings. Lets wait for the dabadhilifs reaction and how they try to hide this and make it seem like the innocent man that got killed was a 'terrorist'.

Dude i don't consider myself as a dabodilif or whatever but soldiers die.Whether killed by an enemy or by his men don't matter at all.When killed by his enemies,he falls in battle and when he is killed by his allies or fellow comrades,then its a friendly fire.So it doesn't matter at all for Soldiers die..
You idioticly said nothing but mention a couple words to define an event. No reasons, no mentioning why you are not a Dabodhilif-Amxaaro, no nothing whatsoever.


If I were you, I would consider suspending myself from Soomaalinimo for ten years, and claiming to be an Ethiopian citizen, if not Dabodhilif! :mad:


You really need to suffer from Diarhea to lose the hypocracy in your stomach. And then, May you die with a hatred against the Ethiopians, Aameen!

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

You idioticly said nothing but mention a couple words to define an event. No reasons, no mentioning why you are not a Dabodhilif-Amxaaro, no nothing whatsoever.


If I were you, I would consider suspending myself from Soomaalinimo for ten years, and claiming to be an Ethiopian citizen, if not Dabodhilif! :mad:


You really need to suffer from Diarhea to lose the hypocracy in your stomach. And then, May you die with a hatred against the Ethiopians, Aameen!

Allah Ubaahne am just gonna try to demonstrate how ur lil mind contradicts itself.

The man who died was coming back to the base,who comes back to a base?A soldier does.What kind of a soldier was this one?He was probably a TFG soldier.What do u say about the TFG and their sympathizers?u say that they are not somalis.So,how comes this TFg soldier is suddenly a somalian to u?

Allah Ubahne,that was a friendly fire.As of me and my somalism,am willing to let 65% of the whole somalian population perish for the achievement of peace.As of the Ethiopian citizen thing,adeer isn't Qalafo in ethiopia?Allah ubaahne,not only are u an ethiopian citizen but ur whole forefathers claim that right.Think about it.. smile.gif

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Ala ubaahane wrote "Ninyahow edeb xumo badnidaa! Ma qof uu gaal dilay oo dhulkiisii lagu dilay baad leedahay wuxuu ahaa argagixiye?!!


Waxaan u maleynayaa in qolo mareykan ah aad xidid tihiin oo ay waxyaabahaas kaasoo dhaadhacsiiyeen, sababtoo ah ayagaa inta dad Muslimiin ah dalkooda ku duulo hadana oran jiray waa argagixiso aan dilnay!


May you die many times as a good terrorist, Aameen!




Woow! war gabanku kaftan yaqaan ma aha! waxaa kasii daran; dhaqanka soomaliga waa uu kuyar yahay. Maandhoow, isirkaaga garanmaayo; laakiin kobtaan degno gaal lama aan xididno-- gabadha gaalada raacda waxaan niraahnaa; Nijaastaasi Gaal bay ufuushaa! Laakiin hade soomalidu waa kala dhaqan oo; kuwo misiyooni dhaleen oo hooyooyidkoodna gaalada ufuuli jireen ayaa loo yaqaaney marwooyin in xamar cadeey!!!!!

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L Xalane I don't deserve to be in the nationality you claim to be in the same time!


65% of Somalis death will not happen without the 85% death of Ethiopian populations.


Doqon, don't miscalculate the power of now united Somalis who are determined to defend their religion and country by all means doible.


Sophist Dhaqan xumo inaad igu caaysid waa kuu garaad lihi kugu jirto saaxiib. Aniga ma dhaheen qof soomaali ah oo cadow shisheeye uu dhulkiisa ku dilay waa Argagixiso.


Laakiin arinta ah inaad ku hadaaqdid kalmadaha gaalada ay Islaamka u adeegsadaan waa mid runtii fajiciso igu ah, waana mida iga keentay inaan tuhmo danta aad ku heysatid cadowgeena iyo, ama inaad u la tahay xidid, sababtoo ah ixtiraam xidid qaldan kaa galay waa qoor iyo xero la'aan, runtii.


Marka Adeerow waxaa iga talo ah inaan ku xirxirno maadaama aad qadkii fayoobida ka dhacday, ka hor intaan jaraa'idada caalamka laguugu soo qorin!

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