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General Duke

A damning press release a united Clan ?

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I think these individuals are speaking for themselves. I don't trust them and neither should the D-clan, these are interested in gaining power only for themselves. The best course of action will be to wait and see how the new TFG behaves and how it will be able to pacify Mogadishu. The new TFG will be dominated by H-Clan and it is a golden opportunity for them to restore Mogadishu to it's former glory as a multi clan national capital of Somalia.


I have to admit, I am not optimistic but I will be happy to be wrong.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

Beesha ha midowdo. Can you imagine the entire D clan being on the same boat, agreeing to have one leader. That would be 3/4th of Somalia staying together, from Raas Kambooni to Caluula. Inta kale weyba iska soo raaci lahaayen.



p.s. JK, I don't believe that clan sh*&.

I would hardly consider morgan and jeese to be D clan leaders, just some irrelevent former warlords.


But you're right about that, nonetheless. A united D clan would mean a stable somalia and historically has.


Who would've though, morgan and jeese on the same boat. You gotta love somali politics, it's always messy and interesting. :D

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koora, if indeed the objectives of the latest peace efforts are to address a single issue, they are guilty a mistake more profound then any of the previous governments are guilty of. Shabaab is defeated and another if not many will rise in its place. The TFG came closest but what that God forsaken place needs is a comprehensive effort and not yet again a short term one but sidelining any clan is a shore recipe for disaster.

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Drama at its best, gentlemen, drama at its best. :D


For our good friends Duke and Emporer, nothing near 1991 will ensue. Most Somalis have moved on especially those in the south who have seen the overwhelming majority of the fighting in the civil war. ;)


This has nothing to do with clan and I cannot, for the life of me, concieve Shiekh Sharif as a clannist. I have not gotten over the good Shiekh being escorted on helicopters and accommodated in posh Nairobi hotels while his Islamist brethren suffered but I do not believe the good Shiekh is a clannist nor is this a clan driven agenda.


It just happens that the leader of the ARS is the same clan as the last prime minister under Abdullahi Yusuf's TFG administration. Coincidence? You betcha. A big clan conspiracy? No. ;)


I do not think General Morgan or Jees nor Gen Maslax and neither Juriile or Galayr represent anyone on the ground save their individual persons. Nothing wrong with this of course but a spade has to be called a spade. These men represent no one. Pure and simple. Era of warlordism has long past.


Now Duke and Emporer, Abdullahi Yusuf is long gone and enjoying his vacation in Yemen. Stop protesting and do accept the new reality of things gentlemen. All this protesting is really ineffective and rather pointless. smile.gif

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This is the most disappointing piece I ever read on SOL. To read Galaydh, jees and Morgan on the same document.


Cali Khalif Galaydh, the academic- my choice as a leader who transcends the temptations of tribalism- has a signed a tribal document!!!!!


If this is true, our failure will continue; and the only hope for somalia is a partition based on tribal lines. Dr. Galaydh Go qabiliste, go!

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^u right Galeydh should have never coalesced with Jees and Morgan.


But still the D-jibouti plan is a flawed one and it won't resemble the TNG in any form or shape. It would be different players with self-interested goals.


Naxar, that is what it is and it's recipe for another big disaster.

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Horn, you are confused as ever, your hero Hiiraale hasn't attended and signed it hence you think these men have no weight and their plea means nothing, of course had Hiiraale signed it you would have had different veiw...


As for Shariif's clanish stand, that's not the point and its not what I said, if you ask me I actually think he's not clanist at all. Also If pay more attention, all I said was that the foreign community is only doing more harm to the Somalis than good by only respecting the input of Shariif Ahmed and Nuur Ade and ignoring all the rest of the Somalis and treated with no significance, men like Prof Galayr, Jurille and Inna Siad Barre etc...


That's the simple point, not that Shariif is clanish man, but we are simply saying that he can't represent and hand pick parliamentarians of Puntland, Gedo and the Jubba's, that will cause a problem, waa intaas....

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Horn adeer like Hiiraale you make a frontal attack without thinking of the consequences. You mentioned the legend Yusuf and his holiday, indeed where is Hiiraale vacationing now? Last time I checked his militias were being chased out of Gedo under the wings of Ethiopia.

What came of your jubilant prediction he would be elected in Baidoa? Elected maybe to Donkey rider and chief.

As for the post these men have a right to make their voices heard. Remember the last time this happened in Cairo back in 1996 we had the creation of Puntland state thereafter. Now we have nothing to lose like some, it seems Sharif Ahmed will be the new leader and I know that sadness you since it wont be one of your bosses from Guriceel. No Hiiraale, no Abdiqasin, no Ahmed AbdiSalaan , no functioning anything and Yusuf walked all over the JVA. What has become of Horn and his delusions?


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What is all the fuss here.

This was deal reached by the TFG ( the 4.5 fomula ) and the IRS, an opposition arm that is based on Politics if anything else.


So why does Puntland etc care about who the the IRS chooses to represent them in the new Parliment, each tribe already chose thise there wanted to represent them in the TFG and the process of selecting the memebers of the IRS cannot be based along the same lines.


the IRS already made the mistake of choosing to pick their represetives in Parliment along the 4.5 rule and they did this not to ubset the balance of power.

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Abdullahi Yusuf supporters stop protesting and don't contemplate a ridiculous thing such as a "united D-clan" or other fantasy dreams!


United against what?


A collective Somali push to bring back their country?


How ridiculous.

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Lool. Horn adeer, who is an Abdullahi Yusuf supporter, Galayr, Jess, Morgan, Casha Abdalle?

You sound even more ridiculous than usual. The facts on the ground is we lose nothing here, we want a system that works and a chance that can be seized upon for the republic. Already Yusuf and his base have secured for the Somali people 40% of the land. You on the other hand seek nothing but cheap talk and militias killing militias led by roadblock owner Hiiraale, what did he secure for the Somali people? Instead he pushed into the homes of civilians in Kismayu.. :D


Good luck with Ahmed Abdi-Salaan and your state of Guriceel :D

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